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Last active July 13, 2017 13:22
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Logging failures on Task
import scalaz.{-\/, \/-}
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
* Easily adaptable to Monix, cats, fs2, cats-effect and so on
object Logger {
sealed trait Level
object Level {
case object Error extends Level
case object Info extends Level
case object Warn extends Level
case object Debug extends Level
implicit class LogFailures[A](t: Task[A]) {
* If the input task is a failure, it logs the resulting error
* and rethrows it within another failed task.
* If the input task is a success, does nothing.
* @param reporter A partial function that can return a different
* error and level for each error. If an error is
* not handled by `reporter`, its message (as
* given by `Throwable.getMessage`) is logged, at
* Debug Level
* @return A `Task[A]` that logs exceptions. Note that
* `logFailures`, as evident from its type, doesn't
* change the status of the task: a successful task
* remains successful, and a failed task remains failed.
def logFailures(
reporter: PartialFunction[Throwable, (Level, String)]): Task[A] = {
def logMsgFor(e: Throwable): Task[Unit] =
reporter.lift(e) map {
case (level, msg) => log(msg, level)
} getOrElse {
log(e.getMessage, Level.Debug)
t.attempt flatMap {
case -\/(e) => logMsgFor(e) >>
case \/-(a) =>
private def log(msg: String, level: Level): Task[Unit] = Task.delay {
level match {
case Level.Error => logger.error(msg)
case Level.Info =>
case Level.Warn => logger.warn(msg)
case Level.Debug => logger.debug(msg)
private val logger = journal.Logger[this.type]
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