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Chintan Ghate Star-Lord-XIII

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Star-Lord-XIII / KMP.js
Last active September 20, 2015 17:27
Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm's javascript implementation in 123 characters.
p = "AABA" // pattern
m = p.length
n = t.length;
L = [];x=m;while(x--)L.push(0) // LPS array of size m, initialized to 0
e = []; // array to store ending indices of the pattern-match in the text
// Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
Star-Lord-XIII /
Last active November 11, 2024 14:05
Running Swift scripts from Sublime Text 3 in MacOSX10.11

##Adding Swift Build System

  • Open Sublime Text 3
  • Go To Preferences > Browse Packages...
  • Add a file named Swift.sublime-build inside Packages directory.
  • Copy the following script in Swift.sublime-build file.
 	"shell_cmd": "xcrun swift $file",
Here is a list of scopes to use in Sublime Text 2 snippets -
ActionScript: source.actionscript.2
AppleScript: source.applescript
ASP: source.asp
Batch FIle: source.dosbatch
C#: source.cs
C++: source.c++
Clojure: source.clojure
Star-Lord-XIII / Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Restore old shortcuts for Single source files in Sublime Text 3 (cmd + b -> compile , cmd + shift + b -> run)
"keys": ["super+b"],
"command": "build",
"context": [
{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.c++" }
"args": {
"build_system": "Packages/C++/C++.sublime-build",
"variant": "Build"