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Created May 28, 2012 12:07
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Save SvenDowideit/2818813 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a Rexify task that uses Rex::Box to deploy and configure a vm.
#!rex -wT
use strict;
use warnings;
use Rex::Box;
use Rex::Commands::SCM;
use Rex::Commands::Pkg;
desc "create or set up a box --name=";
task "create", sub {
my ($params) = @_;
Rex::Logger::info('running create on '.run 'uname -a');
#install a few things that I find useful
#TODO: move this into my local config..
install package => [qw/vim git subversion curl ssmtp/];
#ssmtp setup
#force quad to be in ssh known_hosts so that rsync just works
run 'rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" sven@quad:/etc/ssmtp/* /etc/ssmtp/';
#this needs to run on the vm, not here..
#checkout foswiki
#checkout 'foswiki_trunk', path=>'foswiki';
#do stuff to configure it
need to set:
* domain
* tz
* adduser?
* apt-sources
its a basic debian setup with ssh and 'standard system utilities'
need a vncdisplay so i can say
rex create start connect --servername=newserver --box=debian
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