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Forked from csprance/
Created April 12, 2018 14:56
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Miscreated Servers

RCON commands and server configuration help

Available Commands:

  • sv_servername "Name of server in quotes"
  • wm_timeScale 3 How Fast time moves
  • wm_forceTime -1 Force a current time
  • g_pinglimit 0 Ping required to join
  • g_pingLimitTimer 15 How long ping bad before kick
  • g_idleKickTime 300 How long idle before kick - Does not Work! Waiting on bug-fix
  • g_gameRules_Camera 0 Server enforced camera rules,0=both, 1=fp only, 2=tp only in vehicle
  • mis_ban_steamid 64BITSTEAMID Ban Player
  • mis_ban_status Get Ban List
  • mis_ban_remove 64BITSTEAMID Remove from ban list
  • mis_kick 64BITSTEAMID Kick from server
  • mis_whitelist_add 64BITSTEAMID Add to whitelist
  • mis_whitelist_remove 64BITSTEAMID remove from whitelist
  • mis_whitelist_status Get Whitelist
  • status Get server status
  • sv_say Send a message

Available weather patterns:

  • 01 - ClearSky
  • 02 - LightRain
  • 03 - HeavyRainThunder
  • 04 - HeavyStorm
  • 05 - TornadoStorm
  • 06 - TornadoStorm_Tornado
  • 07 - TornadoRainThunder
  • 08 - TornadoRainThunder_Tornado
  • 09 - LightFog
  • 10 - MediumFog
  • 11 - HeavyFog
  • 12 - TheMist
  • 13 - Rainbow
  • 14 - RainbowHalf
  • 15 - RadStorm
  • 16 - RadStorm_Peak
  • 17 - RadStorm_Outro
  • 18 - NuclearFlashFreeze
  • 19 - NuclearFlashFreeze_Peak
  • 20 - NuclearFlashFreeze_Outro
  • 21 - Snow

wm_startPattern # or name
Can be used to immediately start a weather pattern 
by name or number. The number 0 will automatically select one.
wm_pattern x
Can be used for constantly force a weather pattern.
0 | Means no pattern at all
-1 | Means random pattern selection cycle (Default)
x | See weather pattern list (needs to be a number)
wm_disable 1/0
Can be used to disable weather/time manager
0 | Weather manager active (Default)
1 | Weather/Time deactivated
wm_forceTime hours
Can be used to freeze time to a specific hour
-1 | Time not frozen
0 | Midnight
6 | Sunrise
12 | Noon
18 | Sunset
wm_timeOffset hours
Can be used to offset time from system time on server start up
use 24-x for real negative offsets (as positive numbers)
-1 | random offset
0 | no offset
1 | +1 hour offset
wm_timeScale speedscale
Scale time of day speed
0.5 | Half of real time
1 | Real time
4 | 4x as fast as real time
512 | 512x as fast as real time
wm_timeScaleNight speedscale
Scale of night speed (relative to day)
wm_timeScaleWeather speedscale
Scale of weather speed (The weather speed is independent of day/night speed)

PVE/faction system:

We added a system that can support of multitude of scenarios like PVE, factions or role play. Players, Mutants/Animals and Bases have each been assigned a built-in faction and the damage caused between those factions is controlled in detail by a damage multiplier matrix.

Players can additionally join factions defined by issuing a chat command "!factionname". After a faction is joined it can't be left until a server restart. The current faction can be determined with the chat command "!faction".

Server administrators can fully customize the factions by turning them on/off, the damage, their names as well as access steamid restrictions.

Up to 4 factions can be defined. We predefined the factions lawmen, outlaw, military and corporate which can be redefined by the server administrators.

This system allows for example a PVE server of the following kind:

  • Players can't damage each other and bases
  • Players can join a outlaw or lawmen faction
  • Outlaw and lawmen can fight each other while the other players are unaffected
  • Lawmen can't damage each other
  • Players can damage outlaws but not lawmen
  • Outlaws could be allowed to damage bases while lawmen can't
  • Environment can damage anyone
  • Messages for deaths and join/disconnect

Basebuilding adjustment:

The server administrator can now fully disallow basebuilding or set it to allow building of bases even in cities.

New GameRule CVars:

No bases allowed on server
g_gameRules_bases=1 (Default)
Normal base building
Activate a faction
Special built-in faction indexes: (built-in factions can't be disabled)
0 - players (without faction)
1 - environment (Mutants, Animals, etc)
2 - bases
Sets the factionname and chatcommand keyword to join the faction.
    Be sure to select a non conflicting name.
g_gameRules_faction3-6_steamids="123456;1234567;..." (Default: empty, meaning everyone can join)
Access restriction to faction (semicolon seperated list)
g_gameRules_faction0-6_dmg_f0-6=1.0 (Default: All 7x7 cvars are 1.0)
Damage multiplier of faction x to faction y.
0.0 no damage
0.5 means half damage
1.0 normal damage
2.0 double damage

GameRule CVars (Whitelisted only):

Non-zone restricted bases (Bases can be build in cities for events or server specific requirements etc.)
 0=no bases, 1=restricted zones, 2=bases everywhere(whitelisted only)

Messaging CVars (Whitelisted only):

Will output playername and faction on connect/disconnect in chat
Will output killer, victim and weapon/vehicle as well as cause of death/modifiers and factions in chat

Example .CFG (PVE with outlaw and lawmen) –

– lawmen need to join the faction with !lawmen chat command
– outlaw need to join the faction with !outlaw chat command
– players can't damage each other and bases
– players can join a outlaw or lawmen faction
– outlaw and lawmen can fight each other while the other players are uneffected
– lawmen can't damage each other
– players can damage outlaws but not lawmen
– outlaws could be allowed to damage bases while lawmen can't
– environemt can damage anyone (to increase difficulty damage to players can be halved while damage to could be doubled)
– messages for deaths and join/disconnect
– uncomment if wanted: allow bases to be build everywhere
– (if abused you can define a access restricted faction with a high damage multiplier to clean them up)
– g_gameRules_bases=2
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