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[ YouTube Subtitles ] The Problem with Linus Tech Tips Accuracy Ethics Responsibility
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GN a few days ago this clip from an LTT lab tour got a lot of attention online
LTT the difference between us and somebody like Gamers Nexus or Hardware unboxed is we test new components new tests every time
GN and then Hardware unboxed tweeted dissatisfaction with the statement made in that tour
GN we didn't say anything at all anywhere even though it's not actually true they don't collect new data and new tests every single time and it's not always necessary anyway
GN so when Linus went on the win show we hadn't gotten involved Linus responded to hard run box on the WAN show and then said the following
Linus there's a fair number of people that are talking about the the whole trust me bro situation uh there where some creators that .... it seems like you guys are .... look ...(sigh
GN just say it everyone knows you're talking about us
Linus it's pretty clear that not everyone in the Creator space handled that super professionally
Linus I don't obviously agree with some of the takes that were out there I
Linus I don't think that it's particularly um journalistic for example to ignore facts to ignore personal relationships
GN it is my job to ignore personal relationships
GN if lmg is going to make false accusations and wants to try and use personal relationships to gain favor so that we don't cover something we think is not okay
GN it's not going to work with us
GN we don't play that game
GN the first clip from an LTT lab tour caught our attention
GN but it itself isn't worth commenting on
GN we have something wider in scope we want to comment on
GN and it's simply that we believe LTT or LMG is rushing too much to hit arbitrary and largely self-imposed deadlines
GN that are causing frequent and sometimes significant data errors and information
GN and this conflicts with the ramping marketing surrounding accuracy and data-driven objective reviews that they're pushing for from LTT Labs
GN so we've decided to turn off all YouTube monetization here
GN we will not be placing a sponsored ad in this video
GN we were just going to report on serious concerns that we have with LTT
GN and bring some awareness to these critical issues we've been thinking on this for a few months
GN now we have a few main points of discussion for today
GN they span from raw data that potential actually misleads consumers
GN even if unintentional accidental that counts too
GN and we have some ethical concerns and corporate connections that we want to talk about
GN including great ethical concerns regarding ltt's inaccurate testing and misrepresentation of a small company's prototype
GN followed by the auctioning off of that prototype
GN despite the company wanting it back for other media and not granting permission for the auction
GN also we're concerned about ethics issues regarding lmg's recent review of the pwnage Mouse
GN where they failed to notice that there was protective tape over the Teflon feet to knock the friction coefficient of the mouse
GN followed up by a pseudo correction where an lmg fails to take full ownership of its mistake
GN and instead blames the product for not hand holding them through the process of removing said tape
GN but we'll start with the simpler stuff and then come back to this
GN so the marketing is strong but exiting just entertainment and entering tactical data-driven reviews
GN and marketing on the back of that means that there needs to be proper work to back all that up
GN because people are now putting a different level of faith in the material coming out
GN and the expectations are different
GN and we know these issues at LTT in terms of the the rushing the pushing employees and staff to hit deadlines despite concerns with the data
GN or the collection of the data
GN we know that these come from top down as shown in a recent LTT interview that it conducted with its own employees
GN where many of them stated concerns with restrictive time constraints
LTT STUFF let's publish less videos
LTT STUFF I wish we could back off the amount and focus on quality for a bit
LTT STUFF uh... more time for projects would be good
LTT STUFF just allow us more time to work on a video
Linus we never have time for retrospection
Linus it's always just that's out what's the next thing
LTT STUFF would lessened a little bit have time to like debris if you look in the rear of your mirror though how things went
LTT STUFF I don't love that we have to release so many videos
LTT STUFF I don't know what our current count is weekly
LTT STUFF but I know it's very high very rarely am I particularly proud of a video
GN I've worked on and Linus's own comments recently reinforced that the company is still weighing carefully the impact
GN of spending another half day of work on something to get it right
GN rather than just shoving it out the door incomplete or potentially wrong
Linus but it was designed for a 3090 Ti
Linus well we went for gold and we tried it with the 4090.
