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Created October 26, 2023 19:37
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* @param string $parentAccountName - the account id you want to fetch locations for (i.e. accounts/105837778216009211413)
* @param array|string|null $readMask - the fields you want to include in the response, available fields here
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public function getAllLocationsForAccount(string $parentAccountName, array|string|null $readMask = "name,title,storecode,labels"): array
$businessInformationService = new MyBusinessBusinessInformation($this->client);
try {
$locations = $businessInformationService->accounts_locations->listAccountsLocations($parentAccountName, [
"readMask" => $readMask
} catch (Google_Service_Exception $exception) { // exception can actually be thrown
$exceptionArray = parent::decodeGoogleException($exception);
throw new Exception($exceptionArray["message"].";".$exceptionArray["details"][0]["fieldViolations"][0]["description"], $exceptionArray["code"], $exception);
return $locations["locations"] ?? [];
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