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Created July 14, 2016 17:12
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Hierarchical Spatial Hash Grid: extremely efficient spatial hashing for collision detection between objects of any size! This is an implementation in JS as described in
// The only thing HSHG expects a collidable object to have is a getAABB() method that
// returns an object with two properties, min and max, that should both have a single
// array with two numbers as coordinates. For example, an object at 10, 10 and
// height/width of 100 would return { min: [10, 10], max: [110, 110] }
function Vertex(args /*x, y, radius*/){
var argProp;
for(argProp in args){
this[ argProp ] = args[argProp];
Vertex.prototype.getAABB = function(){
var rad = this.radius
,x = this.x
,y = this.y;
return this.aabb = {
min: [ x - rad, y - rad ]
,max: [ x + rad, y + rad ]
var grid = new HSHG()
,v1 = new Vertex({ x: 0, y: 0, radius: 20 })
// size is of no concern to the HSHG, it dynamically creates the necessary structures!
,v2 = new Vertex({ x: 10, y: 10, radius: 200 });
// obviously use something more robust than setTimeout
// the queryForCollisionPairs method can also accept a callback that will be used as a
// broad overlap test. By default, it uses a quick AABB intersection. The method must
// return true or false.
var pairs = grid.queryForCollisionPairs();
// do something with all the pairs!
// Hierarchical Spatial Hash Grid: HSHG
(function(root, undefined){
* Updates every object's position in the grid, but only if
* the hash value for that object has changed.
* This method DOES NOT take into account object expansion or
* contraction, just position, and does not attempt to change
* the grid the object is currently in; it only (possibly) changes
* the cell.
* If the object has significantly changed in size, the best bet is to
* call removeObject() and addObject() sequentially, outside of the
* normal update cycle of HSHG.
* @return void desc
function update_RECOMPUTE(){
var i
// for each object
for(i = 0; i < this._globalObjects.length; i++){
obj = this._globalObjects[i];
meta = obj.HSHG;
grid = meta.grid;
// recompute hash
objAABB = obj.getAABB();
newObjHash = grid.toHash(objAABB.min[0], objAABB.min[1]);
if(newObjHash !== meta.hash){
// grid position has changed, update!
grid.addObject(obj, newObjHash);
// not implemented yet :)
function update_REMOVEALL(){
function testAABBOverlap(objA, objB){
var a = objA.getAABB()
,b = objB.getAABB();
//if(a.min[0] > b.max[0] || a.min[1] > b.max[1] || a.min[2] > b.max[2]
//|| a.max[0] < b.min[0] || a.max[1] < b.min[1] || a.max[2] < b.min[2]){
if(a.min[0] > b.max[0] || a.min[1] > b.max[1]
|| a.max[0] < b.min[0] || a.max[1] < b.min[1]){
return false;
} else {
return true;
function getLongestAABBEdge(min, max){
return Math.max(
Math.abs(max[0] - min[0])
,Math.abs(max[1] - min[1])
//,Math.abs(max[2] - min[2])
function HSHG(){
this.MAX_OBJECT_CELL_DENSITY = 1/8 // objects / cells
this.INITIAL_GRID_LENGTH = 256 // 16x16
this.UPDATE_METHOD = update_RECOMPUTE // or update_REMOVEALL
this._grids = [];
this._globalObjects = [];
//HSHG.prototype.init = function(){
// this._grids = [];
// this._globalObjects = [];
HSHG.prototype.addObject = function(obj){
var x ,i
,objAABB = obj.getAABB()
,objSize = getLongestAABBEdge(objAABB.min, objAABB.max)
,oneGrid, newGrid;
// for HSHG metadata
obj.HSHG = {
globalObjectsIndex: this._globalObjects.length
// add to global object array
