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Last active October 13, 2020 00:21
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Adding first/last/odd/even classes to a twig loop in Drupal 8
{# Borrowed some syntax from and expanded upon it. #}
<div{{ attributes.addClass('container') }}>
{% for item in items %}
{# NB! notation: loop.index is 1 start, loop.index0 is zero start. #}
{# Add first/last/odd/even classes to elements in loop #}
{# odd/even #}
{% set loopClasses = [] %}
{% if loop.index is odd %}
{% set loopClasses = loopClasses|merge(["odd"]) %}
{% else %}
{% set loopClasses = loopClasses|merge(["even"]) %}
{% endif %}
{# first #}
{% if loop.first %}
{% set loopClasses = loopClasses|merge(["first"]) %}
{% endif %}
{# last #}
{% if loop.last %}
{% set loopClasses = loopClasses|merge(["last"]) %}
{% endif %}
<div{{ item.attributes.addClass( loopClasses ) }}>{{ item.content }}</div>
{% endfor %}
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