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### This script wraps all executables in the anaconda bin folder so that they can be used without adding Anaconda | |
### to the path which would break some functionality of ROS (Robot Operating System) | |
### | |
### The commands e.g. jupyter notebook will cause the script to add anaconda to the path, start jupyter notebook | |
### and after jupyter notebook terminated remove anaconda from the path again | |
### | |
### Notable commands: | |
### * release-the-snake Adds conda to the path and removes all aliases defined by this script | |
### Conda will stay in the PATH until the end of the session (terminal is closed) or | |
### until "cage-the-snake" is called | |
### * cage-the-snake Removes conda from the path and redefines all aliases for anaconda executables | |
### * source activate [env] Works just like with anaconda in the PATH, will activate the environment or (root) and | |
### Anaconda will stay in the PATH for the remaining session or until "source deactivate" is run | |
### * source deactivate Deactivates the environment and if Anaconda wasn't released manually using release-the-snake | |
### Anaconda will be removed from the PATH again. | |
if [ -z ${_ROS_CONDA_ADDED+x} ] | |
then | |
_ROS_CONDA_PATH=~/anaconda3/bin | |
fi | |
function _ROS_CONDA_addAliases { | |
if [[ $_ROS_CONDA_ALIASES != '' ]] | |
then | |
echo "ROS Conda Wrapper: Error! Aliases already defined!" | |
_ROS_CONDA_removeAliases | |
fi | |
for file in $_ROS_CONDA_PATH/* | |
do | |
local name | |
name=${file##*/} | |
if ! [ -x "$(command -v $name)" ] | |
then | |
alias $name='_ROS_CONDA_runWithConda '$name' $@' | |
fi | |
done | |
} | |
function _ROS_CONDA_removeAliases { | |
for cmd in $_ROS_CONDA_ALIASES | |
do | |
unalias $cmd | |
done | |
} | |
function _ROS_CONDA_runWithConda { | |
_ROS_CONDA_ensureCondaInPath | |
command $@ | |
_ROS_CONDA_removeCondaFromPath | |
} | |
function _ROS_CONDA_ensureCondaInPath { | |
if [ $_ROS_CONDA_ADDED -eq 1 ] | |
then | |
return 1 # false | |
fi | |
# Check that the path doesn't start, end or contain the ros conda path | |
if [[ $PATH != $_ROS_CONDA_PATH":"* && $PATH != *":"$_ROS_CONDA_PATH && $PATH != *":"$_ROS_CONDA_PATH":"* ]] | |
then | |
# Backup and clear python path to keep ros from checking ros directories for python modules | |
# Unalias the stuff | |
_ROS_CONDA_removeAliases | |
return 0 # true | |
fi | |
return 1 | |
} | |
function _ROS_CONDA_removeCondaFromPath { | |
if [[ $PATH = $_ROS_CONDA_PATH":"* ]] | |
then | |
export PATH=${PATH#$_ROS_CONDA_PATH:} | |
elif [[ $PATH = *":"$_ROS_CONDA_PATH ]] | |
then | |
export PATH=${PATH%:$_ROS_CONDA_PATH} | |
elif [[ $PATH = *":"$_ROS_CONDA_PATH":"* ]] | |
then | |
export PATH=${PATH//:$_ROS_CONDA_PATH:/:} | |
fi | |
if [ $_ROS_CONDA_ADDED -eq 1 ] | |
then | |
# Restore ROS PYTHONPATH | |
_ROS_CONDA_addAliases | |
fi | |
} | |
function _ROS_CONDA_sourceWrapper { | |
if [ $1 == "activate" ] | |
then | |
_ROS_CONDA_ensureCondaInPath | |
if [ $# == 1 ] | |
then | |
# If only source activate call source activate root. | |
# Otherwise it will fail. Don't know why though | |
command source activate | |
else | |
command source $@ | |
fi | |
elif [ $1 == "deactivate" ] | |
then | |
command source deactivate | |
then | |
_ROS_CONDA_removeCondaFromPath | |
fi | |
else | |
command source $@ | |
fi | |
} | |
if [ $_ROS_CONDA_ADDED -eq 0 ] | |
then | |
if [[ $_ROS_CONDA_ALIASES != '' ]] | |
then | |
_ROS_CONDA_removeAliases | |
fi | |
_ROS_CONDA_addAliases | |
fi | |
alias source='_ROS_CONDA_sourceWrapper' | |
alias release-the-snake='_ROS_CONDA_RELEASED_MANUALLY=1; if _ROS_CONDA_ensureCondaInPath; then echo "All hail the snake!"; else echo "The snake is in another castle! | |
Jk, you released it already."; fi' | |
alias cage-the-snake='_ROS_CONDA_RELEASED_MANUALLY=0; _ROS_CONDA_removeCondaFromPath; echo "The snake has been caged if it wasn'"'"'t already."' |
Hey @thejeshk,
thank you! Sorry for the late reply, I only noticed your comment by accident. Unfortunately, GitHub doesn't notify me about new comments here. If anyone reading this has any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.