if(this._grids.length == 0) {
// no grids exist yet
cellSize = objSize * this.HIERARCHY_FACTOR_SQRT;
newGrid = new Grid(cellSize, this.INITIAL_GRID_LENGTH, this);
} else {
x = 0;
// grids are sorted by cellSize, smallest to largest
for(i = 0; i < this._grids.length; i++){
oneGrid = this._grids[i];
x = oneGrid.cellSize;
if(objSize < x){
x = x / this.HIERARCHY_FACTOR;
if(objSize < x) {
// find appropriate size
while( objSize < x ) {
x = x / this.HIERARCHY_FACTOR;
newGrid = new Grid(x * this.HIERARCHY_FACTOR, this.INITIAL_GRID_LENGTH, this);
// assign obj to grid
// insert grid into list of grids directly before oneGrid
this._grids.splice(i, 0, newGrid);
} else {
// insert obj into grid oneGrid
while( objSize >= x ){
x = x * this.HIERARCHY_FACTOR;
newGrid = new Grid(x, this.INITIAL_GRID_LENGTH, this);
// insert obj into grid
// add newGrid as last element in grid list
HSHG.prototype.removeObject = function(obj){
var meta = obj.HSHG
if(meta === undefined){
throw Error( obj + ' was not in the HSHG.' );
// remove object from global object list
globalObjectsIndex = meta.globalObjectsIndex
if(globalObjectsIndex === this._globalObjects.length - 1){
} else {
replacementObj = this._globalObjects.pop();
replacementObj.HSHG.globalObjectsIndex = globalObjectsIndex;
this._globalObjects[ globalObjectsIndex ] = replacementObj;
// remove meta data
delete obj.HSHG;
HSHG.prototype.update = function(){;
HSHG.prototype.queryForCollisionPairs = function(broadOverlapTestCallback){
var i, j, k, l, c
,possibleCollisions = []
// default broad test to internal aabb overlap test
broadOverlapTest = broadOverlapTestCallback || testAABBOverlap;
// for all grids ordered by cell size ASC
for(i = 0; i < this._grids.length; i++){
grid = this._grids[i];
// for each cell of the grid that is occupied
for(j = 0; j < grid.occupiedCells.length; j++){
cell = grid.occupiedCells[j];
// collide all objects within the occupied cell
for(k = 0; k < cell.objectContainer.length; k++){
objA = cell.objectContainer[k];
for(l = k+1; l < cell.objectContainer.length; l++){
objB = cell.objectContainer[l];
if(broadOverlapTest(objA, objB) === true){
possibleCollisions.push( [ objA, objB ] );
// for the first half of all adjacent cells (offset 4 is the current cell)
for(c = 0; c < 4; c++){
offset = cell.neighborOffsetArray[c];
//if(offset === null) { continue; }
adjacentCell = grid.allCells[ cell.allCellsIndex + offset ];
// collide all objects in cell with adjacent cell
for(k = 0; k < cell.objectContainer.length; k++){
objA = cell.objectContainer[k];
for(l = 0; l < adjacentCell.objectContainer.length; l++){
objB = adjacentCell.objectContainer[l];
if(broadOverlapTest(objA, objB) === true){
possibleCollisions.push( [ objA, objB ] );
// forall objects that are stored in this grid
for(j = 0; j < grid.allObjects.length; j++){
objA = grid.allObjects[j];
objAAABB = objA.getAABB();
// for all grids with cellsize larger than grid
for(k = i + 1; k < this._grids.length; k++){
biggerGrid = this._grids[k];
objAHashInBiggerGrid = biggerGrid.toHash(objAAABB.min[0], objAAABB.min[1]);
cell = biggerGrid.allCells[objAHashInBiggerGrid];
// check objA against every object in all cells in offset array of cell
// for all adjacent cells...
for(c = 0; c < cell.neighborOffsetArray.length; c++){
offset = cell.neighborOffsetArray[c];
//if(offset === null) { continue; }
adjacentCell = biggerGrid.allCells[ cell.allCellsIndex + offset ];
// for all objects in the adjacent cell...