Linus the temperature results were bad it was clear that it wasn't making perfect contact
Linus and and so Adam was the writer on that project
Linus what Adam asked is if we could spend more time put the 3090Ti on it and get real results
Linus and what I told him was no
Linus because and guys ... come on ... like
Linus for real okay it's 800 US dollars
Linus I don't know guys
Linus I'm not sure if I can apologize for not spending another 100 200 300 500 of various people's time
GN and that's an important indicator of mindset that comes from ownership of the company
GN we'll come back to that clip later
GN though they are rushing and this Rush is causing significant and frequent testing errors
GN but more importantly it is clouding their ethical judgment
Linus and what I told him was no
GN they are choosing to publish sometimes known bad or known incorrectly acquired data
GN that's different from a mistake which all of us do in fact make
GN yes
GN but that's part of this topic too
GN and
GN so given the knowledge of a lack of qualifications when known unqualified
GN or the intentional forfeiture of quality and accuracy for quantity instead
GN it calls into question the motivation editions of the corporation
GN and does in fact make it look to be bottom line Centric
GN this is to hit arbitrary self-imposed deadlines and uploading scheduling
GN whose end result is misleading for consumers
GN and at some point it is no longer an unintentional mistake to mislead those consumers
GN such as with known shortcuts that reduce the accuracy of the content
GN rather it becomes intentional to do so because of the knowledge of that approach
GN we know some people won't like this video and those people will leave comments enraged citing drama as some discourage this desperately needed conversation
GN it's their way of emoting
GN I'm uncomfortable
GN and I agree with you this is a very uncomfortable video for me to make
GN I haven't enjoyed the process of it
GN but this is something we feel is desperately needed otherwise we wouldn't be doing it
GN and it is not simply drama to talk about errors and factual testing issues in a way that hopefully brings to light the problems
GN so that the media organization LMG can attempt to rectify them
GN if it in fact wishes to do so
GN we stand to lose a lot here we risk pissing off people with direct and very valuable and useful to us connections to YouTube
GN if we ever happen to need them
GN I don't have a connection at YouTube
GN really who can help me in any way
GN likewise we risk pissing off people who are connected to LMG that would include who operate in a class that we can't even begin to approach
GN but most of all we risk some of our viewers getting upset
GN but we are approaching this as objectively as possible and we ask that you listen to the concerns we are raising and the evidence that we are presenting
GN because ultimately if Linus Media Group wants to be consumer first
GN then it too should want this level of transparent currency and should want this knowledge of the issues we are presenting today
GN the company is now over 120 people it recently had a purchase or an acquisition offer at 100 million dollars
GN it's helmed by a new CEO whose past includes a career in director positions at companies like DELL and Corsair
GN its lab is led by a former marketing director for ASUS
GN which was recently the title sponsor for LTX following what we believe to be a rather soft-handed handling of asus's board and RMA issues by LTT
GN LMG is a big company now
GN it has the resources to do better and it should be treated as such
GN okay
GN with that stance clear we're jumping into two key categories here
GN bad data and misinformation
GN this includes unintentional or intentional
GN there is a bit of a gradient
GN bad data is testing which is incorrect or erroneous specifications
GN for example doubling down on flawed testing and Reporting on conclusions as if it reflects profit testing when in fact it has been shown not to
GN these topics will later expand for far more important ethics discussion and concerns that we have regarding sort of the corporate positioning that LMG is in now
GN even with its heavily marketed debut of labs
GN LMG is still consistently making errors in nearly every single review that they publish
GN it is okay to make errors all of us do this in this line of work
GN but the concern we have is that these types of errors are in nearly every single LTT technical or review type of video
GN so there are enough errors that we can't fit them all into a normal length video
GN we'll cover a few of them as fast as we can to establish the premise and the concerns and everything is from the last year only
GN we're starting with the missed published errors the more troubling ones are later in the video
GN let's start with the entire RTX40 series
GN LTT's RTX40 series reviews started with the RTX 4090 which debuted with multiple erroneous charts
GN but one in particular was heavily written into the conclusion of the card
GN that chart was for cyberpunk where LTT allowed to slip past them an outlier with the 4090 outperforming the 3090 Ti by 300 percent
GN in reality that should be closer to 72 to 75 percent
GN we explained this previously but that's because LTT parameters and double check that the graphic settings weren't changing due to other dependencies during test setup
GN this is a massive human error and it is indicative of poor process control
GN no amount of blaming the video game or blaming how it settings behave is going to get you off the hook for this
GN it's simply human error that anyone could then look at this chart and think it makes any sense further indicates a poor understanding of the data collected
