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Created August 3, 2018 21:06
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# Dependancies
if (!function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
function mb_strlen($input) {
if (preg_match('!!u', $input)) {
// this is utf-8
return strlen( utf8_decode($input));
} else {
// not utf-8 and hopefully a single byte
// where this solution falls through really
return strlen($input);
if (!function_exists('mb_substr')) {
function mb_substr($string, $offset, $length = null) {
$arr = preg_split("//u", $string);
$slice = array_slice($arr, $offset + 1, $length);
return implode("", $slice);
if (!function_exists('mb_strpos')) {
function mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) {
return strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
if (!function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) {
function mb_strtoupper($input) {
return strtoupper($input);
if (!function_exists('mb_strtolower')) {
function mb_strtolower($input) {
return strtolower($input);
# Actual Class
* Split a full name into its constituent parts
* - prefix/salutation (Mr. Mrs. Dr. etc)
* - given/first name
* - middle name/initial(s)
* - surname (last name)
* - surname base (last name without compounds)
* - surname compounds (only the compounds)
* - suffix (II, PhD, Jr. etc)
* Author: Josh Fraser
* Contribution from Clive Verrall February 2016
* // other contributions:
* // - eric willis [list of honorifics]
* (
* // - `TomThak` for raising issue #16 and providing
* [wikipedia resource](
* // - `atla5` for closing the issue.
class FullNameParser {
* Create the dictionary of terms for use later
* - Common honorific prefixes (english)
* - Common compound surname identifiers
* - Common suffixes (lineage and professional)
* Note: Longer professional titles should appear earlier in the array than
* shorter titles to reduce the risk of mis-identification.
* (e.g. `BEng` before `BE`)
* Also note that case and periods are part of the matching for professional
* titles and therefore need to be correct, there are no case conversions.
protected $dict = array(
'prefix' => array(
'Mr.' => array('mr', 'mister', 'master'),
'Mrs.' => array('mrs', 'missus', 'missis'),
'Ms.' => array('ms', 'miss'),
'Dr.' => array('dr'),
'Rev.' => array("rev", "rev'd", "reverend"),
'Fr.' => array('fr', 'father'),
'Sr.' => array('sr', 'sister'),
'Prof.' => array('prof', 'professor'),
'Sir' => array('sir'),
'Hon.' => array('honorable'),
'Pres.' => array('president'),
'Gov' => array('governor','governer'),
'Ofc' => array('officer'),
'Msgr' => array('monsignor'),
'Sr.' => array('sister'),
'Br.' => array('brother'),
'Supt.' => array('superintendent'),
'Rep.' => array('representatitve'),
'Sen.' => array('senator'),
'Amb.' => array('ambassador'),
'Treas.' => array('treasurer'),
'Sec.' => array('secretary'),
'Pvt.' => array('private'),
'Cpl.' => array('corporal'),
'Sgt.' => array('sargent'),
'Adm.' => array('administrative','administrator','administrater'),
'Maj.' => array('major'),
'Capt.' => array('captain'),
'Cmdr.' => array('commander'),
'Lt.' => array('lieutenant'),
'Lt. Col.' => array('lieutenant colonel'),
