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Last active September 11, 2018 10:14
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Packed Integer Array (C#) - When the range of values is known ahead of time, and that range of values can be expressed in fewer bits than a full int, this class allows you to store the elements in a smaller amount of memory by packing individual elements together into fewer array elements.
// Copyright (c) 2017 StagPoint Software
namespace StagPoint.Collections
using System;
using System.Threading;
public class PackedIntArray
#region Private instance variables
private readonly int m_ElementBits;
private readonly long m_ElementMask;
private readonly int m_ElementsPerWord;
private readonly int m_minValue;
private readonly int m_maxValue;
private readonly long[] m_values;
private readonly int m_length;
#region Public properties
public int Length { get { return m_length; } }
public int this[ int index ]
get { return Get( index ); }
set { Set( index, value ); }
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Disallows parameterless construction
/// </summary>
private PackedIntArray()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public PackedIntArray( int length, int minValue, int maxValue )
if( length < 1 || length > int.MaxValue )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "width" );
if( minValue >= maxValue )
throw new ArgumentException( "Maximum value must be greater than Minimum value" );
m_minValue = minValue;
m_maxValue = maxValue;
m_length = length;
var wordSize = ( sizeof( ulong ) * 8 );
m_ElementBits = numberOfBitsNeeded( minValue, maxValue );
if( m_ElementBits >= wordSize )
throw new ArgumentException( "This range of values cannot be packed" );
m_ElementMask = ( 1u << m_ElementBits ) - 1u;
m_ElementsPerWord = wordSize / m_ElementBits;
m_values = new long[ getArrayLength( length, m_ElementsPerWord ) ];
#region Public functions
public void Clear()
Array.Clear( m_values, 0, m_values.Length );
public void Set( int index, int value )
if( index < 0 || index > Length - 1 )
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
if( value < m_minValue || value > m_maxValue )
throw new ArgumentException( "Value is outside of the configured range" );
var unsignedValue = (long)( value - m_minValue );
var storageIndex = index / m_ElementsPerWord;
var offset = index % m_ElementsPerWord * m_ElementBits;
var offsetMask = ~( m_ElementMask << offset );
unsignedValue = ( unsignedValue & m_ElementMask ) << offset;
long test = 0;
long original = 0;
test = m_values[ storageIndex ];
original = Interlocked.CompareExchange( ref m_values[ storageIndex ], test & offsetMask | unsignedValue, test );
} while( test != original );
public int Get( int index )
if( index < 0 || index > Length - 1 )
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
var storageIndex = index / m_ElementsPerWord;
var offset = index % m_ElementsPerWord * m_ElementBits;
var unsignedValue = ( Interlocked.Read( ref m_values[ storageIndex ] ) >> offset ) & m_ElementMask;
return (int)unsignedValue + m_minValue;
#region Private utility functions
private static byte numberOfBitsNeeded( long lowValue, long highValue )
var range = highValue - lowValue;
var log2 = Math.Log( range, 2 );
var numberOfBits = (int)Math.Floor( log2 ) + 1;
return (byte)numberOfBits;
private static int getArrayLength( int n, int div )
if( n <= 0 )
return 0;
return ( n - 1 ) / div + 1;
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StagPoint commented Mar 7, 2017

Read and Write operations should be thread-safe, but I make no guarantees. I have not encountered any issues in my testing, but my testing is also far from exhaustive and thread safety is not critical in my use-case. Note that this only means that the write operation and read operation are thread-safe, and that calling code still has to worry about ABA and all other classes of problems that accompany multi-threaded code.

Your mileage may vary, TANSTAAFL, user assumes all risks, no warranty (express or implied), etc., etc.

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