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Last active June 7, 2019 05:14
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Shapeless Poly with explicit arguments
object Args {
// it requires the cats, shapeless, and kittens libraries
import cats._, implicits._
import cats.sequence._
import shapeless._, labelled._
import shapeless.syntax.singleton._
// Gitter question:
// it masks fields of a record according to an explicit argument
// if the contenct of each field is in the ``fields`` set, convert it to `None`
// if not, wrap them in Some
object FilterNot extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseField[K <: Symbol, A](implicit key: Witness.Aux[K]) =
at[FieldType[K, A]] { x => (fields: Set[String]) =>
field[K] {
if (!fields.contains( Some(x)
else None
val hlist = 'id ->> 1 :: 'name ->> "John" :: HNil
val fields = Set("name")
val b = hlist.traverse(FilterNot).apply(fields) // Some(1) :: None :: HNil
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