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Last active April 19, 2016 19:08
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REBOL code profiling tool
# date: 19/05/2016
# system: Ubuntu 64 + wine 32 bits, Proc intel i5
# Replace the file %red-master/system/utils/profiler.r
# by the current file
# Edit the file %red-master/system/compiler.r
# and change the line ~11 to "profiler/active?: yes""
# Open a rebol2 console and compile the red's console
REBOL/View 1-Jan-2011
Copyright 2000-2011 REBOL Technologies. All rights reserved.
REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies. WWW.REBOL.COM
>> do/args %red.r "%environment/console/"'
-=== Red Compiler 0.6.0 ===-
Compiling /red-master/environment/console/ ...
...compilation time : 862 ms
Compiling to native code...
...compilation time : 106346 ms
...linking time : 239 ms
...output file size : 446256 bytes
...output file : \red-master\console.exe
>> profiler/report
Function Count Elapsed Time % of ET
compile 1 0:01:46.585 100.0 %
< <root> 1
> init 1 6 ms 0.00 %
> init 1 6 ms 0.00 %
> process 1 92 ms 0.08 %
> run 1 2.52 sec 2.37 %
> finalize 1 0:01:26 80.87 %
> set-verbose-level 5 0 ms 0.0 %
> output-logs 1 0 ms 0.0 %
> emit-main-prolog 1 0 ms 0.0 %
> comp-start 1 50 ms 0.04 %
> comp-runtime-prolog 1 8.99 sec 8.43 %
> comp-runtime-epilog 1 0 ms 0.0 %
> clean-up 2 0 ms 0.0 %
> make-job 1 0 ms 0.0 %
comp-dialect 1444 0:01:37.225 91.21 %
< comp-func-body 1372
< fetch-into 67
< run 5
> pop-calls 15297 104 ms 0.09 %
> fetch-func 1372 1.54 sec 1.45 %
> comp-directive 295 281 ms 0.26 %
> comp-alias 73 14 ms 0.01 %
> fetch-expression 13557 15.30 sec 14.36 %
Title: "REBOL code profiling tool"
Author: ["Nenad Rakocevic" "Steeve Antoine"]
File: %profiler.r
Tabs: 4
Rights: "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Nenad Rakocevic. All rights reserved."
License: "BSD-3 -"
changes: [
"18/05/2016 - caller/callee stats, /per-unit experimentation"
TODO: ["Show if a function is recursive"]
Usage: {
1) Include it in your existing application:
do %<path-to>/profiler.r
profiler/set-active yes ;-- switches function patching on/off
2) The profiler needs an object as input to patch all object's functions
for profiling using the 'make-profilable function:
my-app: make-profilable context [...]
3) Run your application as usual.
4) Print profiling report (from console or included in your app code):
You get a table with all profiled functions, calls count and elasped time.
Following a function:
Prefixed lines with '<' denotes a caller.
Prefixed lines with '>' denotes a callee (called function).
A callee gets a fractionnal elapsed time of its total duration
which may be skewed if the callee is recursive (not detected).
By default, only the top 20 functions are reported, to print them all:
To sort results by count instead of elapsed time:
5) The profiler needs a fresh start for each run (stats clearing
has not been implemented yet, any taker?)
Hope it will help you improve your apps!
Example: {
do %profiler.r
profiler/set-active yes ;-- just change it to NO for normal execution
a: make-profilable context [
foo: func [a /ref][wait (random 10) / 100 bar a + 1]
bar: func [b][wait (random 10) / 100 b * 1 + 1 - 1]
run: has [c][
c: 0
foreach i [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0][
c: c + foo i
c: c + bar i
print c
exportable: context [
export: func [words [block!]][ ;-- export argument words to global context
foreach w words [set bind w system/words get :w]
profiler: make exportable [
;-- storage place for proxified functions
store: make block! 400
;-- property use to enable/disable the profiler without changing anything else
active?: yes
;-- temporary stack for nested objects used by 'make-profilable
obj-stack: make block! 1
;-- Stack to register caller->callee call counts
call-stack: append make block! 50 [<root>]
clean: func [spec [block!]][
;-- remove everything we don't need in function's spec block
remove-each item spec [
not find [word! refinement! get-word! lit-word!] type?/word item
;-- remove all local variables
clear find spec /local
;-- duplicate all refinements in spec, by adding a word! version
;-- just after the refinement! value (refinements have no binding)
forall spec [
if refinement? spec/1 [
insert at spec 2 to word! spec/1
spec: next spec
upd-callers: func [blk /tmp][
poke tmp: any [
find/tail blk pick call-stack 1
back insert tail blk reduce [pick call-stack 1 0]
] 1 tmp/1 + 1
proxify: func [
fun [function!] name
/local parms specs args patch
specs: head clear any [
find copy third :fun /local
tail copy third :fun
parms: copy args: copy first :fun
clear find args /local
args: map-each w args [to get-word! w]
parms: map-each w parms [either w = /local [w][to word! w]]
fun: make function! specs append reduce [
make function! parms copy/deep second :fun
] args
;-- patch the code body of the new func
;-- no collisions with the func parameters or locals
patch: use [
res depth count duration start name*
] copy/deep [
name*: name
duration: 0:0
count: depth: 0
;-- store stats in literal local block (call depth, calls count, time)
# [depth count duration]
;-- store a list of callers (caller, calls count, ...)