GN most of the rest of their own data was relatively consistent so there should have been clear indicators that this was wrong
GN despite being the only one they originally corrected in their comment this wasn't ltt's only error
GN and that's a separate concern
GN because it comes across as burring in just how many errors there truly were by only acknowledging the obvious one
GN or not being aware of them
GN both are bad
GN shadow of the Tomb Raider from that same review was even outperforming the 3090 by 61 percent it should be closer to 13 maximally
GN once again there's a lack of basic attention to detail maybe even knowledge to identify such massive errors
GN moving to automation makes us even more dangerous
GN because now you need the skill to identify flaws through numbers alone without even looking at the screen
GN the trouble was just how long it took LTT to acknowledge this mistake
GN this should have triggered deletion of the video basically immediately when they confirmed it was erroneous probably a community post on YouTube a Twitter post
GN and a timeline for a fixed video with corrections
GN but LTT waited days to fix it and they eventually posted a comment
GN but they didn't even pin it until people in the community started getting mad about that
GN that comment that was posted also didn't disclose all the errors just the lowest hanging fruit of them
GN which is cyberpunk and eventually they replaced the entire video in place
GN they didn't delete it there's a YouTube feature that we don't have most YouTube creators don't have where they can swap it in place so they did that
GN but only after over a million people saw it and we don't believe there was enough active Outreach to get in front of this bad data
GN and alert those million plus people that they're purchasing decisions may need to be reevaluated if that data influenced those decisions
GN probably there should have been a recall the content
GN if you're curious how we handle these issues the point here isn't really to talk
GN about that we have a published set of guidelines that we follow
GN it is our process and our standard now that's on
GN it's been there a little while
GN the 4060 review had enough evidence of being rushed
GN but one of the other pieces was this chart where an A750 is shown to be better than an RTX4060ti with Ray Tracy not
GN which no other public data seems to support including our own
GN they probably remade their RTX4090 mistake here with applying different settings or perhaps some type of upscaling
GN they didn't even catch this one this is another one of the ones that I caught
GN in their RTX4060 review we noticed that their GTX 1060 gains 20 percent more performance than shown in their 7600 review
GN that's definitely not from a driver change with a card this old and nothing else in those charts really methodological change either
GN this is clearly an error in one of the two results that no one noticed this is beyond us
GN the RTX4060Ti review they think that memory sharing between the GPU and system memory isn't a thing without misinformation
GN more recently in June LTT published its RTX 4060 review with an incorrect Lane count in the spec sheet
GN they listed it as by 16 when it's actually by 8
GN it Maybe fore this LTT previously made the same exact mistake with its RTX4060ti review
GN this video on YouTube they replaced it in place again using the special feature that most people don't have
GN but if you look at their BiliBili Channel you can see what the original was which was the wrong data
GN in the month since they didn't roll forward that correction
GN LTT had already corrected this once before which indicates to us that they are once again lacking the proper processes to ensure learned lessons carry forward
GN so it is missing basic research which once again starts to become Reckless irresponsible and concerning for a company branding itself in this position
GN moving to bad testing and coolers in May Linus Tech tips published a cooler Benchmark video it had a number of errors that take an entire video to explain
GN but among them this particular chart gives away one of the major problems because it illustrates inconsistency between LMG's own testing
GN in this chart LMG has the NH-D15 from Noctua in red and green
GN the top two bars
GN and then it has the Peerless assassin in blue and an orange
GN notice that for each result the D15 is consistently a few degrees better than the Peerless assassin in LMg's testing
GN this isn't the problem
GN the problem is that ltt's own data is inconsistent when you look at the 7700x
GN suddenly we go from a couple of degrees Advantage for the D15 over the Peerless assassin to 10 degrees Advantage for the Peerless assassin
GN there is absolutely no way with these CPUs that these results can deviate this much without error in the testing process
GN that this chart can get past someone and not trigger a removal of that data entry or a significant attempt to try and explain what happened
GN indicates to us that LMG presently lacks the qualifications to conduct proper cooler reviews
GN there is no reason for a sudden surprise 10 degree Delta to favor the cooler that was losing in every other test
GN LTT refers to the frequency reduction of 300 megahertz in one test as quote not enough to affect real world performance
GN when actually that's basically reducing a 3900k to a lesser CPU like a 13700
GN that is a huge difference so the ability to judge the data itself once again is suspect and concerning
GN LTT shows a 280 millimeter liquid cooler has worse than a downdraft cooler then blames it on nzxt's software
GN we are not able to replicate this result
GN they stay in the XT runs in quote silent mode by default which still wouldn't reduce it to worse than a stock cooler