'Col.' => array('colonel'),
'Gen.' => array('general'),
'Bc.' => array('bachelor', 'baccalaureus'),
'BcA.' => array('bachelor of arts', 'baccalaureus artis'),
'ICDr.' => array('doctor of canon law', 'juris cononici doctor'),
'Ing.' => array('engineer', 'ingenieur'),
'Ing. sheet.' => array('architect engineer', 'intrudes upon architectus'),
'JUDr.' => array('juris doctor utriusque', 'doctor rights'),
'MDDr.' => array('doctor of dental medicine', 'medicinae doctor dentium'),
'MgA.' => array('master of arts','magister artis'),
'Mgr.' => array('master'),
'MD.' => array('doctor of general medicine'),
'DVM.' => array('doctor of veterinary medine'),
'PaedDr.' => array('doctor of education'),
'PharmDr.' => array('doctor of pharmacy'),
'PhDr.' => array('doctor of philosophy'),
'PhMr.' => array('master of pharmacy'),
'RCDr.' => array('doctor of business studies'),
'RNDr.' => array('doctor of science'),
'DSc.' => array('doctor of science'),
'RSDr.' => array('doctor of socio-political sciences'),
'RTDr.' => array('doctor of technical sciences'),
'ThDr.' => array('doctor of theology'),
'Th.D.' => array('doctor of theology'),
'ThLic.' => array('licentiate of theology'),
'ThMgr.' => array('master of theology','master of divinity'),
'Acad.' => array('academian','academic'),
'ArtD.' => array('doctor of arts'),
'DiS.' => array('certified specialist'),
'As.' => array('assistant'),
'Odb. As.' => array('assistant professor'),
'Doc.' => array('associate professor'),
' ' => array('the')
'compound' => array(
'da','de','del','della', 'dem', 'den', 'der','di','du', 'het', 'la', 'onder',
'op', 'pietro','st.','st','\'t', 'ten', 'ter', 'van', 'vanden','vere','von'
'suffixes' => array(
'line' => array(
'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th',
'Senior', 'Junior', 'Jr', 'Sr'
'prof' => array(
'AO', 'B.A.', 'M.Sc', 'BCompt', 'PhD', 'Ph.D.','APR','RPh','PE','MD',
'M.D.', 'MA','DMD','CME', 'BSc', 'Bsc', 'BSc(hons)', 'Ph.D.', 'BEng',
'M.B.A.', 'MBA', 'FAICD', 'CM', 'OBC', 'M.B.', 'ChB', 'FRCP', 'FRSC',
'FREng', 'Esq', 'Esquire', 'MEng', 'MSc', 'J.D.', 'JD', 'BGDipBus', 'Dip',
'Dipl.Phys','M.H.Sc.', 'MPA', 'B.Comm', 'B.Eng', 'B.Acc', 'FSA', 'PGDM',
'FCPA', 'RN', 'R.N.', 'MSN', 'PCA', 'PCCRM','PCFP','PCGD','PCHR','PCM',
'FCMA', 'AAIA', 'FAIA', 'CCC', 'MIPA', 'FIPA', 'CIA', 'CFE', 'CISA', 'CFAP',
'QC', 'Q.C.', 'M.Tech', 'CTA', 'C.I.M.A.', 'B.Ec', 'CFIA','ICCP','CPS',
'PE', 'MBBS', 'MB', 'BCh', 'BAO', 'BMBS', 'MBBChir', 'MBChBa','MPhil',
'LL.D', 'LLD', 'D.Lit','DEA', 'DESS', 'DClinPsy', 'DSc', 'MRes',
'M.Res', 'Psy.D', 'Pharm.D', 'BA(Admin)', 'BAcc','BACom','BAdmin',
'BASc','BASoc', 'DDS', 'D.D.S.', 'BASS','BATheol','BBA','BBLS', 'BBS',
'BCommEdCommDev','BComp','BComSc','BCoun','BD','BDes','BE', 'BEcon',
'BEcon&Fin', 'M.P.P.M.', 'MPPM', 'BEconSci', 'BEd','BEng','BES',
'BMedSc','BMet', 'BMid', 'BMin','BMS','BMSc','BMSc','BMS','BMus',
'BMusEd','BMusPerf','BN', 'BNS','BNurs','BOptom','BPA','BPharm',
'BPhil', 'TTC', 'DIP', 'Tchg', 'BEd', 'MEd','ACIB', 'FCIM', 'FCIS',
'FCS', 'Fcs', 'Bachelor', 'O.C.', 'JP', 'C.Eng', 'C.P.A.', 'B.B.S.',
'MBE', 'GBE', 'KBE', 'DBE', 'CBE', 'OBE', 'MRICS', 'D.P.S.K.',
