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Last active November 5, 2024 16:30
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  • Save Spix0r/f2a3b32e106edd1b64804c10507741e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Spix0r/f2a3b32e106edd1b64804c10507741e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Python script for fetching and decrypting M3U8 playlists from a secured streaming site. It automates extracting embed codes, handling cookies and referers, downloading key and .ts files, and modifying the playlist to use local resources. Ideal for decrypting and organizing streaming content for offline playback.
import requests
import re
import base64
import json
# Step 1: Fetch main page HTML from a user-provided link.
page_content = requests.get(input("Enter URL: ")).text
# Step 2: Extract the 'embed_code' from the page.
embed_code ='<script src="*)/embed', page_content).group(1)
# Step 3: Set up headers with a referer for requests to bypass restrictions.
headers = {'referer': f'{embed_code}'}
# Step 4: Fetch embedded JavaScript code using the extracted embed_code.
embed_response = requests.get(f'{embed_code}/embed', headers=headers).text
# Step 5: Extract the encoded JSON data.
json_encoded_text ='window\[\".*\"\]\=\"(.*)\"\;\(function\(', embed_response).group(1)
json_decoded_text = base64.b64decode(json_encoded_text.encode()).decode()
# Step 6: Parse JSON data to extract keys for further requests.
json_data = json.loads(json_decoded_text)
msgn = json_data['msgn']
playlist_url = json_data['playlist'] + '.m3u8'
# Step 7: Fetch the playlist data and decode it.
playlist_content = requests.get(f'{playlist_url}', headers=headers).text
decoded_playlist = base64.b64decode(playlist_content.encode()).decode()
# Step 8: Process the playlist content (remove parts of filenames).
prefix = decoded_playlist.split('-')[0]
processed_playlist = decoded_playlist.replace(f"{prefix}-", '')
# Print part of the decoded JavaScript (simulated for demo)
print("Decoded JS Example:", base64.b64decode(b'aGV4MmJ1Zj1mdW5jdGlvbihlKXtyZXR1cm4gbmV3IFVpbnQ4QXJyYXkoZS5tYXRjaCgvLnsyfS9nKS5tYXAoZnVuY3Rpb24oZSl7cmV0dXJuIHBhcnNlSW50KGUsMTYpfSkpfSxidWYyc3RyPWZ1bmN0aW9uKGUpe3JldHVybiBuZXcgVGV4dERlY29kZXIoInV0Zi04IikuZGVjb2RlKGUpfQ==').decode())
# Step 9: Optional: Manually input playlist URL, fetch, and decode.
playlist_url_manual = input("Enter playlist URL: ")
playlist_content_manual = requests.get(playlist_url_manual, headers=headers).content
decoded_playlist_manual = base64.b64decode(playlist_content_manual).decode()
# Further process for manual playlist
prefix_manual = decoded_playlist_manual.split('-')[0]
processed_playlist_manual = decoded_playlist_manual.replace(f"{prefix_manual}-", '')
# Step 10: Obtain and save the encryption key from the playlist.
playlist_filename = input("Enter playlist filename: ")
playlist_text = open(playlist_filename).read()
key_url = playlist_text.split('URI="')[1].split('",IV')[0]
with open('res/key.key', 'wb') as key_file:
key_file.write(requests.get(key_url, headers=headers).content)
# Update playlist to use local key file
playlist_text = playlist_text.replace(key_url, 'res/key.key')
# Step 11: Download and save each .ts file locally
ts_files = re.findall(r'(/\d+.*)', playlist_text)
for i, ts in enumerate(ts_files):
with open(f'res/{i}.ts', 'wb') as ts_file:
ts_file.write(requests.get(f'{ts}', headers=headers).content)
playlist_text = playlist_text.replace(ts, f'res/{i}.ts')
# Step 12: Save the modified playlist to a file
with open('res/processed_playlist.m3u8', 'w') as final_playlist:
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