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Created January 10, 2020 14:19
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2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] Linux AquaRing 5.4.8 #1-NixOS SMP Sat Jan 4 18:19:19 UTC 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:168] Contents of /etc/os-release:
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] NAME=NixOS
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] ID=nixos
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] VERSION="20.03pre-git (Markhor)"
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] VERSION_CODENAME=markhor
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] VERSION_ID="20.03pre-git"
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] PRETTY_NAME="NixOS 20.03 (Markhor)"
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] LOGO="nix-snowflake"
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] HOME_URL=""
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] DOCUMENTATION_URL=""
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] SUPPORT_URL=""
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:152] BUG_REPORT_URL=""
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:140] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=(null)
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:140] LD_PRELOAD=(null)
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:140] PATH=/nix/store/4ps7dnn58imma9dr261256gk9ih4z4cv-swaybg-1.0/bin:/home/synthetica/bin:/run/wrappers/bin:/home/synthetica/.nix-profile/bin:/etc/profiles/per-user/synthetica/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/run/current-system/sw/bin:/home/synthetica/go/bin
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/main.c:140] SWAYSOCK=(null)
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/session/logind.c:821] Successfully loaded logind session
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/backend.c:192] Found 1 GPUs
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/drm/backend.c:159] Initializing DRM backend for /dev/dri/card0 (i915)
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/drm/drm.c:255] Found 3 DRM CRTCs
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/drm/drm.c:176] Found 9 DRM planes
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [EGL] command: eglInitialize, error: 0x3001, message: "DRI2: failed to add configs"
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [EGL] command: eglInitialize, error: 0x3001, message: "eglInitialize"
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [render/egl.c:190] Failed to initialize EGL
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [EGL] command: eglMakeCurrent, error: 0x3008, message: "Invalid display (nil)"
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [render/wlr_renderer.c:221] Could not initialize EGL
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/drm/renderer.c:40] Failed to create EGL/WLR renderer
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/drm/backend.c:203] Failed to initialize renderer
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/backend.c:198] Failed to open DRM device 9
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/backend.c:343] Failed to open any DRM device
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [backend/noop/backend.c:51] Creating noop backend
2020-01-10 15:17:56 - [sway/server.c:47] Unable to create backend
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