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Lazy parser combinators in Haskell
module Combinator where
pos : position
str : string
err : error
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, empty, many, (<|>))
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
import Data.List (uncons)
class Token t where
step :: t -> Position -> Position
class Monoid e => Error e where
errorAt :: Position -> e -> a
data Position = Position
{ file :: String,
line :: Int,
column :: Int
deriving (Show)
data Status s e
= Valid
| Error e s
deriving (Show)
data Consumption s e
= Fresh (Status s e)
| Consumed (Status s e)
deriving (Show)
-- If consumption has an error, then location, remaining, and probably value are bottom.
data Result e s a = Result
{ consumption :: Consumption s e,
value :: a,
location :: Position,
remaining :: s
deriving (Show)
-- e is error
-- s is string
newtype Parser e s a = Parser {runParser :: Position -> s -> Result e s a}
errorResult err pos str = Result (Fresh (Error err str)) fail fail fail
fail = errorAt pos err
instance Token Char where
step '\n' (Position file line _) = Position file (line + 1) 1
step _ (Position file line column) = Position file line (column + 1)
instance Error () where
errorAt (Position file line column) () = error $ "Parser error at " ++ file ++ ":" ++ show line ++ ":" ++ show column
instance Functor (Parser e s) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Parser e s) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Parser e s) where
return x = Parser $ \pos str -> Result (Fresh Valid) x pos str
Parser p >>= f = Parser $ \pos str -> case p pos str of
~(Result con1 a pos str) -> case runParser (f a) pos str of
~(Result con2 a pos str) -> Result (merge con1 con2) a pos str
merge (Consumed Valid) err = Consumed $ case err of
Fresh err -> err
Consumed err -> err
merge (Consumed (Error err str)) _ = Consumed (Error err str)
merge (Fresh (Error err str)) _ = Fresh (Error err str)
merge (Fresh Valid) err = err
instance Error e => Alternative (Parser e s) where
empty = Parser $ \pos str -> errorResult mempty pos str
Parser p <|> Parser q = Parser $ \pos str -> case p pos str of
| Result (Consumed _) _ _ _ <- result -> result
| Result (Fresh Valid) _ _ _ <- result -> result
| Result (Fresh (Error err _)) _ _ _ <- result -> case q pos str of
| Result (Consumed _) _ _ _ <- result -> result
| Result (Fresh Valid) _ _ _ <- result -> result
| Result (Fresh (Error err' _)) _ _ _ <- result -> errorResult (err <> err') pos str
position :: Parser e s Position
position = Parser $ \pos str -> Result (Fresh Valid) pos pos str
-- no monad plus definition because right identity can't be satified
-- like parsec, <?> only changes the error if the parser doesn't consume input
infix 0 <?>
(<?>) :: Error e => e -> Parser e s a -> Parser e s a
err <?> Parser p = Parser $ \pos str -> case p pos str of
| Result (Consumed _) _ _ _ <- result -> result
| Result (Fresh Valid) _ _ _ <- result -> result
| Result (Fresh (Error _ _)) _ _ _ <- result -> errorResult err pos str
try :: Error e => Parser e s a -> Parser e s a
try (Parser p) = Parser $ \pos str -> case p pos str of
Result (Consumed (Error _ _)) _ _ _ -> errorResult mempty pos str
result -> result
satifyFromBind :: (Token t, Error e) => (s -> Maybe (t, s)) -> (t -> Maybe a) -> Parser e s a
satifyFromBind uncons f = Parser $ \pos str -> case uncons str of
Just (c, str) | Just v <- f c -> Result (Consumed Valid) v (step c pos) str
_ -> errorResult mempty pos str
satifyFrom :: (Token t, Error e) => (s -> Maybe (t, s)) -> (t -> Bool) -> Parser e s t
satifyFrom uncons f = satifyFromBind uncons $ \c -> if f c then Just c else Nothing
satifyBind :: (Token t, Error e) => (t -> Maybe a) -> Parser e [t] a
satifyBind = satifyFromBind uncons
satify :: (Token t, Error e) => (t -> Bool) -> Parser e [t] t
satify = satifyFrom uncons
exact :: (Token t, Error e, Eq t) => t -> Parser e [t] t
exact c = satify (== c)
char :: (Token t, Error e) => Parser e [t] t
char = satify (const True)
stream file = Position file 1 1
stdin = stream "stdin"
testLazyness :: Char
testLazyness = head (value result)
result :: Result () String String
result = runParser ((++) <$> many (exact 'a') <*> many (exact 'b')) stdin $ 'a' : undefined
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