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Piotr Butkiewicz SpacemanPete

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waako / themename.theme.php
Last active June 17, 2019 12:54
Drupal 8: Get Block's parent Node title and full URL
use Drupal\Core\Url;
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block.html.twig.
function themename_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
// Get Title of Block's parent Node.
$request = \Drupal::request();

#Installing Taiga on CentOS 6 (x64)

##Dependencies ...

yum update -y
yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y
yum install libxslt-devel libxml2-devel libXt-devel curl git tmux -y

##Installing PostgreSQL

mediabeastnz / Staging&ProductionUsingGit
Last active December 23, 2024 10:12
Staging and Production Server using Git.
If you are running a large website where you will need to test new features on a seperate url before pushing them live then the following instructions are for you ;)
For this example imagine your url is and you want a development/staging site on a subdomain which is
1. First thing you'll want to do is go ahead and create your website in plesk and add the subdomain at the same time.
2. ssh into the server e.g. $ ssh username@ipaddress
3. Once logged in cd into the private directory (this will be where all git repos are stored) e.g. $ cd ~/private
4. Create the main repo e.g. $ git init --bare apple.git
5. Now to clone this new repo on your local machine. $ git clone ssh://username@ipaddres/~/private/
james2doyle / loadScript.js
Created March 15, 2014 17:47
loadScript. Async load a script and then fire a callback when loaded.
//this function will work cross-browser for loading scripts asynchronously
function loadScript(src, callback) {
var s,
r = false;
s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = src;
s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() {
aymanfarhat / urlobject.js
Last active July 27, 2017 00:04
JS utility function that: - Breaks down url to an object with accessible properties: protocol, parameters object, host, hash, etc... - Converts url parameters to key/value pairs - Convert parameter numeric values to their base types instead of strings - Store multiple values of a parameter in an array - Unescape parameter values
function urlObject(options) {
"use strict";
/*global window, document*/
var url_search_arr,
ecorson / drush_admin_create
Created April 3, 2012 14:43
Add admin user via Drush
drush user-create adminuser --mail="[email protected]" --password="UserPw"; drush user-add-role "administrator" adminuser
anhang / localStorage.js
Created July 20, 2011 23:07
HTML5 Local Storage with Expiration = {
save : function(key, jsonData, expirationMin){
if (!Modernizr.localstorage){return false;}
var expirationMS = expirationMin * 60 * 1000;
var record = {value: JSON.stringify(jsonData), timestamp: new Date().getTime() + expirationMS}
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(record));
return jsonData;
load : function(key){
if (!Modernizr.localstorage){return false;}