'D.P.P.J.', 'DPSK', 'DPPJ', 'B.B.A.', 'GBS', 'MIGEM', 'M.I.G.E.M.',
'FCIS', 'BPhil(Ed)', 'BPhys','BPhysio','BPl','BRadiog','BSc', 'B.Sc',
'BSc(Eng)','BScFor','BSc(HealthSc)','BSc(Hort)', 'BBA', 'B.B.A.',
'BSc(MCRM)', 'BSc(Med)','BSc(Mid)','BSc(Min)','BSc(Psych)', 'BSc(Tech)',
'BSD', 'BSocSc', 'BSS', 'BStSu', 'BTchg', 'BTCP', 'BTech', 'BTechEd',
'BTh', 'BTheol', 'BTS', 'EdB', 'LittB', 'LLB', 'MA', 'MusB', 'ScBTech',
'CEng', 'FCA', 'CFA', 'Cfa', 'C.F.A.', 'LLB', 'LL.B', 'LLM', 'LL.M',
'CA(SA)', 'C.A.', 'CA','CPA', 'Solicitor', 'DMS', 'FIWO', 'CEnv',
'MICE', 'MIWEM', 'B.Com', 'BCom', 'BAcc', 'BA', 'BEc', 'MEc', 'HDip',
'B.Bus.', 'E.S.C.P.'
'vowels' => array('a','e','i','o','u')
protected $not_nicknames = array( "(hons)");
* Parse Static entry point.
* @param string $name the full name you wish to parse
* @return array returns associative array of name parts
public static function parse($name) {
$parser = new self();
return $parser->parse_name($name);
* This is the primary method which calls all other methods
* @param string $name the full name you wish to parse
* @return array returns associative array of name parts
public function parse_name($full_name) {
# Remove leading/trailing whitespace
$full_name = trim($full_name);
// remove any words that don't add value
// $full_name = str_replace("(Hons)", '', $full_name );
// $full_name = str_replace("(hons)", '', $full_name );
# Setup default vars
'salutation' => '', 'fname' => '', 'initials' => '', 'lname' => '',
'lname_base' => '', 'lname_compound' => '', 'suffix' => '')
// Find all the professional suffixes possible
$professional_suffix = $this->get_pro_suffix($full_name);
// The position of the first professional suffix denotes the end of the name and the start of suffixes
$first_suffix_index = mb_strlen($full_name);
foreach ($professional_suffix as $key => $psx) {
$start = mb_strpos($full_name, $psx);
if ( $start === FALSE ) {
echo "ASSERT ERROR, the professional suffix:".$psx." cannot be found in the full name:".$full_name."<br>";
if ( $start < $first_suffix_index) {
$first_suffix_index = $start;
// everything to the right of the first professional suffix is part of the suffix
$suffix = mb_substr($full_name, $first_suffix_index);
// remove the suffixes from the full_name
$full_name = mb_substr($full_name, 0, $first_suffix_index);
$full_name = rtrim($full_name, ','); // Trim off any trailing commas after suffix strip
# Deal with nickname, push to array
$has_nick = $this->get_nickname($full_name);
if ($has_nick) {
# Remove wrapper chars from around nickname
$name['nickname'] = mb_substr($has_nick, 1, (mb_strlen($has_nick) - 2));
# Remove the nickname from the full name
$full_name = str_replace($has_nick, '', $full_name);
# Get rid of consecutive spaces left by the removal
$full_name = str_replace(' ', ' ', $full_name);
// SQ MOD >> Check for Last, First patterns
if (preg_match('/(.+), ([A-Z]\w+[\s\w.]*)$/', $full_name, $matches)) {
$new_name = array(
'first' => $matches[2],
'last' => $matches[1]
$full_name = rtrim($new_name['first'] . ' ' . $new_name['last'], ',');
// End SQ Mod
# Grab a list of words from the remainder of the full name
$unfiltered_name_parts = $this->break_words($full_name);