GN and additionally if it runs in silent mode at all that means there are methodological flaws where they are not properly controlling a fan and pump speeds for this testing
GN and it's not proper to just blame the product because you don't want to control your test environment and you don't want to use it the way it's designed
GN this point alone calls all data into all of these charts into question
GN and it doesn't even look like they're controlling the frequencies and voltages properly
GN the surface area calculation is incorrect I made that mistake many years ago so I get this one
GN calculating the total accident general area of the cooler does not count the surface area of the fins which is the area that actually matters because it's where it carries the heat
GN LTT says that Noctua D15 can take quote anything you throw at it and that quote just doesn't lose
GN then they say they use it on all of their internal test benches for reviews
GN then they show it thermal throttling and cinebench testing seemingly
GN without realizing it or at least without mentioning it that it can get this close to TJ Maxx at all should immediately
GN eliminate it from using test benches where you want to see how the base product performs without external variables
GN we're a bit baffled by how huge the endorsement was for the Noctua NH-D15 given their own data
GN but Noctua has close ties with LTT so that may subconsciously be influencing the interpretation
GN and even if it's not it's still unfair to Noctua because now it's calling into question a positive comment because of those ties
GN that's why it cuts both ways when you have a conflict this deep
GN it's not just advertising anymore
GN final Point here the Peerless assassin was tested backwards and LTT blamed the lack of instructions
GN but we also suspect a mounting issue given their 10 degree Delta
GN good lab methodology would have ever done in C is for redundancy is the Safeguard against human error or perceived instructionscerror
GN in April LTT reviewed the Amazon Basics cooler LTT shows data where in the veteran V5 is producing numbers which seem physically impossible as compared to other coolers
GN on the chart as you follow along note that they sorted the charge worst to best
GN one thing we noticed was the max temperature value which is a 13 degree Delta against the average in their cyberpunk chart
GN this indicates that either LTT is averaging data which is not yet at steady state or it may have a bad Mount or test processes
GN this data should have triggered additional retests
GN especially as there is plenty of publicly available data supporting the Venture V5 as minimally equivalent to the physically much smaller Amazon Basics cooler
GN moving on from coolers last month LTT published a Labs video where they got the model of the power supply they were review in wrong
GN LTT mixed up the Thermaltake smart 80 plus and the thermaltake smart bm2 which are drastically different power supplies with different quality levels
GN they also mixed up the 80 plus 115 volt and 230 volt markers on the graphs
GN which have different requirements for the efficiency percent at a given load
GN this is something they caught after publishing
GN so that much is good pending a correction is the right move and they haven't always immediately done that like we saw with the RTX4090 review
GN so that's an improvement
GN but they need to at least get these basic attention to detail items right this isn't even the hard part
GN besides if you can't get this much right then as Linus as himself says
Linus and doing them halfway is basically meaningless
GN while we're on the topic of basic errors let's do one last one
GN we randomly clicked on a short circuit video to check for accuracy
GN there was literally no effort in finding this one and we landed on a 5600X3D review
GN the video host States
GN quotes
Jack the lab put it through its Paces
GN indicating this is a piece that the lab specifically contributed to which is marketed on accuracy
GN within the review LMG initially States correct 5600X3D specs
Jack but it has 99 megabytes of cache
GN but incorrect 5600X cache specs
Jack the non-3DV cache version has 36
GN then it displays incorrect 5600X3D specs on the screen later
GN and it it lists the 5600X3D is having four megabytes of L2 cache except the 5600X3D only has 512k of L2 per core totaling 3 megabytes not 4 megabytes
GN they also listed as having 99 megabytes of three except it has 99 megabytes total of L2 plus L3 cache at 96 plus 3
GN they then state that it's one megabyte lower cache to the 5800x3d
Jack you only lose one megabyte of cache
GN despite showing a graphic that has the 5800x3s lower cache than the 5600x3d
GN just a total mass and it's complete chaos
GN in March LTT published its 7950X3D review
GN LTT blamed a quote bad CPU and noted poor performance for the delay is on the review
GN this entire video confused us because it seemed like they were hyper worried about getting the right answer as compared to AMD
GN but they should be more focused on producing their own numbers that is if they trust their own numbers
Linus AMD had every opportunity to contest our findings
Linus but when we showed them our results
Linus they basically went yeah seems okay
GN that's because it is okay if you're trying to nail the exact differences down to a single percent of a first party claim
GN then you aren't providing any value as a third party reviewer
GN AMD might as well publish its own review
GN it's not weird at all to have a few percentage points different or even upwards of 30 percent
GN they make the thing they're gonna test it in ways that benefit
GN them then they said
