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Created February 25, 2023 00:08
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type Account = record { owner : principal; subaccount : opt vec nat8 };
type AccountBalanceArgs = record { account : text };
type ArchiveInfo = record { canister_id : principal };
type ArchiveOptions = record {
num_blocks_to_archive : nat64;
max_transactions_per_response : opt nat64;
trigger_threshold : nat64;
max_message_size_bytes : opt nat64;
cycles_for_archive_creation : opt nat64;
node_max_memory_size_bytes : opt nat64;
controller_id : principal;
type ArchivedBlocksRange = record {
callback : func (GetBlocksArgs) -> (
variant { Ok : BlockRange; Err : GetBlocksError },
) query;
start : nat64;
length : nat64;
type Archives = record { archives : vec ArchiveInfo };
type BinaryAccountBalanceArgs = record { account : vec nat8 };
type BlockRange = record { blocks : vec CandidBlock };
type CandidBlock = record {
transaction : CandidTransaction;
timestamp : TimeStamp;
parent_hash : opt vec nat8;
type CandidOperation = variant {
Approve : record {
fee : Tokens;
from : vec nat8;
allowance : Tokens;
expires_at : opt TimeStamp;
spender : vec nat8;
Burn : record { from : vec nat8; amount : Tokens };
Mint : record { to : vec nat8; amount : Tokens };
Transfer : record {
to : vec nat8;
fee : Tokens;
from : vec nat8;
amount : Tokens;
TransferFrom : record {
to : vec nat8;
fee : Tokens;
from : vec nat8;
amount : Tokens;
spender : vec nat8;
type CandidTransaction = record {
memo : nat64;
icrc1_memo : opt vec nat8;
operation : CandidOperation;
created_at_time : TimeStamp;
type Decimals = record { decimals : nat32 };
type Duration = record { secs : nat64; nanos : nat32 };
type GetBlocksArgs = record { start : nat64; length : nat64 };
type GetBlocksError = variant {
BadFirstBlockIndex : record {
requested_index : nat64;
first_valid_index : nat64;
Other : record { error_message : text; error_code : nat64 };
type LedgerCanisterInitPayload = record {
send_whitelist : vec principal;
token_symbol : opt text;
transfer_fee : opt Tokens;
minting_account : text;
transaction_window : opt Duration;
max_message_size_bytes : opt nat64;
icrc1_minting_account : opt Account;
archive_options : opt ArchiveOptions;
initial_values : vec record { text; Tokens };
token_name : opt text;
type Name = record { name : text };
type QueryBlocksResponse = record {
certificate : opt vec nat8;
blocks : vec CandidBlock;
chain_length : nat64;
first_block_index : nat64;
archived_blocks : vec ArchivedBlocksRange;
type Result = variant { Ok : nat; Err : TransferError };
type Result_1 = variant { Ok : nat64; Err : TransferError_1 };
type SendArgs = record {
to : text;
fee : Tokens;
memo : nat64;
from_subaccount : opt vec nat8;
created_at_time : opt TimeStamp;
amount : Tokens;
type StandardRecord = record { url : text; name : text };
type Symbol = record { symbol : text };
type TimeStamp = record { timestamp_nanos : nat64 };
type Tokens = record { e8s : nat64 };
type TransferArg = record {
to : Account;
fee : opt nat;
memo : opt vec nat8;
from_subaccount : opt vec nat8;
created_at_time : opt nat64;
amount : nat;
type TransferArgs = record {
to : vec nat8;
fee : Tokens;
memo : nat64;
from_subaccount : opt vec nat8;
created_at_time : opt TimeStamp;
amount : Tokens;
type TransferError = variant {
GenericError : record { message : text; error_code : nat };
BadBurn : record { min_burn_amount : nat };
Duplicate : record { duplicate_of : nat };
BadFee : record { expected_fee : nat };
CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time : nat64 };
InsufficientFunds : record { balance : nat };
type TransferError_1 = variant {
TxTooOld : record { allowed_window_nanos : nat64 };
BadFee : record { expected_fee : Tokens };
TxDuplicate : record { duplicate_of : nat64 };
InsufficientFunds : record { balance : Tokens };
type TransferFee = record { transfer_fee : Tokens };
type Value = variant { Int : int; Nat : nat; Blob : vec nat8; Text : text };
service : (LedgerCanisterInitPayload) -> {
account_balance : (BinaryAccountBalanceArgs) -> (Tokens) query;
account_balance_dfx : (AccountBalanceArgs) -> (Tokens) query;
archives : () -> (Archives) query;
decimals : () -> (Decimals) query;
icrc1_balance_of : (Account) -> (nat) query;
icrc1_decimals : () -> (nat8) query;
icrc1_fee : () -> (nat) query;
icrc1_metadata : () -> (vec record { text; Value }) query;
icrc1_minting_account : () -> (opt Account) query;
icrc1_name : () -> (text) query;
icrc1_supported_standards : () -> (vec StandardRecord) query;
icrc1_symbol : () -> (text) query;
icrc1_total_supply : () -> (nat) query;
icrc1_transfer : (TransferArg) -> (Result);
name : () -> (Name) query;
query_blocks : (GetBlocksArgs) -> (QueryBlocksResponse) query;
send_dfx : (SendArgs) -> (nat64);
symbol : () -> (Symbol) query;
transfer : (TransferArgs) -> (Result_1);
transfer_fee : (record {}) -> (TransferFee) query;
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