for(l = 0; l < adjacentCell.objectContainer.length; l++){
objB = adjacentCell.objectContainer[l];
// test against object A
if(broadOverlapTest(objA, objB) === true){
possibleCollisions.push( [ objA, objB ] );
// return list of object pairs
return possibleCollisions;
* Grid
* @constructor
* @param int cellSize the pixel size of each cell of the grid
* @param int cellCount the total number of cells for the grid (width x height)
* @param HSHG parentHierarchy the HSHG to which this grid belongs
* @return void
function Grid(cellSize, cellCount, parentHierarchy){
this.cellSize = cellSize;
this.inverseCellSize = 1/cellSize;
this.rowColumnCount = ~~Math.sqrt(cellCount);
this.xyHashMask = this.rowColumnCount - 1;
this.occupiedCells = [];
this.allCells = Array(this.rowColumnCount*this.rowColumnCount);
this.allObjects = [];
this.sharedInnerOffsets = [];
this._parentHierarchy = parentHierarchy || null;
Grid.prototype.initCells = function(){
// TODO: inner/unique offset rows 0 and 2 may need to be
// swapped due to +y being "down" vs "up"
var i, gridLength = this.allCells.length
,x, y
,wh = this.rowColumnCount
,isOnRightEdge, isOnLeftEdge, isOnTopEdge, isOnBottomEdge
,innerOffsets = [
// y+ down offsets
//-1 + -wh, -wh, -wh + 1,
//-1, 0, 1,
//wh - 1, wh, wh + 1
// y+ up offsets
wh - 1, wh, wh + 1,
-1, 0, 1,
-1 + -wh, -wh, -wh + 1
,leftOffset, rightOffset, topOffset, bottomOffset
,uniqueOffsets = []
this.sharedInnerOffsets = innerOffsets;
// init all cells, creating offset arrays as needed
for(i = 0; i < gridLength; i++){
cell = new Cell();
// compute row (y) and column (x) for an index
y = ~~(i / this.rowColumnCount);
x = ~~(i - (y*this.rowColumnCount));
// reset / init
isOnRightEdge = false;
isOnLeftEdge = false;
isOnTopEdge = false;
isOnBottomEdge = false;
// right or left edge cell
if((x+1) % this.rowColumnCount == 0){ isOnRightEdge = true; }
else if(x % this.rowColumnCount == 0){ isOnLeftEdge = true; }
// top or bottom edge cell
if((y+1) % this.rowColumnCount == 0){ isOnTopEdge = true; }
else if(y % this.rowColumnCount == 0){ isOnBottomEdge = true; }
// if cell is edge cell, use unique offsets, otherwise use inner offsets
if(isOnRightEdge || isOnLeftEdge || isOnTopEdge || isOnBottomEdge){
// figure out cardinal offsets first
rightOffset = isOnRightEdge === true ? -wh + 1 : 1;
leftOffset = isOnLeftEdge === true ? wh - 1 : -1;
topOffset = isOnTopEdge === true ? -gridLength + wh : wh;
bottomOffset = isOnBottomEdge === true ? gridLength - wh : -wh;
// diagonals are composites of the cardinals
uniqueOffsets = [
// y+ down offset
//leftOffset + bottomOffset, bottomOffset, rightOffset + bottomOffset,
//leftOffset, 0, rightOffset,
//leftOffset + topOffset, topOffset, rightOffset + topOffset
// y+ up offset
leftOffset + topOffset, topOffset, rightOffset + topOffset,
leftOffset, 0, rightOffset,
leftOffset + bottomOffset, bottomOffset, rightOffset + bottomOffset
cell.neighborOffsetArray = uniqueOffsets;
} else {
cell.neighborOffsetArray = this.sharedInnerOffsets;
cell.allCellsIndex = i;
this.allCells[i] = cell;
Grid.prototype.toHash = function(x, y, z){
var i, xHash, yHash, zHash;
if(x < 0){
i = (-x) * this.inverseCellSize;
xHash = this.rowColumnCount - 1 - ( ~~i & this.xyHashMask );
} else {
i = x * this.inverseCellSize;
xHash = ~~i & this.xyHashMask;
if(y < 0){
i = (-y) * this.inverseCellSize;
yHash = this.rowColumnCount - 1 - ( ~~i & this.xyHashMask );
} else {
i = y * this.inverseCellSize;
yHash = ~~i & this.xyHashMask;
//if(z < 0){
// i = (-z) * this.inverseCellSize;
// zHash = this.rowColumnCount - 1 - ( ~~i & this.xyHashMask );
//} else {