Linus this so if nothing else to go on if we had launched that review we would have been the only outlet with a broadly negative take on this chip
GN which is also just weird because they shouldn't be worried about popularity contest
GN they should be worried about reporting the truth of their own findings and then trying to explain them if they're different
GN LTT noted in its email to AMD which they show briefly on the screen
GN that part of their stability quote problem was enabling Expo without increasing V dim
GN except it is normal that higher clocks of memory won't be stable without higher V to MVD and vddq
GN that's not anything unexpected nor is it AMD's fault nor is it new
GN the AMD Madea jisa menu for OC and BIOS worked at this time and is what should have been used to avoid these pitfalls as it would Auto apply
GN that test processes do not account for this check for this early and just blindly trust whatever it is the motherboard manufacturer menu is doing is
GN once again indicative of poor experience and blaming the CPU is not the way out
GN the next brief section is for asterisks errors which are added during Productions that's after filming and before publishing
GN you can't do text on the screen anymore in YouTube after you upload
GN so all of this is done before the upload
GN which means that when doing an asterisk correction a Creator is aware of that correction
GN however these have to be used carefully because most people won't read them they might just listen to the video or kind of tune it out
GN so these shouldn't be used for undoing criticism that was unfair
GN this past week Linus Tech tips showed an all Alienware setup with some asterisk errors in one
GN instance LTT states that the keys have quote stickers
Linus curiously cheap printing on some of the keycaps
LTT STUFF actually is double shot PBT
Linus yeah they're double shot except for they put stickers on them
LTT STUFF oh my gosh yeah
Linus yikes
GN and expresses disappointment
GN but the editors add a note that says not stickers immediately dismissing apparently the disappointment
GN in another asterisk correction LTT States
Linus and a 470Ti meaning we should be able to get some pretty good gaming performance out of this thing
GN but the editors had an asterisk that says not Ti
GN for hard criticisms that are stated by the host or the reviewer like the keycaps example
Linus yikes
GN serves no value or purpose to come and then put an asterisk to correct it later
GN you either cut it or you correct it in video
GN and going back to those interviews we think they're doing these Corrections because they're moving so fast
GN that they won't budge at the time to go back and properly correct something like with the new voiceover line
LTT STUFF I wish we could back off the amount and focus on quality
GN when it's clearly entertainment that's fine
GN but if you're going to start scrutinizing something it Entertainer or not
GN Last week LMG's Tech quickie Channel covered large language model hardware and within the four minute 45 second video
GN they had an on-screen tax reaction from 312 teraflops to 624 teraflops a big difference
GN then they had a related correction later
GN this is an extremely short video
GN three take two sentences just for audio would have taken a few minutes to send the host down to the studio
GN this reinforces our thesis statement that LTT is rushing its content and is pressured to maintain such high throughput that it can't slow down
GN even for a single sentence to be re-read properly or that it is unwilling to pay for content to be accurate
GN as long as it fulfills a good enough bar and don't be fooled by LMG they internally set the standard to upload at the frequency they do
GN it is therefore a willful decision to forego quality in order to hit the standards that they're setting
GN five more minutes is five minutes too many to get it completely right and that costs money
GN it will be one thing if they didn't realize this until after publishing
GN but realizing two mistakes within under five minutes of video prior to publishing should indicate a proper correction
GN in April LMG published a short circuit video that was paid for by Asus featuring the Asus 4070 Dual
GN the problem isn't the part where they refer to a 600 GPU as aquote budget card and then thank Asus for gracing us with the presence of a one dollar backplate
Jack it's got an aluminum backplate which is really nice to see on a budget card like this
GN or the clearly biased language where they give a manufacturer a blanket statement for are always being good
Jack it's an Asus card so it's going to perform great
GN but rather the problem is the simple correction for a misstatement on the amount of HDMI and DisplayPort available
Jack 3 DisplayPort and 2 HDMi on the Dual
GN they could have just cut around this
GN we're not sure why they left it in
GN and all these post shoot pre-publishing Corrections bring us to the next set of concerns
GN which is an increasing amount of irresponsible actions and conflicts that we've seen emerging from Linus Tech tips
GN so we've been seeing an alarming amount of conflicts from Linus Tech tips as it relates to their corporate connections
GN their flow of money and the potential bias as a result of those things
GN that we've been looking into this maybe more of a future video thing
GN but some of the concerns include how Linus is personally invested two hundred thousand dollars into laptop maker framework
GN and is also covering their product and their competitors products
GN LMG also has a cross-branded again screwdriver with Noctua and that's been sold on their store while they're also reviewing Noctua products favorably
GN even when it's shown to be hidden by their own data 100 degrees Celsius