# Is first word a title or multiple titles consecutively?
if (count($unfiltered_name_parts)) {
// only start looking if there are any words left in the name to process
while (count($unfiltered_name_parts) > 0 && $s = $this->is_salutation($unfiltered_name_parts[0])) {
$salutation .= "$s ";
$salutation = trim($salutation);
// Find if there is a line suffix, if so then move it out
# Is last word a suffix or multiple suffixes consecutively?
while (count($unfiltered_name_parts) > 0 &&
$s = $this->is_line_suffix(
$unfiltered_name_parts[count($unfiltered_name_parts)-1], $full_name)
) {
if( $suffix != "") {
$suffix = $s.", ".$suffix;
} else {
$suffix .= $s;
$suffix = trim($suffix);
} else {
$salutation = "";
$suffix = "";
// Re-pack the unfiltered name parts array and exclude empty words
$name_arr = array();
foreach ($unfiltered_name_parts as $key => $name_part) {
$name_part = trim($name_part);
$name_part = rtrim($name_part,',');
if(mb_strlen($name_part) == '1') {
// If any word left is of one character that is not alphabetic then it is not a real word, so remove it
if( ! $this->mb_ctype_alpha($name_part)) {
$name_part = "";
if(mb_strlen(trim($name_part)) ) {
$name_arr[] = $name_part;
$unfiltered_name_parts = $name_arr;
# set the ending range after prefix/suffix trim
$end = count($unfiltered_name_parts);
# concat the first name
for ($i=0; $i<$end-1; $i++) {
$word = $unfiltered_name_parts[$i];
# move on to parsing the last name if we find an indicator of a compound last name (Von, Van, etc)
# we use $i != 0 to allow for rare cases where an indicator is actually the first name (like "Von Fabella")
if ($this->is_compound($word) && $i != 0) {
# is it a middle initial or part of their first name?
# if we start off with an initial, we'll call it the first name
if ($this->is_initial($word)) {
# is the initial the first word?
if ($i == 0) {
# if so, do a look-ahead to see if they go by their middle name
# for ex: "R. Jason Smith" => "Jason Smith" & "R." is stored as an initial
# but "R. J. Smith" => "R. Smith" and "J." is stored as an initial
if ($this->is_initial($unfiltered_name_parts[$i+1])) {
$fname .= " ".mb_strtoupper($word);
else {
$initials .= " ".mb_strtoupper($word);
# otherwise, just go ahead and save the initial
else {
$initials .= " ".mb_strtoupper($word);
else {
$fname .= " ".$this->fix_case($word);
if( count($unfiltered_name_parts)) {
# check that we have more than 1 word in our string
if ($end-0 > 1) {
# concat the last name and split last name in base and compound
for ($i; $i < $end; $i++) {
if ($this->is_compound($unfiltered_name_parts[$i])) {
$lname_compound .= " ".$unfiltered_name_parts[$i];
} else {
$lname_base .= " ".$this->fix_case($unfiltered_name_parts[$i]);
$lname .= " ".$this->fix_case($unfiltered_name_parts[$i]);
else {
# otherwise, single word strings are assumed to be first names
$fname = $this->fix_case($unfiltered_name_parts[$i]);
} else {
$fname = "";
# Last Check for oddness (SQ Mod)
if (isset($new_name)) {
if (trim($lname) != trim($new_name['last'])) {
// There's some odd thing after a comma that isn't a last name
if (empty($suffix)) { // Set non-standard word as suffix if not set
$suffix = trim($new_name['first']);
} else { // Otherwise append to suffix
$suffix .= ', ' . trim($new_name['first']);
$regex = '/^' . trim($new_name['first']) .'/i';
if (preg_match($regex, trim($fname))) {
$fname = preg_replace($regex, '', trim($fname)); // Trim off front name
# Final Output
//$name['full'] = $full_name;
$name['salutation'] = $salutation;
$name['fname'] = trim($fname);
$name['initials'] = trim($initials);
$name['lname'] = trim($lname);
// $name['lname_base'] = trim($lname_base);
// $name['lname_compound'] = trim($lname_compound);
$name['suffix'] = $suffix;
return $name;
* Breaks name into individual words
* @param string $name the full name you wish to parse
* @return array full list of words broken down by spaces
public function break_words($name) {
$temp_word_arr = explode(' ', $name);
$final_word_arr = array();
