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Created March 14, 2023 22:37
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Generates a password from wordlist
#Generate a random password from a list of words and a special character
# Get the list of words from a URL
$url = ''
$content = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content
$lines = $content -split "`n"
# Pick two random words from the list
$randomLine1 = $lines | Get-Random
$randomLine2 = $lines | Get-Random
# Define a string of special characters
$specialChars = '!', '@', '#', '$', '*', '%'
# Pick one random special character from the string
$randomSpecialChar1 = $specialChars | Get-Random -Count 1
$randomSpecialChar2 = $specialChars | Get-Random -Count 1
# Concatenate the two words and the special character to form the password
$password = $randomLine1 + $randomSpecialChar1 + $randomLine2
if ($password.length -ge 12) {
# adds 23! to password if password at least 12 characters
$password += ('23' + $randomSpecialChar2)
elseif ($password.length -ge 10) {
# adds 2023! to password if password is between 10-12 characters
$password += ('2023' + $randomSpecialChar2)
if ($password.length -lt 10) {
# adds another word from $ShortName and then adds 23! to the end if its less than 10 characters
$randomLine = $lines | Get-Random
$password += $randomLine
$password += ('23' + $randomSpecialChar2)
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