GN which becomes problematic for Brands like Noctua well
GN because now it is less clear if the praise is genuine or if it is biased whether intentional or unintentional
GN these issues combined with high-level corporate connections through the CEO and through the head of labs raise a lot of concerns about conflict
GN but we won't be getting into them in depth in this video instead we're going to focus on the consequences of irresponsible reporting and bad data and how that influences the purchasing decisions of millions of people
GN to start with let's discuss the implicit ethics of knowing a lack of qualifications yet continuing to operate on a certain type of content
GN or being unwilling to commit the time to do that content properly
GN especially if you know that there are our flaws and shortcomings already and choose to forge ahead
GN we don't really see any other options here it is either too rushed to the point of potentially producing harmful information to viewers
GN and to Consumers that they then act on and to manufacturers alike or the company is unqualified to produce that information
GN it's really one or the other
GN this one talks about the ethics and power of a review outlet and therefore its responsibility to do due diligence on a product
GN on June 24th LTT published a video about a copper water block made by a small company called Billet Labs founded just last year
GN LTT took one of the company's first prototypes to test
GN valued in the thousands of dollars for manufacturing not counting opportunity value
GN in the video the LTT team stuck this special 3090Ti water block on an RTX4090
LTT STUFF if this wasn't a 3900Ti then we don't have another 3090Ti that we can take apart
Linus how the hell did we not know what GPU this thing was
LTT STUFF I thought it was a 3090Ti
Linus so we just casually had a 4090 sitting on the shelf clearly labeled
GN stating that it should work despite it not being explicitly compatible
GN the company did not tell LMG that it would be 4090 compatible
GN they told LMG that they could try to use a 4090 but Billet Labs itself had not tested one as it didn't have a 4090 at that time
GN water blocks have very specific tolerances and clearances for components
GN so any misalignment would cause poor contact to the GPU core
GN LMG decided to try it and continued with the video
GN despite misrepresenting the product massively by using it on an incompatible device that it literally would not fit properly
GN LTT's presentation goes down the path of being irresponsible
GN presenting the product is much more difficult to work with than it would be if used properly
GN the conclusion is like
Linus it's a cool product
Linus but it's a bad product
Luke it looks great
Linus yeah it looks super cool
Luke are you just thinking
Linus today
Luke I don't think just purely
Linus it's bad because it makes absolutely no sense and nobody should buy it
Linus most of the communities actually amazing
Linus but there's a vocal minority that looks at something like that and goes lazy out of touch
Linus you know whatever else no I'm just really experienced at this
GN it found this conclusion on the basis of improper installation
GN this serves no one it needlessly harms a small company and this kind of behavior can kill someone's life work in a heartbeat
GN and hasbased on invalid testing and presentation
GN one of the company Founders posted below the video and stated this
GN quote
GN we love LTT but it was difficult to watch their criticisms when pretty much every design issue that Linus raised was done for a reason
GN which was all explained to Adam weeks ago none of which I guess was feec back to Linus
GN we also sent a full instruction manual that seemingly wasn't used
GN I think there's definitely been a major Communication Breakdown on the video pipeline
GN we assumed we'd have a chance to answer any problems that were raised and explain them before it being publicly misrepresented
GN LMG faced some controversy from its community at which point it replied on the following WANshow
GN doubling down despite a complete lack of accurate or even useful testing
Linus nothing would have changed
Linus nothing that obeys the laws of physics would have changed changed the conclusion
GN that statement is already a reckless and problematic doubling down considering the elimination of any possibility to change the conclusion
GN including a 20 degree reduction which should change the conclusion
Linus if the GPU had been five degrees cooler that would have been the conclusion
Linus if it had been 10 degrees cooler that would have been the conclude
Linus if it had been 20 degrees cooler that would have been the conclusion
GN and we're not alone and saying they should have just done it properly
GN at least then you have grounds to stand on for criticisms
Luke I also get not wanting to retest
Luke but I do think probably just testing it with the thing that they knew it worked with in the first place probably would have make sense
Luke because like because like you're saying the test result itself doesn't matter
Luke but if it's like if it's just supposed to look cool then it should be seated properly so it looks cool
GN about five minutes of rambling the conclusion effectively was
GN lol it still sucks though
GN Linus then after a publicly humiliating and trashing the work of two guys just getting their start in business
GN while relying on zero effort to examine the thing correctly complains
GN about how he'd have to spend a hundred dollars to 500 more on an employee's time to test it properly
Linus but I'm
Linus I'm not
Linus I don't know guys
Linus I'm not sure if I can apologize for not spending another 100 200 300 500 of various people's time
