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Auto-remove Node that is NotReady from Kubernetes cluster
# Get the list of nodes in the Kubernetes cluster
nodes=$(kubectl get node)
# Filter the nodes that are NotReady and not control-plane
notready=$(echo "$nodes" | awk '$2 == "NotReady" && $3!="control-plane" {print $1}')
# Check if there are any nodes that are NotReady and not control-plane
if [[ -n "$notready" ]]; then
# If there are, delete those nodes
echo "The following nodes are NotReady and not control-plane, deleting them:"
echo "$notready"
kubectl delete node $notready
# Optionally, restart the coredns deployment in the kube-system namespace
echo "Restarting coredns deployment in kube-system namespace..."
kubectl -n kube-system rollout restart deployment coredns
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