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Created March 2, 2024 20:51
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Read last 5 lines from a file of any length
Solution for the challenge
How to execute:
1. the very first run of the script generates the example file with
10 million lines, of random lengths
2. drop file system caches [1]
echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
3. run the script to get the time it takes to read the last five lines from
the uncached file
4. run the script again to get the time for the cached read
example output:
$ python3
[+] generating example.txt
$ echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
$ python3
[+] timeit: 0m 0.000511s
09999996 xxxx [truncated line]
09999997 xxxx [truncated line]
09999998 xxxx [truncated line]
09999999 xxxx [truncated line]
10000000 xxxx [truncated line]
$ python3
[+] timeit: 0m 0.000058s
09999996 xxxx [truncated line]
09999997 xxxx [truncated line]
09999998 xxxx [truncated line]
09999999 xxxx [truncated line]
10000000 xxxx [truncated line]
import os
import random
import timeit
EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME = "example.txt"
def tail_five(file_path):
tail_lines = []
linefeed_ord = ord(b"\n")
with open(file_path, "br") as file:
size = os.lseek(file.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
tail_pos = size
is_tail_block = True
linefeed_count = 0
linefeed_needed = 5
while tail_pos > 0 and linefeed_count < linefeed_needed:
if tail_pos > BLOCK_SIZE:
tail_pos -= BLOCK_SIZE
block =
block =
tail_pos = 0
if is_tail_block and (block[-1] == linefeed_ord):
# we need to read one linefeed more if the file ends with a
# linefeed
linefeed_needed = 6
is_tail_block = False
linefeed_count += block.count(b"\n")
# adjust the offset if more than 5 linefeed bytes where found in total
offset = 0
while linefeed_count >= linefeed_needed:
newline_pos = block.find(b"\n", offset)
offset = newline_pos + 1
linefeed_count -= 1
# set the file pointer to that position + offset)
# read all lines starting from that position
while True:
_ = file.readline()
if not _:
return tail_lines
def generate_example_file():
print(f"[+] generating {EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME}")
with open(EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME, "w") as file:
lines = 10_000_000
digits = len(str(lines))
for i in range(1, lines + 1):
length = random.randint(10, 1000)
file.write(f"{i:0{digits}d} {'x' * length}\n")
lines = []
def wrapper():
global lines
lines = tail_five(EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not os.path.exists(EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME):
t = timeit.timeit(wrapper, globals=globals(), number=1)
minutes, seconds = divmod(t, 60)
print(f"[+] timeit: {int(minutes)}m {seconds:.6f}s")
for line in lines:
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