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Created September 21, 2018 16:18
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/* Problem: We need a function that will take a string containing any number of alpha numeric characters excluding white spaces
* and return an object with key pair values detailing how many times each character shows up in the string. Then we need another function
* that accepts the array and returns a function that when a number is passed to it, the function returns a color.
* @function ('hello');
* this should return an object like this
* @Object = {h: 1, e: 1, l: 2, o:1}
* @function(object)
* this should return a function that when we pass a value to it returns a color the color can be any format accepted by css properties
* @function(number)
* @var = 'color'
/* first attempt
function letterCounter(str){
let tempObj = {};
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
tempObj[str[i]] += 1;
else if(str[i] !== ' '){
tempObj[str[i]] = 1;
return tempObj;
//this looks good but I hate declaring temporary variables when they are not needed and for loops look kinda meh to me.
//so lets abuse JavaScripts modularity
function letterCounter_perfect(str){
return [...str.replace(/ /g, "")].reduce((acc, cur)=>{
acc[cur]? acc[cur] += 1 : acc[cur] = 1;
return acc;
}, {});
//Oh this is Perfect
//Lets move on to our next function
//we need to accept the object and return our mapper function
function colorMapLetters(obj) {
const myColors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'brown'];
let tempArr = Object.values(obj);
let max = Math.max(...tempArr);
let min = Math.min(...tempArr);
let colorMax = myColors.length - 1;
let colorMin = 0;
return function(number) {
let mappedNumber = Math.floor((number - min) * (colorMax - colorMin) / (max - min) + colorMin);
return myColors[mappedNumber];
//ok this works, we use some math magic to map one array to another
//but I think I can make it smaller and more unreadable :-)
function colorMapLetters_perfect(obj, colors=false) {
const myColors = [...colors] || ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'brown'];
let min = Math.min(Object.values(obj));
return (n)=>{
return myColors[Math.floor(n - min) * (myColors.length - 0) / (Math.max(Object.values(obj)) - min) + 0];
//this looks so good, and I also made where the user can specify their own colors! I purposely set the min variable as variable so its not
//calculate twice each time I run the function. I would like to point out the downside in this that every time this function is called
//the values that are not stored in variables now need to be recalculated, wasting time.
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