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Last active March 11, 2021 11:55
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  • Save SuperCipher/f604668821f84663765491f6ece61370 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SuperCipher/f604668821f84663765491f6ece61370 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
commit convention type and sample

Angular type

Must be one of the following:

build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
docs: Documentation only changes
feat: A new feature
fix: A bug fix
perf: A code change that improves performance
refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
chore: updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change

Commitlint type

[ 'build', 'ci', 'chore', 'docs', 'feat', 'fix', 'perf', 'refactor', 'revert', 'style', 'test' ];

Samples: (even more samples)

docs(changelog): update changelog to beta.5

fix(release): need to depend on latest rxjs and zone.js

The version in our package.json gets copied to the one we publish, and users need the latest of these.
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