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Last active November 3, 2018 17:41
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Encoding existentials via abstract types (1) and higher-ranks (2)
// This is the traditional encoding, using abstract type members
// to encode existentials
object AbstractExistentials {
trait E {
type X
val x: X
def f(p: X): String
// Calling code, can be unaware of X
def exTest(in: E): String = in.f(in.x)
val e1 = new E {
type X = Int
val x = 1
def f(p: Int) = p.toString
val e2 = new E {
type X = String
val x = "hello"
def f(p: String) = p.toUpperCase.toString
val r1 = exTest(e1) // res0: String = 1
val r2 = exTest(e2) // res1: String = HELLO
// This is an encoding which uses the equivalence
// exists a. (a, a -> String) <=> forall r. (forall a. (a, a -> String) -> r) -> r
// Which is basically CPS.
// Note the use of higher rank polymorphism, which we need to simulate with a custom trait.
// This is noisy, but allows to encode existential quantification in languages without
// abstract type members like Java.
object HigherRankExistentials {
trait E {
def f[R](p: E.HRF[R]): R
object E {
trait HRF[R] {
def apply[X](x: X, f: X => String): R
def exTest(in: E): String = in.f {
new E.HRF[String] {
def apply[X](x: X, f: X => String): String = f(x)
val e1 = new E {
def f[R](p: E.HRF[R]): R = p[Int](1, _.toString)
val e2 = new E {
def f[R](p: E.HRF[R]): R = p[String]("hello", _.toUpperCase.toString)
val r1 = exTest(e1) // res3: String = 1
val r2 = exTest(e2) // res4: String = HELLO
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