- Conversion mode
- Minimal additional mechanics
- Non-lethal focus
- Paranoia rather than team deathmatch
- Goal: ensure any Mirror Person escapes the station alive.
- Subgoal: convert as many crewmembers into Mirror People as possible.
- Cannot identify other Mirror People (no antag HUD or hivemind).
Selected antags are made Mirror Infiltrators. Mirror Infiltrators are the spearhead of the invasion and the lead Mirror People.
Any Mirror Person can AT ANY MIRROR replace a non-dead crewmember with their Mirror Person copy. The copy is controlled by the same player (conversion), is fully healed, and all equipment and items are transferred from the original to the Mirror Person. The original BODY is 'stored' in the mirror dimension. The player gains Mirror Person status and objectives.
Any non-Mirror Person can AT ANY MIRROR replace a non-dead Mirror Person with their original selves. The original self's body is returned exactly as it was 'stored', and all equipment and items are transferred from the Mirror Person to the original. The player loses Mirror Person status and objectives. (memories?)
Mirrors are made constructible (independent of gamemode).
Mirror People have the Nerve Chop passive: disarming someone who is already lying down will stun them for 15 seconds. This ability has a cooldown of at least 60 seconds. Exact time values TBD; cooldown should be relatively high compared to duration.
Conversions must take place AT A MIRROR and the convertee MUST NOT BE DEAD (unconscious is fine). Mirror Infiltrators (roundstart Mirror People) cannot be deconverted and always appear to be normal crewmembers if such is attempted.
Mirror People can only convert and non-Mirror People can only deconvert.
Conversion is rapid (under 3 seconds) and feedback is immediate: the process either clearly succeeds (conversion or deconversion) or clearly fails (already on your side, or non-convertible).
Human Mirror People are considered HUMAN by silicons.
Loyalty implants have NO EFFECT on conversion. If a loyalty-implanted crewman is converted, the Mirror Person copy also carries a loyalty implant.
To an outside observer, conversion and de-conversion are INDISTINGUISHABLE - only success or failure is visible. Circumstantial evidence, such as health status, must be used to infer allegiance.
Station nuked is Neutral Victory (no Mirror People escape, but station lost).
Escaped crew is checked when the Escape Shuttle docks at CentCom.
- If any Mirror Person (NOT counting Mirror Infiltrators) escaped alive and not in custody, Mirror Dimension Victory.
- Otherwise, if any non-Mirror Person crew escaped alive, Crew Victory.
- Otherwise (no living escapees), Neutral Victory.