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Created September 1, 2016 10:34
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#! /usr/bin/python3
import shapely.wkt
import shapely.wkb
import shapely.geometry
import psycopg2
s= open('121897178.wkt').read()
sh= shapely.wkt.loads(s)
conn= psycopg2.connect(dbname='gis')
cur= conn.cursor()
nodes= list (sh.exterior.coords)
count= len (nodes)
i= 0
while True:
# make a copy, remove element i, keep Polygon closed
new_nodes= nodes[:]
print (nodes[:20], i)
new_nodes.pop (i)
if i==0:
new_nodes[-1]= new_nodes[0]
shape= shapely.geometry.Polygon(new_nodes)
if not shape.is_valid:
i+= 1
cur.execute ('select ST_StraightSkeleton(%s);', (shapely.wkb.dumps(shape),))
# the Polygon is ok, so i is problematic
# keep it
i+= 1
except psycopg2.InternalError as e:
print (e)
# the Polygon is not ok, so remove i
nodes= new_nodes
# we reached the end of the line
# -2 because we need at least 3 points (orig, other, orig) to make a Polygon
if i==len (nodes)-2:
# the cursor is no longer valid, reopen
cur= conn.cursor()
print (shapely.wkt.dumps (shape))
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