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Last active May 24, 2019 06:52
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Telegram example
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Preferences
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setting StrictMode to enforce Coding Best Practices.
Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
# Setting the Error Preference variable to stop to make sure that non terminating errors do terminate.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# Verbose preference, should be toggled with the parameter -Verbose.
#$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
# Debug preference, generates more logging should be toggled with the parameter -Verbose.
#$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Settings
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Telegram
$TelegramAuthorizedChats = @(
@{ID='853881768'; Roles=@('Subscriber', 'Member')}
@{ID='-336683942'; Roles=@('Subscriber', 'Member')}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Connect-TelegramBot
Function Connect-TelegramBot {
Param (
[String] $Token
$Global:TelegramBot = @{
#Name = 'dd'
#DisplayName = '..'
Token = $Token
# Make sure thath older updates (messages) arent proccesed by retrieving the latest update from the queu.
$BotMessagesHistory = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Token)/getUpdates").result
$GLobal:LatestUpdateID = $BotMessagesHistory | Select-Object -Last 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty update_id
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Get-TelegramBotMessages
Function Get-TelegramBotMessages {
# Recieve Messages from BotMessageQue
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Global:TelegramBot.Token)/getUpdates").result
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Send-TelegramBotChatMessage
Function Send-TelegramBotChatMessage {
Param (
[String] $ChatID,
[String] $Message,
[String] $Token = $Global:TelegramBot.Token
$APICall = @{
Uri = "$($Token)/sendMessage?chat_id=$($ChatID)&text=$($Message -join '%0A')"
Return Invoke-RestMethod @APICall
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Invoke-MigrationStatusUpdate
Function Invoke-MigrationStatusUpdate {
Param (
[ValidateSet("User", "Batch", "MoveRequest")]
[String] $Type,
[String] $Name
$null = Send-TelegramBotChatMessage -ChatID $ -Message "A moment please, retrieving results for $($Type) '$($Name)'"
return "status is failed"
Connect-TelegramBot -Token '..'
while ($true) {
Start-Sleep -s 5
$BotMessages = Get-TelegramBotMessages
# Filter on new messages from AuthorizedChats
$BotMessages = $BotMessages | Where-Object {
$PSItem.update_id -gt $LatestUpdateID -and
$ -in $TelegramAuthorizedChats.ID
Foreach ($BotMessage in $BotMessages) {
Try {
Switch -Regex ($BotMessage.message.text) {
"^/Start" {
$Message = @(
"Thank you for contacting me, see below for a list of options:"
"/status user|batch name"
"^/status" {
$Args = $BotMessage.message.text -split ' '
$Message = Invoke-MigrationStatusUpdate -Type $Args[1] -Name ($Args[2..$Arg.Length] -join ' ')
Default {
$Message = "Could not answer the question '$($BotMessage.message.text)', please use /start for help."
Catch {
$Message = "$($_)"
#Format BaseMessage
$TelegramMessage = @{
ChatID = $
Message = $Message
# Send Message
$null = Send-TelegramBotChatMessage @TelegramMessage
$Global:LatestUpdateID = $BotMessage.update_id
$MyBotUpdates = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($MyToken)/getUpdates"
#Convert the result from json and put them in an array
$jsonresult = [array]($MyBotUpdates | ConvertFrom-Json).result
$LastMessage = ""
Foreach ($Result in $jsonresult) {
If ($ -eq $ChatID) {
$LastMessage = $Result.message.text
Write-Host "The Last Message sent from others to this conversation is $($LastMessage)"
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