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Last active October 3, 2020 23:28
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<title>CodePen - Space 404</title>
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<!-- partial:index.partial.html -->
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<div class="star star2"></div>
<div class="star star3"></div>
<div class="star star4"></div>
<div class="star star5"></div>
<div class="error">
<div class="error__title">404</div>
<div class="error__subtitle">Hmmm...</div>
<div class="error__description">It looks like one of the developers fell asleep</div>
<button class="error__button" onclick="location.href='#home'">Go back to home page</button>
<div class="astronaut">
<div class="astronaut__backpack"></div>
<div class="astronaut__body"></div>
<div class="astronaut__body__chest"></div>
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<div class="astronaut__leg-right"></div>
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<!-- partial -->
function drawVisor() {
const canvas = document.getElementById('visor');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.moveTo(5, 45);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(15, 64, 45, 64, 55, 45);
ctx.lineTo(55, 20);
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ctx.lineTo(15, 10);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(15, 10, 5, 10, 5, 20);
ctx.lineTo(5, 45);
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const ctx = cordCanvas.getContext('2d');
let y1 = 160;
let y2 = 100;
let y3 = 100;
let y1Forward = true;
let y2Forward = false;
let y3Forward = true;
function animate() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight);
ctx.moveTo(130, 170);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(250, y1, 345, y2, 400, y3);
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if (y1 === 100) {
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if (y1 === 300) {
y1Forward = false;
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y2Forward = true;
if (y2 === 310) {
y2Forward = false;
if (y3 === 100) {
y3Forward = true;
if (y3 === 317) {
y3Forward = false;
y1Forward ? y1 += 1 : y1 -= 1;
y2Forward ? y2 += 1 : y2 -= 1;
y3Forward ? y3 += 1 : y3 -= 1;
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