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Created August 7, 2017 13:51
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[DRAFT] Layered algebras in Free and Final Tagless
object FreeAlg {
import{Free, Inject}
import cats.implicits._
import cats._
sealed trait MoveV[A]
final case class MoveUp(current: Int) extends MoveV[Int]
final case class MoveDown(current: Int) extends MoveV[Int]
object MoveV {
class Alg[F[_]](implicit i: Inject[MoveV, F]) {
private[this] val inj = Free.inject[MoveV, F]
def up(c: Int) = inj(MoveUp(c))
def down(c: Int) = inj(MoveDown(c))
implicit def injector[F[_]](implicit i: Inject[MoveV, F]) = new Alg
sealed trait MoveH[A]
final case class MoveLeft(current: Int) extends MoveH[Int]
final case class MoveRight(current: Int) extends MoveH[Int]
object MoveH {
class Alg[F[_]](implicit i: Inject[MoveH, F]) {
private[this] val inj = Free.inject[MoveH, F]
def left(c: Int) = inj(MoveLeft(c))
def right(c: Int) = inj(MoveRight(c))
implicit def injector[F[_]](implicit i: Inject[MoveH, F]) = new Alg
sealed trait Shape[A]
final case class Line(from: Int, to: Int) extends Shape[Int]
final case class Rectangle(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int) extends Shape[Int]
object Shape {
class Alg[F[_]](implicit i: Inject[Shape, F]) {
private[this] val inj = Free.inject[Shape, F]
def line(f: Int, t: Int) = inj(Line(f, t))
def rectangle(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int) =
inj(Rectangle(a, b, c, d))
implicit def injector[F[_]](implicit i: Inject[Shape, F]) = new Alg
object App {
def run[F[_]](init: Int)(implicit V: MoveV.Alg[F],
H: MoveH.Alg[F]): Free[F, Either[String, Int]] = {
import H._
import V._
for {
a <- up(1)
_ <- left(2)
b <- down(a)
c <- b.asRight.ensure("Nope")(_ < 2).pure[Free[F, ?]]
} yield c
object App2 {
def run[F[_]](init: Int)(
implicit H: Shape.Alg[F]): Free[F, Either[String, Int]] = {
import H._
for {
a <- line(init, 2)
b <- rectangle(a, 2, 3, 4)
c <- b.asRight.ensure("Nope")(_ < 2).pure[Free[F, ?]]
} yield c
val interpreterV: MoveV ~> Id = new (MoveV ~> Id) {
override def apply[A](fa: MoveV[A]): Id[A] = fa match {
case MoveUp(x) => x + 1
case MoveDown(x) => x - 1
val interpreterH: MoveH ~> Id = new (MoveH ~> Id) {
override def apply[A](fa: MoveH[A]): Id[A] = fa match {
case MoveRight(x) => x + 1
case MoveLeft(x) => x - 1
type MoveHAndMoveV[A] = Coproduct[MoveH, MoveV, A]
def moveInterpreter[F[_]](implicit V: MoveV.Alg[F],
H: MoveH.Alg[F]): Shape ~> Free[F, ?] =
new (Shape ~> Free[F, ?]) {
import V._
import H._
override def apply[A](fa: Shape[A]): Free[F, A] = fa match {
//bogus impls
case Line(f, t) => left(t - f)
case Rectangle(a, b, c, d) => up(b - a) >> left(c - b)
}[MoveHAndMoveV](1).foldMap(interpreterH or interpreterV)
.foldMap(interpreterH or interpreterV)
object FT {
import cats._, implicits._
trait MoveV[F[_]] {
def up(c: Int): F[Int]
def down(c: Int): F[Int]
object MoveV {
implicit def interpreter: MoveV[Id] = new MoveV[Id] {
def up(c: Int) = c + 1
def down(c: Int) = c - 1
trait MoveH[F[_]] {
def left(c: Int): F[Int]
def right(c: Int): F[Int]
object MoveH {
implicit def interpreter: MoveH[Id] = new MoveH[Id] {
def right(c: Int) = c + 1
def left(c: Int) = c - 1
trait Shape[F[_]] {
def line(f: Int, t: Int): F[Int]
def rectangle(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int): F[Int]
object Shape {
implicit def moveInterpreter[F[_]: Monad](implicit V: MoveV[F],
H: MoveH[F]): Shape[F] =
new Shape[F] {
def line(f: Int, t: Int): F[Int] = H.left(t - f)
def rectangle(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int): F[Int] =
V.up(b - a) >> H.left(c - b)
object App {
def run[F[_]: Monad](init: Int)(implicit V: MoveV[F],
H: MoveH[F]): F[Either[String, Int]] =
for {
a <- V.up(1)
_ <- H.left(2)
b <- V.down(a)
c <- b.asRight.ensure("Nope")(_ < 2).pure[F]
} yield c
object App2 {
def run[F[_]: Monad](init: Int)(
implicit S: Shape[F]): F[Either[String, Int]] =
for {
a <- S.line(init, 2)
b <- S.rectangle(a, 2, 3, 4)
c <- b.asRight.ensure("Nope")(_ < 2).pure[F]
} yield c
val a =[Id](1)
val b =[Id](1)
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