Linus sitting and Engineering a workaround to a product that no matter the result nobody should buy
GN now we don't have any connection to Billet labs and that comment was offensive even to us
GN so we can't imagine how heartbroken they must have been
GN Linus in order to protect his company's bottom line was willing to potentially inflict immeasurable harm to a startup
GN rather than spend by his own admission a couple hundred bucks in someone else's time out of the 100 million dollar company's coffers
GN making matters worse in conversations with Billet Labs
GN Gamers Nexus learned that the company asked for the Prototype back on June 28th
GN this would allow them to send it out to other Media or use it for further development
GN Linus Media Group agreed at least twice to return the product
GN the first time they agreed to send it back was June 30th
GN at LTX Linus media through put the one-of-a-kind water block up for auction at its extra life auction event
GN without the permission of Billet Labs
GN Billet did not learn of this until around August 11th at which point it was told the block is gone
GN again this is despite LMG agreeing in late June to send it back as LMG would have no further use for the block
GN Billet told us that it is now stalled as it no longer has its best prototype available for continued development
GN it's also missing one of its GPU
GN we voiced a Billet a concern of a potential competitor
GN many of whom were at LT export was auctioned
GN potentially getting a hold of the block to send it off to be cloned
GN whether or not this happened is irrelevant
GN the point is that there's a responsibility that was ignored
GN the question that you have to ask as a Reviewer is am I being fair when making this type of commentary
GN that's regardless of whether you are just an Entertainer or you have your Entertainer hat on for that video
GN but not the next one and this is particularly important for anyone marketing the future of their businesses success
GN on the back of objectivity fairness data-driven reviews
GN another example of this just popped up recently as we were finishing this video
GN in the short circuit video where Linus Media Group reviewed
GN a mouse in there not a review the company made strong criticisms of the friction of the mouse in the video
LTT STUFF this is not a smooth Mouse and that's really disappointing
LTT STUFF especially on a premium gaming mouse that should be one of the primary focuses
GN Pwnage then contacted lmg to notify them that LMG had not removed the protective film from the feet of the mouse
GN Linus noted in the WANshow that the short circuit team then posted a pinned comment
GN saying that in fact there weren't any stickers on the mouse at the time of testing and that they stood by their commentary of the product
Linus the bigger issue here is that our initial correction which was posted
Linus said
Linus hey no it
Linus you know is high friction and we did test it and there were no films on the feet
GN Pwnage then tweeted publicly with an abrasive statement but one for which we can't fault them
GN they point out the irony of being chosen as a gift for ltx's whale and attendees despite the conclusion of the video being this
LTT STUFF the only question that remains is am Irecommending you buy this product
GN this we don't think is about buying favor
GN but rather the dichotomy between being Chosen and then having such an egregious error unfairly undermine the Integrity of the product and its Chief marketing point
GN LMG then eventually began the process of replacing the video in place once again
GN we assume this time with YouTube's trim tool
GN that'll take a day or two to process they're cutting the section about friction
GN but this doesn't fix the problem they are choosing to leave the content live whose conclusions were at least partially based on massively erroneous work
GN because they don't want to hurt their video performance
GN people continued to see the original until it processed
GN that can take a day or two
GN but they're willing to throw Pwnage under the bus
GN One Last Time by providing feedback that the stickers should be more obvious
GN for an end user maybe but an end user doesn't get paid to test a product whether or not it's branded as a review
GN all of this is ethically unacceptable
GN they like to Brand their short circuit stuff as unboxings
GN we're not other words
GN not reviews
GN but it's disingenuous to hide behind that whenever there's a mistake
GN this magnitude of error is what the mouse or in the case of the water block
GN the block is marketed on which is either Glide or thermals and to screw the strongest marketing Point
GN through such an egregious error as not taking the tape off of the product and still leaving the video up even
GN while processing a cut is callous to the impact that those choices have on these companies
GN Linus Media Group is a massive that has to be treated responsibly
GN there are correct actions it should result in some sort of immediate trigger
GN like a removal of the video with a follow-up saying we did it again
GN here's the new results
GN what's even more disturbing though is the community response every time someone has a criticism that's valid like
GN when the community beat down Hardware unboxed for voicing their concerns of LTT's testing accuracies issues which while not completely tactful
GN yes
GN we're valid then you look at the recent counts though like this
GN quote
GN if a professional Mouse reviewer couldn't figure it out what makes you think the average consumer will find the plastic wrapper cover
GN quote
GN short circuit is in a review channel it's an unboxing and first impressions Channel with some Labs testing
GN the conclusion was just David's opinion he had more issues with the mouse than just the feed
