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Last active December 15, 2023 07:08
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  • Save SudoPlz/037b229ea53717bbcac1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SudoPlz/037b229ea53717bbcac1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A messy little js file that removes comments from any string passed into `stripComments(str)` function.
exports.stripComments = function stripComments(toBeStrippedStr){
function Lexer () {
this.setIndex = false;
this.useNew = false;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
var arg = arguments [i];
if (arg === Lexer.USE_NEW) {
this.useNew = true;
else if (arg === Lexer.SET_INDEX) {
this.setIndex = Lexer.DEFAULT_INDEX;
else if (arg instanceof Lexer.SET_INDEX) {
this.setIndex = arg.indexProp;
this.rules = [];
this.errorLexeme = null;
Lexer.NULL_LEXEME = {};
toString: function () {
return "[object Lexer.ERROR_LEXEME]";
Lexer.DEFAULT_INDEX = "index";
Lexer.USE_NEW = {};
Lexer.SET_INDEX = function (indexProp) {
if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee)) {
return new arguments.callee.apply (this, arguments);
if (indexProp === undefined) {
indexProp = Lexer.DEFAULT_INDEX;
this.indexProp = indexProp;
(function () {
var New = (function () {
var fs = [];
return function () {
var f = fs [arguments.length];
if (f) {
return f.apply (this, arguments);
var argStrs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
argStrs.push ("a[" + i + "]");
f = new Function ("var a=arguments;return new this(" + argStrs.join () + ");");
if (arguments.length < 100) {
fs [arguments.length] = f;
return f.apply (this, arguments);
}) ();
var flagMap = [
["global", "g"]
, ["ignoreCase", "i"]
, ["multiline", "m"]
, ["sticky", "y"]
function getFlags (regex) {
var flags = "";
for (var i = 0; i < flagMap.length; ++i) {
if (regex [flagMap [i] [0]]) {
flags += flagMap [i] [1];
return flags;
function not (x) {
return function (y) {
return x !== y;
function Rule (regex, lexeme) {
if (! {
var flags = "g" + getFlags (regex);
regex = new RegExp (regex.source, flags);
this.regex = regex;
this.lexeme = lexeme;
Lexer.prototype = {
constructor: Lexer
, addRule: function (regex, lexeme) {
var rule = new Rule (regex, lexeme);
this.rules.push (rule);
, setErrorLexeme: function (lexeme) {
this.errorLexeme = lexeme;
, runLexeme: function (lexeme, exec) {
if (typeof lexeme !== "function") {
return lexeme;
var args = exec.concat (exec.index, exec.input);
if (this.useNew) {
return New.apply (lexeme, args);
return lexeme.apply (null, args);
, lex: function (str) {
var index = 0;
var lexemes = [];
if (this.setIndex) {
lexemes.push = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
if (arguments [i]) {
arguments [i] [this.setIndex] = index;
return Array.prototype.push.apply (this, arguments);
while (index < str.length) {
var bestExec = null;
var bestRule = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.rules.length; ++i) {
var rule = this.rules [i];
rule.regex.lastIndex = index;
var exec = rule.regex.exec (str);
if (exec) {
var doUpdate = !bestExec
|| (exec.index < bestExec.index)
|| (exec.index === bestExec.index && exec [0].length > bestExec [0].length)
if (doUpdate) {
bestExec = exec;
bestRule = rule;
if (!bestExec) {
if (this.errorLexeme) {
lexemes.push (this.errorLexeme);
return lexemes.filter (not (Lexer.NULL_LEXEME));
else {
if (this.errorLexeme && index !== bestExec.index) {
lexemes.push (this.errorLexeme);
var lexeme = this.runLexeme (bestRule.lexeme, bestExec);
lexemes.push (lexeme);
index = bestRule.regex.lastIndex;
return lexemes.filter (not (Lexer.NULL_LEXEME));
}) ();
if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
Array.prototype.filter = function (fun) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;
var res = [];
var thisp = arguments [1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i in this) {
var val = this [i];
if ( (thisp, val, i, this)) {
res.push (val);
return res;
Array.prototype.last = function () {
return this [this.length - 1];
RegExp.prototype.getFlags = (function () {
var flagMap = [
["global", "g"]
, ["ignoreCase", "i"]
, ["multiline", "m"]
, ["sticky", "y"]
