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Last active January 24, 2022 10:54
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  • Save Stevoisiak/86f6eb9d43e16a714b3378a625665b4e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Default RetroPie gamelist.xml file for EmulationStation
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<desc>Configure audio settings. Choose default of auto, 3.5mm jack, or HDMI. Mixer controls, and apply default settings.</desc>
<desc>Register and connect to bluetooth devices. Unregister and remove devices, and display registered and connected devices.</desc>
<name>Configuration Editor</name>
<desc>Change common RetroArch options, and manually edit RetroArch configs, global configs, and non-RetroArch configs.</desc>
<name>ES Themes</name>
<desc>Install, uninstall, or update EmulationStation themes. Most themes can be previewed at RetroPie-Setup/wiki/themes.</desc>
<name>File Manager</name>
<desc>Basic ascii file manager for linux allowing you to browse, copy, delete, and move files.</desc>
<desc>Change user password, boot options, internationalization, camera, add your pi to Rastrack, overclock, overscan, memory split, SSH and more.</desc>
<desc>Launches the RetroArch GUI so you can change RetroArch options. Note: Changes will not be saved unless you have enabled the "Save Configuration On Exit" option.</desc>
<name>RetroArch Net Play</name>
<desc>Set up RetroArch Netplay options, choose host or client, port, host IP, delay frames, and your nickname.</desc>
<name>RetroPie Setup</name>
<desc>Install RetroPie from binary or source, install experimental packages, additional drivers, edit samba shares, custom scraper, as well as other RetroPie-related configurations.</desc>
<name>Run Command Configuration</name>
<desc>Change what appears on the runcommand screen. Enable or disable the menu, enable or disable box art, and change CPU configuration.</desc>
<name>Show IP</name>
<desc>Displays your current IP address, as well as other information provided by the command, "ip addr show."</desc>
<name>Splash Screens</name>
<desc>Enable or disable the splashscreen on RetroPie boot. Choose a splashscreen, download new splashscreens, and return splashscreen to default.</desc>
<desc>Connect to or disconnect from a wifi network and configure wifi settings.</desc>
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Thank you for posting this! I accidentally deleted mine and couldn't find a backup on the RetroPie Github anywhere.

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