foreach ($temp_word_arr as $key => $word) {
if( $word != "" && $word != ",") {
$final_word_arr[] = $word;
return $final_word_arr;
* Checks for the existence of, and returns professional suffix
* @param string $name the name you wish to test
* @return mixed returns the suffix if exists, false otherwise
public function get_pro_suffix(&$name) {
$found_suffix_arr = array();
foreach ($this->dict['suffixes']['prof'] as $suffix) {
if (preg_match('/[,\s]+'.preg_quote($suffix).'\b/i', $name, $matches)) {
$found_suffix = trim($matches[0]);
$found_suffix = rtrim($found_suffix,',');
$found_suffix = ltrim($found_suffix,',');
$found_suffix_arr[] = trim($suffix);
$name = str_replace($found_suffix, $suffix, $name);
return $found_suffix_arr;
* Function to check name for existence of nickname based on these stipulations
* - String wrapped in parentheses (string)
* - String wrapped in double quotes "string"
* x String wrapped in single quotes 'string'
* I removed the check for strings in single quotes 'string' due to possible
* conflicts with names that may include apostrophes. Arabic transliterations, for example
* @param string $name the name you wish to test against
* @return mixed returns nickname if exists, false otherwise
protected function get_nickname($name) {
if (preg_match("/[\(|\"].*?[\)|\"]/", $name, $matches)) {
if( ! in_array( mb_strtolower($matches[0]), $this->not_nicknames ) ) {
return $matches[0];
} else {
return false;
return false;
* Checks word against array of common lineage suffixes
* @param string $word the single word you wish to test
* @param string $name full name for context in determining edge-cases
* @return mixed boolean if false, string if true (returns suffix)
protected function is_line_suffix($word, $name) {
# Ignore periods and righ commas, normalize case
$word = str_replace('.', '', mb_strtolower($word));
$word = rtrim($word,',');
# Search the array for our word
$line_match = array_search($word, array_map('mb_strtolower', $this->dict['suffixes']['line']));
# Now test our edge cases based on lineage
if ($line_match !== false) {
# Store our match
$matched_case = $this->dict['suffixes']['line'][$line_match];
# Remove it from the array
$temp_array = $this->dict['suffixes']['line'];
# Make sure we're dealing with the suffix and not a surname
if ($word == 'senior' || $word == 'junior') {
# If name is Joshua Senior, it's pretty likely that Senior is the surname
# However, if the name is Joshua Jones Senior, then it's likely a suffix
if ($this->mb_str_word_count($name) < 3) {
return false;
# If the word Junior or Senior is contained, but so is some other
# lineage suffix, then the word is likely a surname and not a suffix
foreach ($temp_array as $suffix) {
if (preg_match("/\b".$suffix."\b/i", $name)) {
return false;
return $matched_case;
return false;
* Checks word against list of common honorific prefixes
* @param string $word the single word you wish to test
* @return boolean
protected function is_salutation($word) {
$word = str_replace('.', '', mb_strtolower($word));
foreach ($this->dict['prefix'] as $replace => $originals) {
if (in_array($word, $originals)) {
return $replace;
return false;
* Checks our dictionary of compound indicators to see if last name is compound
* @param string $word the single word you wish to test
* @return boolean
protected function is_compound($word) {
return in_array(mb_strtolower($word), $this->dict['compound']);
* Test string to see if it's a single letter/initial (period optional)
* @param string $word the single word you wish to test
* @return boolean
protected function is_initial($word) {
return ((mb_strlen($word) == 1) || (mb_strlen($word) == 2 && $word{1} == "."));
* Checks for camelCase words such as McDonald and MacElroy
* @param string $word the single word you wish to test
* @return boolean
protected function is_camel_case($word) {
if (preg_match('/\p{L}(\p{Lu}*\p{Ll}\p{Ll}*\p{Lu}|\p{Ll}*\p{Lu}\p{Lu}*\p{Ll})\p{L}*/', $word)) {
return true;
return false;