return function () {
var flags = "";
for (var i = 0; i < flagMap.length; ++i) {
if (this [flagMap [i] [0]]) {
flags += flagMap [i] [1];
return flags;
}) ();
RegExp.concat = function (/*r1, r2, ..., rN [, flagMerger] */) {
var regexes = (arguments);
var regexStr = "";
var flags = (regexes [0].getFlags && regexes [0].getFlags ()) || "";
var flagMerger = RegExp.concat.INTERSECT_FLAGS;
if (typeof regexes.last () === "function") {
flagMerger = regexes.pop ();
for (var j = 0; j < regexes.length; ++j) {
var regex = regexes [j];
if (typeof regex === "string") {
flags = flagMerger (flags, "");
regexStr += regex;
else {
flags = flagMerger (flags, regex.getFlags ());
regexStr += regex.source;
return new RegExp (regexStr, flags);
(function () {
function setToString (set) {
var str = "";
for (var prop in set) {
if (set.hasOwnProperty (prop) && set [prop]) {
str += prop;
return str;
function toSet (str) {
var set = {};
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
set [str.charAt (i)] = true;
return set;
function union (set1, set2) {
for (var prop in set2) {
if (set2.hasOwnProperty (prop)) {
set1 [prop] = true;
return set1;
function intersect (set1, set2) {
for (var prop in set2) {
if (set2.hasOwnProperty (prop) && !set2 [prop]) {
delete set1 [prop];
return set1;
RegExp.concat.UNION_FLAGS = function (flags1, flags2) {
return setToString (union (toSet (flags1), toSet (flags2)));
RegExp.concat.INTERSECT_FLAGS = function (flags1, flags2) {
return setToString (intersect (toSet (flags1), toSet (flags2)));
}) (); = function () {
return RegExp.concat ("(?:", this, ")", RegExp.concat.UNION_FLAGS);
RegExp.prototype.optional = function () {
return RegExp.concat ( (), "?", RegExp.concat.UNION_FLAGS);
RegExp.prototype.or = function (regex) {
return RegExp.concat (this, "|", regex, RegExp.concat.UNION_FLAGS).group ();
RegExp.prototype.many = function () {
return RegExp.concat ( (), "*", RegExp.concat.UNION_FLAGS);
RegExp.prototype.many1 = function () {
return RegExp.concat ( (), "+", RegExp.concat.UNION_FLAGS);
function id (x) {
return x;
var eof = /(?![\S\s])/m;
var newline = /\r?\n/m;
var spaces = /[\t ]*/m;
var leadingSpaces = RegExp.concat (/^/m, spaces);
var trailingSpaces = RegExp.concat (spaces, /$/m);
var lineComment = /\/\/(?!@).*/m;
var blockComment = /\/\*(?!@)(?:[^*]|\*[^/])*\*\//m;
var comment = lineComment .or (blockComment);
var comments = RegExp.concat (comment, RegExp.concat (spaces, comment).many ());
var eofComments = RegExp.concat (leadingSpaces, comments, trailingSpaces, eof);
var entireLineComments = RegExp.concat (leadingSpaces, comments, trailingSpaces, newline);
var lineCondComp = /\/\/@.*/;
var blockCondComp = /\/\*@(?:[^*]|\*[^@]|\*@[^/])*@*\*\//;
var doubleQuotedString = /"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"/;
var singleQuotedString = /'(?:[^\\']|\\.)*'/;
var regexLiteral = /\/(?![/*])(?:[^/\\[]|\\.|\[(?:[^\]\\]|\\.)*\])*\//;
var anyChar = /[\S\s]/;
var stripper = new Lexer ();
stripper.addRule (entireLineComments, Lexer.NULL_LEXEME);
stripper.addRule (
RegExp.concat (newline, entireLineComments.many (), eofComments)
stripper.addRule (
RegExp.concat (comment, RegExp.concat (trailingSpaces, newline, eofComments).optional ())
stripper.addRule (lineCondComp, id);
stripper.addRule (blockCondComp, id);
stripper.addRule (doubleQuotedString, id);
stripper.addRule (singleQuotedString, id);
stripper.addRule (regexLiteral, id);
stripper.addRule (anyChar, id);
return stripper.lex(toBeStrippedStr).join ("");
var strWITHComments = " Any string with comments; ///here is some randome text \
//blablba \
code; \
/*A comment like this should not be here. */ \
some more code; ";
var CommentRemover = require('./commentRemover.js')
var strWithoutComments = CommentRemover.stripComments(strWITHComments);
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There's a bug. Try the code below and it removes the second non-comment line:


  • Constants *
    var HELLO = 1;


  • Inspectors *

var inspectors = new Array();


  • Comment

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This is pretty cool. What license do you release it under?

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