#!/usr/bin/python3 |
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt |
from gpiozero import PWMOutputDevice |
# MQTT configuration |
broker = '' |
device_id = 'test_fan' |
on_topic = 'homeassistant/' + device_id + '/on/set' |
on_state_topic = 'homeassistant/' + device_id + '/on/state' |
speed_topic = 'homeassistant/' + device_id + '/speed/set' |
speed_state_topic = 'homeassistant/' + device_id + '/speed/state' |
# gpio settings |
gpio_pin = 18 |
pwm_freq = 5000 |
speeds = {'low': 0.05, 'medium': 0.4, 'high': 1} |
class PwmFan: |
on_state = 'OFF' |
pwm = PWMOutputDevice(gpio_pin,frequency=pwm_freq) |
speed_state = 'high' |
def switch(self, onoff): |
if onoff == 'ON': |
if self.on_state == 'OFF': |
self.on_state = 'ON' |
self.set_speed(self.speed_state) |
elif onoff == 'OFF': |
if self.on_state == 'ON': |
self.on_state = 'OFF' |
self.pwm.off() |
def set_speed(self,speed): |
if speed in speeds: |
if self.on_state == 'ON': |
self.pwm.value=speeds[speed] |
self.speed_state = speed |
fan = PwmFan() |
def on_message(client, userdata, message): |
payload = str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")) |
topic = message.topic |
if topic == on_topic: |
print("ON/OF command received") |
if (payload == 'ON') or (payload == 'OFF'): |
print("turning " + payload) |
fan.switch(payload) |
client.publish(on_state_topic, payload) |
if payload == 'ON': |
client.publish(speed_state_topic, fan.speed_state) |
elif message.topic == speed_topic: |
if payload in speeds: |
print('Setting speed to ' + payload) |
fan.set_speed(payload) |
if fan.on_state == 'ON': |
client.publish(speed_state_topic, fan.speed_state) |
# Send messages in a loop |
client = mqtt.Client("myfan") |
client.on_message = on_message |
# If your homeassistant is protected by as password, uncomment this next line: |
# client.username_pw_set('homeassistant','yourpasswordhere') |
client.connect(broker) |
client.subscribe(on_topic) |
client.subscribe(speed_topic) |
client.loop_forever() |
Thanks for the great code.
Please tell me how to properly connect the fan to the GPIO? It needs to be connected directly or through a transistor.
Please give me the connection diagram.