// i = z * this.inverseCellSize;
// zHash = ~~i & this.xyHashMask;
return xHash + yHash * this.rowColumnCount
//+ zHash * this.rowColumnCount * this.rowColumnCount;
Grid.prototype.addObject = function(obj, hash){
var objAABB
// technically, passing this in this should save some computational effort when updating objects
if(hash !== undefined){
objHash = hash;
} else {
objAABB = obj.getAABB()
objHash = this.toHash(objAABB.min[0], objAABB.min[1])
targetCell = this.allCells[objHash];
if(targetCell.objectContainer.length === 0){
// insert this cell into occupied cells list
targetCell.occupiedCellsIndex = this.occupiedCells.length;
// add meta data to obj, for fast update/removal
obj.HSHG.objectContainerIndex = targetCell.objectContainer.length;
obj.HSHG.hash = objHash;
obj.HSHG.grid = this;
obj.HSHG.allGridObjectsIndex = this.allObjects.length;
// add obj to cell
// we can assume that the targetCell is already a member of the occupied list
// add to grid-global object list
// do test for grid density
if(this.allObjects.length / this.allCells.length > this._parentHierarchy.MAX_OBJECT_CELL_DENSITY){
// grid must be increased in size
Grid.prototype.removeObject = function(obj){
var meta = obj.HSHG
hash = meta.hash;
containerIndex = meta.objectContainerIndex;
allGridObjectsIndex = meta.allGridObjectsIndex;
cell = this.allCells[hash];
// remove object from cell object container
if(cell.objectContainer.length === 1){
// this is the last object in the cell, so reset it
cell.objectContainer.length = 0;
// remove cell from occupied list
if(cell.occupiedCellsIndex === this.occupiedCells.length - 1){
// special case if the cell is the newest in the list
} else {
replacementCell = this.occupiedCells.pop();
replacementCell.occupiedCellsIndex = cell.occupiedCellsIndex;
this.occupiedCells[ cell.occupiedCellsIndex ] = replacementCell;
cell.occupiedCellsIndex = null;
} else {
// there is more than one object in the container
if(containerIndex === cell.objectContainer.length - 1){
// special case if the obj is the newest in the container
} else {
replacementObj = cell.objectContainer.pop();
replacementObj.HSHG.objectContainerIndex = containerIndex;
cell.objectContainer[ containerIndex ] = replacementObj;
// remove object from grid object list
if(allGridObjectsIndex === this.allObjects.length - 1){
} else {
replacementObj = this.allObjects.pop();
replacementObj.HSHG.allGridObjectsIndex = allGridObjectsIndex;
this.allObjects[ allGridObjectsIndex ] = replacementObj;
Grid.prototype.expandGrid = function(){
var i, j
,currentCellCount = this.allCells.length
,currentRowColumnCount = this.rowColumnCount
,currentXYHashMask = this.xyHashMask
,newCellCount = currentCellCount * 4 // double each dimension
,newRowColumnCount = ~~Math.sqrt(newCellCount)
,newXYHashMask = newRowColumnCount - 1
,allObjects = this.allObjects.slice(0) // duplicate array, not objects contained
,push = Array.prototype.push;
// remove all objects
for(i = 0; i < allObjects.length; i++){
// reset grid values, set new grid to be 4x larger than last
this.rowColumnCount = newRowColumnCount;
this.allCells = Array(this.rowColumnCount*this.rowColumnCount);
this.xyHashMask = newXYHashMask;
// initialize new cells
// re-add all objects to grid
for(i = 0; i < allObjects.length; i++){
* A cell of the grid
* @constructor
* @return void desc
function Cell(){
this.objectContainer = [];
this.occupiedCellsIndex = null;
this.allCellsIndex = null;
root['HSHG'] = HSHG;
HSHG._private = {
Grid: Grid,
Cell: Cell,
testAABBOverlap: testAABBOverlap,
getLongestAABBEdge: getLongestAABBEdge
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