Ionic 3 cheat sheet by Benjamin
Les commandes principales:
- npm install -g cordova ionic #Installer Ionic
- $ ionic info #Récupérer toutes les info
- $ ionic start blank #Créer un projet vierge
- $ ionic start "myApp" #Multiple choix de création de projet
- $ ionic generate #Creation divers
- $ ionic generate component
- $ ionic generate directive
- $ ionic generate page
- $ ionic generate pipe
- $ ionic generate provider
- $ ionic generate tabs
- $ ionic platform add android #Ajout plaforme android
- $ ionic serve -p "numéroDePort" #Changer le port de sortie du lab
- $ ionic start myapp --id com.mycompany.myapp #Changer le nom du package dès la creation de son projet
Générer automatiquement icon et splash screen
- You will need to create an initial 192x192px icon and a 2208x2208px splash screen
- The initial designs should be placed in the resources folder
- Run ionic resources to generate the splash screens and icons
- You can also generate just the icons with ionic resources -i or just the splash screens with ionic resources -s
⚠️ You must have added the platform in order to generate assets for that platform, i.e. ionic platform add android⚠️
API Google Maps
- npm install --save @types/googlemaps #Installer GoogleMaps natif
Générer empreinte de certificat de signature SHA-1
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
Windows :
keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\ (nom_utilisateur_de_votre_ordi).android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android