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Last active May 1, 2023 17:45
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  • Save SuhailTechInfo/0448cdc53b44209e250edd31bc37d708 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SuhailTechInfo/0448cdc53b44209e250edd31bc37d708 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const axios = require('axios')
const { sck1, tiny, fancytext, listall,cmd , Config} = require('../lib/')
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { exec } = require('child_process')
pattern: "whois",
desc: "Makes photo of replied sticker.",
category: "converter",
use: '<reply to any gif>',
filename: __filename
async(Void, citel, text) => {
if (!citel.quoted) return citel.reply(`Please Reply To A Person`);
var bio = await Void.fetchStatus(citel.quoted.sender);
var bioo = bio.status;
var setAt = bio.setAt.toString();
var words = setAt.split(" ");
if(words.length > 3){ setAt= words.slice(0, 5).join(' ') ; }
var num = citel.quoted.sender.split('@')[0];
let pfp;
pfp = await Void.profilePictureUrl(citel.quoted.sender, "image");
catch (e)
pfp = '' ;
let username = await sck1.findOne({ id: citel.quoted.sender })
var tname;
if ( && !== undefined)
tname =
tname = Void.getName(citel.quoted.sender)
await Void.sendMessage(, {
image: { url: pfp },
caption: `
║ *『Person's Information』*
║ *🍫Name :* ${tname}
║ *👤Num :* ${num}
║ *🎐Bio :* ${bioo}
║ *🌟SetAt :* ${setAt}
║ *Keep Calm Dude🥳* ◇
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