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Created April 23, 2019 16:41
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Algorithm to (greedily) approximate the chromatic number of a graph.
import itertools
import re
def UniqueList(data):
return list(set(data))
class Graph:
def __init__(self, vertices, edges):
self.vertices = UniqueList(vertices)
self.edges = UniqueList(edges)
def areAdjacent(self, u, v):
for edge in self.edges:
if edge == (u, v):
return True
return False
def vertexDegree(self, vertex):
degree = 0
for edge in self.edges:
if edge[0] == vertex or edge[1] == vertex:
degree = degree + 1
return degree
def adjacentColoredWith(self, vertex, colors, new_color):
for color in colors:
if color[1] != new_color:
if (vertex, color[0]) in self.edges or (color[0], vertex) in self.edges:
return True
return False
def chromatic_number(self):
sorted_vertices = sorted(self.vertices, key=lambda x: self.vertexDegree(x), reverse=True)
colors = []
last_color = 1
def alreadyColored(vertex, colors):
for color in colors:
if color[0] == vertex:
return True
return False
for vertex in sorted_vertices:
if not alreadyColored(vertex, colors):
colors.append((vertex, last_color))
# Color all the non-adjacent vertices with this color
for other_vertex in self.vertices:
if (vertex, other_vertex) in self.edges or (other_vertex, vertex) in self.edges:
if alreadyColored(other_vertex, colors):
if self.adjacentColoredWith(other_vertex, colors, last_color):
colors.append((other_vertex, last_color))
last_color = last_color + 1
return last_color - 1
def ParseVertices(input):
verts = input.split(',')
verts = list(map(str.strip, verts))
if len(verts) > 0:
return verts
return None
def ParseEdges(input):
def CreateEdge(edge):
elements = edge.split(';')
elements = list(map(str.strip, elements))
if len(elements) != 2:
raise Exception('Arista inválida')
if len(elements[0]) < 1 or len(elements[1]) < 1:
raise Exception('Arista inválida')
edge = (elements[0][1:], elements[1][:-1])
return tuple(map(str.strip, edge))
# Allow empty edge sets
if not input.strip():
return []
edges = input.split(',')
edges = list(map(str.strip, edges))
edges = list(map(CreateEdge, edges))
return None
return edges
while True:
print('Digite los vértices del grafo A, separados por coma (,)')
Va = ParseVertices(input())
if Va is not None:
print('Vértices inválidos')
while True:
print('Digite las aristas del grafo A, separadas por coma (,), en la forma (v; u), ejemplo: "(v1; v2), (v2; v3), (v3; v4)"')
Ea = ParseEdges(input())
if Ea is not None:
print('Aristas inválidas')
A = Graph(Va, Ea)
print('==' * 10)
print('El grafo acepta una coloración con {} colores'.format(A.chromatic_number()))
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