# ucfirst words split by dashes or periods
# ucfirst all upper/lower strings, but leave camelcase words alone
public function fix_case($word) {
# Fix case for words split by periods (J.P.)
if (mb_strpos($word, '.') !== false) {
$word = $this->safe_ucfirst(".", $word);;
# Fix case for words split by hyphens (Kimura-Fay)
if (mb_strpos($word, '-') !== false) {
$word = $this->safe_ucfirst("-", $word);
# Special case for single letters
if (mb_strlen($word) == 1) {
$word = mb_strtoupper($word);
# Special case for 2-letter words
if (mb_strlen($word) == 2) {
# Both letters vowels (uppercase both)
if (in_array(mb_strtolower($word{0}), $this->dict['vowels']) &&
in_array(mb_strtolower($word{1}), $this->dict['vowels'])) {
$word = mb_strtoupper($word);
# Both letters consonants (uppercase both)
if (!in_array(mb_strtolower($word{0}), $this->dict['vowels']) &&
!in_array(mb_strtolower($word{1}), $this->dict['vowels'])) {
$word = mb_strtoupper($word);
# First letter is vowel, second letter consonant (uppercase first)
if (in_array(mb_strtolower($word{0}), $this->dict['vowels']) &&
!in_array(mb_strtolower($word{1}), $this->dict['vowels'])) {
$word = $this->mb_ucfirst(mb_strtolower($word));
# First letter consonant, second letter vowel or "y" (uppercase first)
if (!in_array(mb_strtolower($word{0}), $this->dict['vowels']) &&
(in_array(mb_strtolower($word{1}), $this->dict['vowels']) ||
mb_strtolower($word{1}) == 'y')) {
$word = $this->mb_ucfirst(mb_strtolower($word));
# Fix case for words which aren't initials, but are all uppercase or lowercase
// (Special case for Mc)
if (strtolower($word) == 'mc' || (mb_strlen($word) >= 3) &&
($this->mb_ctype_upper($word) || $this->mb_ctype_lower($word))) {
$word = $this->mb_ucfirst(mb_strtolower($word));
return $word;
# helper public function for fix_case
public function safe_ucfirst($seperator, $word) {
# uppercase words split by the seperator (ex. dashes or periods)
$parts = explode($seperator, $word);
foreach ($parts as $word) {
$words[] = ($this->is_camel_case($word)) ? $word : $this->mb_ucfirst(mb_strtolower($word));
return implode($seperator, $words);
# helper public function for multibytes ctype_alpha
public function mb_ctype_alpha($text) {
return (bool)preg_match('/^\p{L}*$/', $text);
# helper public function for multibytes ctype_lower
public function mb_ctype_lower($text) {
return (bool)preg_match('/^\p{Ll}*$/', $text);
# helper public function for multibytes ctype_upper
public function mb_ctype_upper($text) {
return (bool)preg_match('/^\p{Lu}*$/', $text);
# helper public function for multibytes str_word_count
public function mb_str_word_count($text) {
if (empty($text)) {
return 0;
} else {
return str_word_count($text);
// OLD - Did not return correctly
//return preg_match('/s+/', $text) + 1;
# helper public function for multibytes ucfirst
public function mb_ucfirst($string) {
$strlen = mb_strlen($string);
$firstChar = mb_substr($string, 0, 1);
$then = mb_substr($string, 1, $strlen - 1);
return mb_strtoupper($firstChar) . $then;
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