No, if you use separate accounts for ROS and Anaconda, it shouldn't clash. The installation is global but the conflicts only happen when you source the ros setup.bash
and add Anaconda to the PATH
environment variable. As long as you don't source ROS on your Anaconda account and don't have Anaconda in your PATH
on your ROS account, you shouldn't run into any issues.
I've used that setup for some time but ultimately it was too much of a hassle and a waste of disk space to switch users all the time.
So could we place this bash file in our .bashrc file immediately before sourcing /opt/ros/.../setup.bash and the workspace setup.bash files?
I realize there will be times in which we will use anaconda that we are not using ros. At these times, we could comment out the line in the .bashrc file.
Hey @rojas70,
sorry for the late reply, as already mentioned I don't get notified about comments and again saw it by accident because I'm upgrading to 18.04 today and had to redownload the script.
Regarding your question, I'm not sure what you mean?
As instructed in the first comment, you have to place it before sourcing the ros setup.bash and your workspace setup.bash.
You should also remove whatever anaconda added to the .bashrc
You could, of course, comment out any ros related setup.bash files at any time but the intention of this script is making this unnecessary.
Hi, I'm a user of your ros with anaconda script,
it used to work but I have found that with more recent versions of anaconda it has stopped.
Anaconda now informs me when I try to activate an env that the shell has not been initialised and I must run conda init bash.
Running conda init bash adds this to .bashrc
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
__conda_setup="$('/home/luke/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
eval "$__conda_setup"
if [ -f "/home/luke/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" ]; then
. "/home/luke/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
export PATH="/home/luke/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
unset __conda_setup
# <<< conda initialize <<<
and now when I open a shell I get:
bash: eval: line 214: syntax error near unexpected token `('
bash: eval: line 214: `conda() {'
If you have a fix, it would be very much appreciated :)
(I tried sending this on your website but it didn't work)
What version are you using?
With Conda 4.6.14 it should still work. I can't use conda activate [env]
but source activate [env]
still works.
I've removed the entire initialization code that conda adds to the .bashrc
which seems to be required for some newer methods like conda activate env
I'll have to look into making it compatible with the new initialization code to support the new commands.
It's on my ToDo list but I can't promise that I can look into it before the end of next week.
PS: Thanks for the heads up regarding the contact form on my website. I've fixed it. But the good news is that github finally seems to send me email notifications for new comments. :)
I'm on conda 4.6.14 - ok cool - I'll try source activate [env]
@StefanFabian I wrote a small installable bash wrapper based on your code. It can be found here.
Hello Stefan,
I appreciate your work here. But I want to use two user accounts for ROS in one account and for Anaconda (Jupyter notebook) for other projects
My question as most of the root installations are global for all users will there be still conflict??
Thanks in advace