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Here is a list of scopes to use in Sublime Text 2 snippets - | |
ActionScript: source.actionscript.2 | |
AppleScript: source.applescript | |
ASP: source.asp | |
Batch FIle: source.dosbatch | |
C#: source.cs | |
C++: source.c++ | |
Clojure: source.clojure | |
CoffeeScript: source.coffee | |
CSS: source.css | |
D: source.d | |
Diff: source.diff | |
Erlang: source.erlang | |
Go: source.go | |
GraphViz: source.dot | |
Groovy: source.groovy | |
Haskell: source.haskell | |
HTML: text.html(.basic) | |
JSP: text.html.jsp | |
Java: source.java | |
Java Properties: source.java-props | |
Java Doc: text.html.javadoc | |
JSON: source.json | |
Javascript: source.js | |
BibTex: source.bibtex | |
Latex Log: text.log.latex | |
Latex Memoir: text.tex.latex.memoir | |
Latex: text.tex.latex | |
LESS: source.css.less | |
TeX: text.tex | |
Lisp: source.lisp | |
Lua: source.lua | |
MakeFile: source.makefile | |
Markdown: text.html.markdown | |
Multi Markdown: text.html.markdown.multimarkdown | |
Matlab: source.matlab | |
Objective-C: source.objc | |
Objective-C++: source.objc++ | |
OCaml campl4: source.camlp4.ocaml | |
OCaml: source.ocaml | |
OCamllex: source.ocamllex | |
Perl: source.perl | |
PHP: source.php | |
Regular Expression(python): source.regexp.python | |
Python: source.python | |
R Console: source.r-console | |
R: source.r | |
Ruby on Rails: source.ruby.rails | |
Ruby HAML: text.haml | |
SQL(Ruby): source.sql.ruby | |
Regular Expression: source.regexp | |
RestructuredText: text.restructuredtext | |
Ruby: source.ruby | |
SASS: source.sass | |
Scala: source.scala | |
Shell Script: source.shell | |
SQL: source.sql | |
Stylus: source.stylus | |
TCL: source.tcl | |
HTML(TCL): text.html.tcl | |
Plain text: text.plain | |
Textile: text.html.textile | |
XML: text.xml | |
XSL: text.xml.xsl | |
YAML: source.yaml |
Thanks a lot!!!
This is great. 👍
Also keep in mind you can always check and see (in the status bar) the current scope:
- Ctrl + Alt + p (Windows and Linux)
- Command + Option + p (OS X)
Thanks you very much
How might you be able to have php.scope and have a snippet complete the entire . I opened a php file and hit the Cmd + Option + p and get "embedding.php" but the mini autocomplete popup won't show this source. Any ideas?? Awesome list by the way!!
@awakekat - I could be wrong but it looks like you are using Advanced Custom Fields. If so, this will be helpful, https://github.com/smilledge/acf-sublime-snippets
Thank You!
Thanks you 😄
Thanks you 😄
very useful list
For those who are asking about having the snippets work for all files or for files that have not been saved yet, just leave out the scope, it's optional anyway, and it'll work for all files.
Thank you, this is so useful.
Thanks for the list.
@PacmanBits, use source.js.jsx
for .jsx
I also found that Shift+Ctrl+Alt+P
command really shows the current scope under the cursor. Very convenient.
There are $ symbol how to solve?
Thanks, very useful!
how to add scope for multiple file types
How can we extend the valid scope list? I'd particularly like to see .txt and .md added. Can I add my own custom scopes somehow?
Assembly: source.assembly
If you don't give any scope, Then it will run globally means everywhere you can use particular snippets.
ctrl+shift+alt+p does the job in windows.
Yes. As mentioned above, source.css.less
doesn't work. Must be source.less
Thank you so much...
Thanks for all the scopes.
Inline React (i.e. via Babel):
For Crystal apps:
This is so cool
I am not sure why Cplusplus is c++ instead of c++ but ok
for arduino .ino
Hi is the scope for SAS (instead of SASS): source.sas (instead of sass?). Thanks.
Thanks for the list,
is it possible to add TypeScript and React support?
.ts, .jsx, .tsx