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Created May 25, 2024 18:26
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using PhysicsGame.Core.Extensions;
public class WaveFunctionCollapser(IWaveCollapseHandler model, WaveCollapseConfig config)
private IWaveCollapseHandler Model { get; } = model;
private WaveCollapseConfig Config { get; } = config;
public async Task Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var data = Model.GetCollapeasable(steps: 1);
var ran = false;
while (ran |= TryHandleData(data))
if (!ran)
await Task.Delay(1000, cancellationToken);
private const int vL = 0;
private const int vTL = 1;
private const int vT = 2;
private const int vTR = 3;
private const int vR = 4;
private const int vBR = 5;
private const int vB = 6;
private const int vBL = 7;
private readonly HashSet<Vector256<uint>> _selfCollapseMemory = [];
private readonly Dictionary<Vector256<uint>, Vector256<uint>> _trimMemory = [];
public bool TryHandleData(IWaveCollapseData2D data)
// Get the lowest entropy next cell
(int x, int y) best = (-1, -1);
var lowestEntropy = int.MaxValue;
for (var x = data.Left; x < data.Right; x++)
for (var y = data.Top; y < data.Bottom; y++)
var entropy = data[x,y].HammingWeight();
// Skip already collapsed cells
if (entropy == 8 || entropy >= lowestEntropy)
lowestEntropy = entropy;
best = (x, y);
if (lowestEntropy == 1)
return false;
// Start collapsing
Queue<(int x, int y)> collapseQueue = [];
var first = true;
while (collapseQueue.TryDequeue(out var next))
var (x, y) = next;
// Collapsing out of bounds
if (x < data.Left || x > data.Right || y < data.Top || y > data.Bottom)
// If this was the first cell, or propogating caused a change
// Then we want to re-queue all adjacent cells for checking
if (first || Propogate(data, x, y))
collapseQueue.Enqueue((x - 1, y)); // Left
collapseQueue.Enqueue((x + 1, y)); // Right
collapseQueue.Enqueue((x, y - 1)); // Top
collapseQueue.Enqueue((x, y + 1)); // Bottom
// If its the first cell of the wave, roll a collapse on it
if (first)
Collapse(data, x, y);
first = false;
return true;
// Collapses a cell's superpositional state to one of its weighted
// Rolled options
private void Collapse(IWaveCollapseData2D data, int x, int y)
// Get Weights
var weights = GetWeights(data[x, y]);
if (weights.Count == 1)
Model.Collapse(x, y, weights[0].Option);
var sum = 0;
foreach (var (_, Weight) in weights)
sum += Weight;
var roll = Random.Shared.Next(1, sum + 1);
for (var n = 0; n < weights.Count; n++)
if (roll < weights[n].Weight)
Model.Collapse(x, y, weights[n].Option);
roll -= weights[n].Weight;
private bool Propogate(IWaveCollapseData2D data, int x, int y)
// Neighbouring cells
var left = x == data.Left ? Config.OuterBounds : data[x-1, y];
var right = x == data.Right ? Config.OuterBounds : data[x+1, y];
var top = y == data.Top ? Config.OuterBounds : data[x, y-1];
var bottom = y == data.Bottom ? Config.OuterBounds : data[x, y+1];
var newValue = Vector256.Create(
left[vR], // Left
left[vTR] & top[vBL], // Top Left
top[vB], // Top
top[vBR] & right[vTL], // Top Right
right[vL], // Right
right[vBL] & bottom[vTR], // Bottom Right
bottom[vT], // Bottom
bottom[vTL] & left[vBR] // Bottom Left
// Didnt change
if (newValue == data[x, y])
return false;
// Check our caches
if (_selfCollapseMemory.Contains(newValue))
Model.Collapse(x, y, newValue);
else if (_trimMemory.TryGetValue(newValue, out var trimmedValue))
Model.Collapse(x, y, trimmedValue);
// Wasnt cached, cache it
trimmedValue = TrimData(newValue);
if (newValue == trimmedValue)
_ = _selfCollapseMemory.Add(trimmedValue);
_trimMemory[newValue] = trimmedValue;
Model.Collapse(x, y, trimmedValue);
return true;
private readonly Dictionary<Vector256<uint>, List<(Vector256<uint> Option, int Weight)>> _weightMemory = [];
// Fetches and caches if neeeded the weighted list for a given superposition
private List<(Vector256<uint> Option, int Weight)> GetWeights(Vector256<uint> value)
if (!_weightMemory.TryGetValue(value, out var weights))
weights = [];
foreach (var option in GetOptions(value))
weights.Add((option, Model.Lookup[option]));
_weightMemory[value] = weights;
return weights;
// Fetches the or'd together list of all real possible options for a given
// super position
private Vector256<uint> TrimData(Vector256<uint> from)
var to = Vector256<uint>.Zero;
// If the option is valid for our from data, add it to our output mapping
foreach (var option in GetOptions(from))
to |= option;
return to;
// Gets all valid options on the model's lookup chart for a given super position
// That it is capable of collapsing into validly
private IEnumerable<Vector256<uint>> GetOptions(Vector256<uint> value)
foreach (var option in Model.Lookup.Keys)
if ((value & option) == option)
yield return option;
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