upd-callers []
;-- increment calls count
count: count + 1
;-- increase depth counter before the function call
depth: depth + 1
;-- push func name in call stack
insert call-stack name*
;-- mark start time, if not recursive call
if depth = 1 [start: now/time/precise]
;-- invoke the original function, passing all required arguments and refinements
error? set/any 'res try [] ;<- empty block filled with invoked func
;-- pop func name from call stack
remove call-stack
;-- if recursive call (depth > 1), don't add the time
if depth = 1 [duration: duration + now/time/precise - start]
;-- function call done so decrease depth counter
depth: depth - 1
;-- return invoked function last value
get/any 'res
insert select patch 'try second :fun
clear insert second :fun patch
set-active: func [
"Enable or disable the patching of functions"
mode [logic!]
active?: mode
make-profilable: func [
"Make all functions in a given object usable for profiling"
obj [object!]
/all "Apply to nested objects too (use with caution)"
value new
unless active? [return obj]
foreach word next first obj [
if function? value: get in obj word [
unless find store :value [
set in obj word new: proxify :value word ;-- install profiler proxy function
repend store [:value word obj second :new]
if system/words/all [
object? :value
not find obj-stack :value
append obj-stack :value
make-profilable :value
remove back tail obj-stack
obj ;-- just a pass-thru
align: func [str [string!] cols [integer!] /right][
head insert/dup either right [str][tail str] #" " cols - length? str
truncate: func [value [number!]][
if integer? value [return value]
value: mold value
head clear skip find value #"." 3
form-time: func [time [time!]][
case [
zero? to integer! time [
align/right join form to integer! 1000 * to decimal! time " ms " 11
zero? time/minute [
align/right join truncate to decimal! time " sec" 11
on [join form to time! to integer! time " "]
base: make block! 100
cross: make block! 200 ;-- cross-references
print-table: func [
data [block!] root [function! none!]
/local ET line percent cnt-tot
ET: any [all [:root third second second :root ] data/3]
ET: to decimal! ET
percent: func [time][
truncate (to decimal! time) / ET * 100
print [
align "Function" 30
align "Count" 10
align "Elapsed Time" 20
align "% of ET" 10
line: head insert/dup make string! 72 #"-" 72
foreach [name cnt time caller] data [
print [
align mold name 30
align mold cnt 10
align mold time 20
align/right percent time 5 #"%"
sort/reverse/compare/skip caller 2 2
foreach [name cnt] caller [
print [
align join " < " mold name 31
align mold cnt 10
foreach [callee cnt] any [select cross name []] [
set [cnt-tot time] select/skip base callee 4
print [
align join " > " mold callee 32
align mold cnt 10
"" ;-- here, time and percent are average estimations
align form-time time: time * (cnt / cnt-tot) 20
align/right percent time 5 #"%"
print ""
print [line newline]
report: func [
"Print a full pretty-printed report in console"
/only "Report only for selected object"
object [object!]
/all "Print report for all functions"
/with "Provide a root function for % of ET calculation"
root [function!]
/count "Sort report table by calls count"
/per-unit "per-unit elapsed time (time / count)"
/local cnt time callers _ data
unless active? [exit]
clear base
clear cross
foreach [old name obj body] store [
if any [not only obj = object][
set [_ cnt time] reduce body/2
callers: body/4
repend base [
cnt ;-- call count
either per-unit [
time / either cnt > 0 [cnt][1] ;-- elapsed time per call unit
callers ;-- callers count block!
sort/skip/compare/reverse any [
foreach [caller count] callers [
repend any [
select cross caller
pick insert tail cross reduce [caller make block! 2] -1
name count
] 2 2
sort/skip/compare/reverse base 4 pick [2 3] to logic! count
data: either all [base][copy/part base 4 * 20] ;-- top 20 only by default
print-table data :root
export [make-profilable]
; profiler: make-profilable profiler ;-- include profiler's code in profiling
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