GN quote
GN and if your product can be unboxed by a tech reviewer who does this for a living
GN and that reviewer doesn't even realize there's packaging that needs to be removed before use that's bad user experience design of the product that should be called out as a negative
GN yes
GN but calling it out would require noticing it as a prerequisite
GN which a media Outlet taking its time would do
GN just because pwnage didn't phrase it in exactly the nicest way doesn't mean their point is invalid
GN the same went for a hardware unboxed with their concerns
GN the Pwnage was defending themselves they apparently according to Linus tried it the nice way first before they wrote that abrasive tweet
GN and and it's after getting humiliated publicly a second time through the pinned response the first one that basically said no our testing was right
GN and then people noticed that you could see the film reflecting in the b-roll OR at least we did they
GN then sent that tweet out and that it had no attack is irrelevant
GN so we're not going to try and pretty it up
GN it is unfair
GN it's unfair to Consumers who get misled to bad purchases or not understanding the product
GN it's unfair to companies when there are major points that are erroneous and aren't properly addressed or handled
GN and it's unfair to other reviewers who actually are willing to invest the time
GN and even a hundred dollars or five hundred dollars or whatever it takes in some cases to get it done right
GN and it's sad to see
GN because it undermines all of us
GN they are prioritizing publishing on a fixed schedule which they have self-imposed
GN this isn't
GN the YouTube algorithm Rhythm isn't some magic thing
GN that actually needs daily uploads
GN does it help
GN yeah sure
GN but there's a lot of things you could do in business that would help that are maybe not the right thing to do
GN I'll be real here
GN it's getting difficult for those of us who try to do things right and we're not the only review Outlet here
GN we're not alone in this to weigh it into a product conversation especially after LTT
GN where we have to tiptoe around errors they make and write scripts around it to kind of try and subtly correct it
GN considering the most devout part of the community is propensity to lash out like you're seeing against these two companies defending themselves
GN and we don't care anymore
GN we're just going to say it like
GN it is being new to testing it doesn't responsibility of the content just because you're new to this certain branch of business
GN and they have to continue to respect the position that the company is in
GN especially when building the business's future on the back of labs data
GN as a leader you're responsible for what you say and whether or not you are branded as the CEO
GN you still have to feel that responsibility for saying the things that are said
GN Linus Media Group has grown into a massive Corporation
GN it's hired a seasoned CEO to replace Linus itcontrols over 120 employees
GN they affect the purchasing decisions of millions of people and they brand themselves as an unbiased for the people outlet
GN and this is a an admirable goal
GN but the reality right now is that Linus Tech tips and irresponsible way
GN with these bad data points and and conclusions and either laziness or an unwillingness to commit that time cheapness whatever is focused on the bottom line
GN all of these things
GN these irresponsible actions they can affect in the worst case as the life work of an individual say a smaller company or in the more common cases
GN it can just mislead consumers into spending money that they don't have to spend or on things they don't realize
GN or maybe not the right fit for them because of these problems
GN having deep and high-level corporate Connections in companies and going easy on manufacturers
GN while then briefly after taking their money for a corporate title sponsorship of a major convention
GN investing in laptop companies and covering their own products alongside competitors
GN these are actions that to us raise serious concerns about the objectives of the company
GN is it in fact consumer first or is it more looking at the bottom line
GN the fun Linus personality in front of all of it doesn't make it simply okay to do these things
GN to publish bad data so regularly and knowingly in some cases like with the block and not take the time to do it properly
GN no matter how funny and goofy the video may be it simply isn't okay
GN the data matters the consumer matters the perspective of the consumer also matters now viewing this company as a a sort of reforged not just entertainment company
GN and the truth matters
GN we think there's an eagerness in the less experienced employees coupled with a lack of disciplined and experienced management to steer them in the right direction
GN and check for mistakes
GN so some of this is fine if you are just an Entertainer
GN but if you start marketing your business on accuracy and data and objectivity like those of us who've occupied the space since the website days
GN then we should all be held to the same standards we should all play by the same rules and audience scrutiny and criticisms
GN and likewise we as reviewers have to hold ourselves accountable to the same standards
GN because again it protects all of us from manufacturers being
GN like these guys don't do anything useful
GN so that's kind of it this is my thoughts on this
GN and it's I want to get back to testing stuff
GN but this it was important to us and I hope that people listened before they just jumped to the OMG drama wall comments
GN but that's it
GN thanks for watching we'll see you all next time
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