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larsneo / viewer.html
Last active November 5, 2024 11:30 — forked from jsprpalm/viewer.html
Pinch zoom implementation for PDF.js viewer
<!-- Goes into viewer.html just before ending </body> -->
let pinchZoomEnabled = false;
function enablePinchZoom(pdfViewer) {
let startX = 0, startY = 0;
let initialPinchDistance = 0;
let pinchScale = 1;
const viewer = document.getElementById("viewer");
const container = document.getElementById("viewerContainer");
const reset = () => { startX = startY = initialPinchDistance = 0; pinchScale = 1; };
leonardokl / AbortController.js
Last active January 13, 2020 09:48
AbortController implementation with XMLHttpRequest -
class AbortError extends Error {
name = "AbortError";
message = "Aborted";
class AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
aborted = false;
class AbortController {
hallettj / state-example-game.js
Created November 9, 2012 04:41
Implementation of a State monad in JavaScript
* Example of a state monad in use. This is adapted from an example on
* the Haskell Wiki:
require(['state', 'qunit'], function(state, qunit) {
* playGame() is a recursive function that given an array of moves
* defines an algorithm for constructing a final game score. Along
briancavalier / tiny closure Promise.js
Created February 7, 2011 12:55
A closure version of my mod ( to unscriptable's tiny promise (
function Promise() {
var callbacks = [],
promise = {
resolve: resolve,
reject: reject,
then: then,
safe: {
then: function safeThen(resolve, reject) {
promise.then(resolve, reject);