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Created July 5, 2019 19:04
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[UUID Generator in Apex] #salesforce #apex
* A UUID generator that can construct unique IDs in a variety of formats.
* A UUID is generated immediately upon instantiation of this class. The UUID can be retrieved in its normal form
* (e.g. f111b8c5-ca2f-4a1a-8d0d-a8dd5f37c05f) or as a shortened web-safe form (e.g. jp64hwPZ-Lh7vY8INQA7ImQPbQE), which
* is constructed by converting the UUID to Base64 and replacing '/' and '+' with '-' and '_', respectively.
public class Uuid {
private static final String HEX_PREFIX = '0x';
private static final String HEX_ALPHABET = '0123456789abcdef';
private static final String[] HEX_CHARACTERS = HEX_ALPHABET.split('');
public static final Integer UUID_V4_LENGTH = 36;
public static final String UUID_V4_REGEX = '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}';
public static final String UUID_SHORT_REGEX = '[0-9a-zA-Z-_]{27}';
// UUID value in its normal form
public final String value { get; private set; }
// UUID value in its web-safe short-form
public final String shortValue { get; private set; }
* Constructs a new UUID.
public Uuid() {
this.value = generate();
this.shortValue = getShortValue(this);
* Overrides the toString() method to return the formatted UUID value.
* @return Formatted UUID value
public override String toString() {
return value;
// Private
* Generates a UUID string according to the UUID v4 spec.
* @return A newly generated UUID
private String generate() {
String hexValue = EncodingUtil.convertToHex(Crypto.generateAesKey(128));
// Version Calculation: (i & 0x0f) | 0x40
// Version Format: Always begins with 4
String versionShiftedHexBits = getShiftedHexBits(
hexValue.substring(14, 16),
// Variant Calculation: (i & 0x3f) | 0x80
// Variant Format: Always begins with 8, 9, A or B
String variantShiftedHexBits = getShiftedHexBits(
hexValue.substring(18, 20),
String uuid = hexValue.substring(0, 8) // time-low
+ '-' + hexValue.substring(8, 12) // time-mid
+ '-' + versionShiftedHexBits + hexValue.substring(14, 16) // time-high-and-version
+ '-' + variantShiftedHexBits + hexValue.substring(18, 20) // clock-seq-and-reserved + clock-seq-low
+ '-' + hexValue.substring(20); // node
return uuid;
private String getShiftedHexBits(String hexSubstring, Integer lowerThreshold, Integer upperThreshold) {
Integer shiftedIntegerBits = (convertHexToInteger(hexSubstring) & lowerThreshold) | upperThreshold;
return convertIntegerToHex(shiftedIntegerBits);
* Converts a given hexadecimal string to an integer value.
* @param hexValue {String} Value to be converted
* @return Integer equivalent to the given string
private Integer convertHexToInteger(String hexValue) {
Integer hexBase = HEX_ALPHABET.length();
hexValue = hexValue.toLowerCase();
if (hexValue.startsWith(HEX_PREFIX)) {
hexValue = hexValue.substringAfter(HEX_PREFIX);
Integer integerValue = 0;
for (String hexCharacter : hexValue.split('')) {
Integer hexCharacterIndex = HEX_CHARACTERS.indexOf(hexCharacter);
integerValue = hexBase * integerValue + hexCharacterIndex;
return integerValue;
* Converts a given integer to a hexadecimal string.
* @param integerValue {Integer} Value to be converted
* @return Hexadecimal equivalent to the given integer
private String convertIntegerToHex(Integer integerValue) {
Integer hexBase = HEX_ALPHABET.length();
String hexValue = '';
while (integerValue > 0) {
Integer hexCharacterIndex = Math.mod(integerValue, hexBase);
hexValue = HEX_CHARACTERS[hexCharacterIndex] + hexValue;
integerValue = integerValue / hexBase;
return hexValue;
// Static
* Determines whether a given string is a valid UUID.
* @param uuid {String} A UUID string
* @return True if the given string represents a valid UUID; false otherwise
public static Boolean validate(String uuid) {
// Should not be an empty string
if (String.isBlank(uuid)) {
return false;
// Should be of appropriate length
if (uuid.length() != UUID_V4_LENGTH) {
return false;
// Should match UUID regex
Pattern uuidPattern = Pattern.compile(UUID_V4_REGEX.toLowerCase());
Matcher uuidMatcher = uuidPattern.matcher(uuid.toLowerCase());
return !!uuidMatcher.matches();
* Generates a hashed and base64-encoded representation of the UUID, with '/' and '+' characters will be replaced by '-'
* and '_', respectively, to avoid compatibility issues.
* @param A UUID to convert
* @return UUID value encoded as a base64 string
public static String getShortValue(Uuid uuid) {
// Remove hyphens
String value = uuid.value.replace('-', '');
// Hash the UUID and convert to a base-64 string and replace '/' and '+'
Blob digest = Crypto.generateDigest('SHA1', Blob.valueOf(value));
String encoded = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(digest);
// Drop trailing '=' and replace '/' and '+'
return encoded.substring(0, encoded.length() - 1)
.replace('/', '-')
.replace('+', '_');
public class UuidTest {
private static List<Uuid> getUuids() {
List<Uuid> uuids = new List<Uuid>();
for (Integer i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
uuids.add(new Uuid());
return uuids;
private static void shouldGenerateValidUuids() {
List<Uuid> uuids = getUuids();
Pattern uuidPattern = Pattern.compile(Uuid.UUID_V4_REGEX);
for (Uuid id : uuids) {
System.assert(uuidPattern.matcher(id.value).matches(), 'Invalid UUID: ' + id.value);
private static void shouldGenerateShortUuids() {
List<Uuid> uuids = getUuids();
Pattern uuidPattern = Pattern.compile(Uuid.UUID_SHORT_REGEX);
for (Uuid id : uuids) {
System.assert(uuidPattern.matcher(id.shortValue).matches(), 'Invalid short UUID: ' + id.shortValue);
private static void shouldValidateUuids() {
System.assert(Uuid.validate('73b82667-99bf-4564-82bb-9f95a08ca306')); // Valid
System.assert(!Uuid.validate('73b8266799bf456482bb9f95a08ca306')); // Missing hyphens
System.assert(!Uuid.validate('73b82667-99bf-4564-82bb-9f95a08ca30')); // Not enough characters
System.assert(!Uuid.validate('')); // Empty String
private static void stringRepresentationShouldMatchFormattedValue() {
List<Uuid> uuids = getUuids();
for (Uuid id : uuids) {
System.assertEquals(id.value, id.toString());
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