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#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
int pos = 0;
#define DELAY_TIME_MS 30
void setup() {
#include "SPI.h" // include the SPI library:
#define SPI_TCR 0x60
#define SPI_TDR 0x64
#define SPI_RSR 0x70
#define SPI_RDR 0x74
#define mmio32(x) (*(volatile unsigned long *)(0x403A0000 + x))
#define PAYLOAD 5096
uint16_t dac[PAYLOAD];
* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Jan Schmidt <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2013, Broadcom Europe Ltd
Copyright (c) 2013, James Hughes
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
videoparsersbad: h263parse: H.263 parser
videoparsersbad: h264parse: H.264 parser
videoparsersbad: diracparse: Dirac parser
videoparsersbad: mpegvideoparse: MPEG video elementary stream parser
videoparsersbad: mpeg4videoparse: MPEG 4 video elementary stream parser
videoparsersbad: pngparse: PNG parser
videoparsersbad: jpeg2000parse: JPEG 2000 parser
videoparsersbad: h265parse: H.265 parser
videoparsersbad: vc1parse: VC1 parser
debug: breakmydata: Break my data
export MAKEFLAGS="-j 3"
set -e
[ -n "$1" ] && BRANCH=$1
# Create a log file of the build as well as displaying the build on the tty as it runs
exec > >(tee build_gstreamer.log)
Swap-File /
Last active July 10, 2019 07:23 — forked from sphaero/
Install & build gstreamer from git
#!/bin/bash --debugger
export MAKEFLAGS="-j 1"
set -e
if grep -q BCM270 /proc/cpuinfo; then
echo "RPI BUILD!"
freeverb: freeverb: Reverberation/room effect
siren: sirendec: Siren Decoder element
siren: sirenenc: Siren Encoder element
zbar: zbar: Barcode detector
audiomixer: audiomixer: AudioMixer
audiomixer: liveadder: AudioMixer
audiomixer: audiointerleave: AudioInterleave
videocrop: videocrop: Crop
videocrop: aspectratiocrop: aspectratiocrop
goom: goom: GOOM: what a GOOM!
#!/bin/bash --debugger
export MAKEFLAGS="-j 1"
set -e
if grep -q BCM270 /proc/cpuinfo; then
echo "RPI BUILD!"