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Last active January 12, 2024 04:01
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Small shell script to restart the uWSGI application when happens. Based on uWSGI server run by upstart
line=$(tail -1 /var/log/myapp/myapp.uwsgi.log)
substr='uWSGI listen queue of socket'
if test "${line#*$substr}" != "$line"
#We're using upstart, could be easily adapted to fx systemd
# Adding a log statement to keep track of when this happens. Remember to create the monitor dir
/sbin/initctl restart myapp > /var/log/myapp/monitor/uwsgi-monitor.log 2>&1
echo "$(date) restarted myapp due to listen queue error" >> /var/log/myapp/monitor/uwsgi-monitor.log
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Disclaimer, this will also restart the server in case of higher load than your capacity

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