This guide will show how to build and run this project on Windows system using MSYS2
- Download and install MSYS2
- Navigate to
and openmingw64.exe
- Update packages
pacman -Syyu
- Install compilers and libraries
public class DragView : Gtk.Widget { | |
construct { | |
new TestChild().set_parent(this); | |
with (var it = new Gtk.GestureDrag()) { | |
DragChild? drag_target = null; | |
Graphene.Point start_cursor_pos = { 0, 0 }; | |
Graphene.Point cursor_offset = { 0, 0 }; | |
public class ZoomableView : Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Scrollable { | |
private Gtk.Adjustment _hadjustment; | |
private Gtk.Adjustment _vadjustment; | |
public Gtk.Adjustment hadjustment { | |
get { | |
return _hadjustment; | |
} | |
set construct { | |
_hadjustment = value; | |
if (_hadjustment != null) |
This guide will show how to build and run this project on Windows system using MSYS2
and open mingw64.exe
pacman -Syyu
import androidx.compose.material3.ModalBottomSheet
import androidx.compose.material3.SheetState
import androidx.compose.material3.rememberModalBottomSheetState
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
public void test_server() {
var service = new SocketService();
try {
service.add_inet_port(1500, null);
service.incoming.connect((conn) => {
try {
var dis = new DataInputStream(conn.input_stream);
message(@"Message received: $(dis.read_line())");
} catch (Error e) {
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0')
gi.require_version('Flow', '1.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import Gdk
from gi.repository import Flow
Convert Gtk.StateFlags
to string
public string flags_to_string(Gtk.StateFlags flags) {
var str = "";
if (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL in flags)
str += "NORMAL, ";
if (Gtk.StateFlags.ACTIVE in flags)
str += "ACTIVE, ";
To use TelegramGLib on Android you need latest version of Termux app.
Don't use Termux from GooglePlay, it's outdated and will not work!
You can download it from Github or F-Droid