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Vim cheat sheet
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Vim commands helpsheet | |
Contents | |
My .vimrc commands | |
Basics | |
Movement | |
Search and replacement | |
Buffers and Windows | |
Buffers | |
Windows | |
Tabs | |
Edit text | |
Recording | |
Argslist | |
Yanking | |
Indentation | |
Information about tabstops | |
Help | |
Installing Plugins | |
Special | |
Create a command on the fly | |
Mappings | |
Plugins | |
My .vimrc commands: | |
<leader>bn = previous buffer | |
<leader>bp = previous buffer | |
<Leader>c = toggle colorscheme | |
<C-w>h (jkl) = window nav | |
<C-t> = number toggle | |
<leader>tg = generate tag file | |
<leader>tt = tagbar toggle | |
<leader>n = nerdtree | |
fw = fixwhitespace | |
<Leader>p = ctrlp (files) | |
<leader>pt = ctrlp (tags) | |
<leader>pb = ctrlp (buffers) | |
<leader>pc = crtlp (clear caches) | |
<leader>gs = git status | |
<leader>gg = git grep | |
<leader>gl = extradite | |
<leader>gd = git diff | |
<leader>gb = git blame | |
<Leader>l = easymotion lineforward | |
<Leader>h = easymotion linebackward | |
<Leader><Leader>w = easymotion wordsforward | |
<Leader><Leader>ge = easymotion wordsbackward | |
Haskell: | |
tw = insert type | |
tq = see type of expr | |
te = clear type of expr | |
Basics: | |
VIM has three modes: | |
i = insert mode- stuff you type is added to the buffer | |
<esc> = normal mode- keys you hit are interpreted as commands | |
v = visual mode- allows you to select continuos text | |
Other | |
V = visual mode and select whole line | |
<ctrl-V> = to enter visual mode for blockselections | |
:set number = to set linenumbers | |
:q! = force quit | |
:wq = save and quit | |
:!<bash command> = execute command | |
:set guifont=Monaco:h20 = to set bigger fontsize | |
:cd ~/path/to/working/directory = changes working directory | |
:pwd = to see working directory | |
:!mv % /new/path/to/file = move current file to new dir | |
:e /path/to/file = open file in new buffer (see below "Buffers") | |
:!rm % = delete current file | |
Movement: | |
gg = go to top of file | |
G = go to end of file | |
:12 = go to line 12 | |
zz = make current cursor position center of window | |
ctrl-u = move up half window | |
ctrl-d = move down half window | |
H = move to Top (High) of screen | |
M = move to Middle of screen | |
L = move to Bottom (Low) of screen | |
0 = move to beginning of line | |
^ = move to first non-blank character | |
$ = move to the end of line | |
% = move between () {} <>, if cursor is on one | |
'' = move to last cursor position | |
3b = 3 words backwards | |
2w = 2 words forward | |
ma = will insert a mark 'a' at the current location of the cursor | |
mz = will inser another mark at another given location | |
'a = will jump to mark 'a' | |
'z = will jump to mark 'z' | |
Search and replacement | |
gd = will take you to the local declaration. | |
gD = will take you to the global declaration. | |
g* = search for the word under the cursor (like *, but g* on 'rain' will find words like 'rainbow'). | |
f# = find next character # on line | |
3f# = find 3:rd next hashtag on line | |
; = next # | |
, = previous # | |
:/pattern = searches whole file for occurences of pattern | |
* = searches whole file for word under cursor (forward) | |
# = searches whole file for word under cursor (backward) | |
g* = searches whole file for word (inclusive those where it is only part of too). | |
n = find next occurence of searched pattern | |
N = find previous instance of searched pattern | |
:noh = stop highlighting pattern after search | |
:%s/old\ pattern\./new pattern./gc = replacing all occurences of old pattern with new | |
1. g = global search for all occurences | |
2. c = ask for confirmation on search | |
:s/old/new/g = replaces all occurences of old to new on current line | |
:5,12s/old/new/g = replaces all occurences between line 5 and 12 | |
Buffers and Windows: | |
Buffers: | |
:help buffer = for a review of vim buffers and windows | |
:sb file = opens a new split window for the buffer | |
:e file = opens file in new buffer | |
:badd file = adding buffer for file without opening it | |
:ls = list buffers (all open documents with unique nr) | |
:b (part of the filename)<Tab> = autocompletes the buffer name and opens it | |
:b# = (or <Ctrl-^>) go to alternate buffer (# most recent buffer, % is the current buffer) | |
:bufdo {cmd} = execute command in all buffers | |
:bd = delete current buffer and return to previous | |
:bd 3 5 = delete buffer 3 and 5 | |
:3,5bd = delete buffer 3, 4, and 5 | |
:bd *.php<Ctrl-a> = deletes all php file buffers for example | |
:ba = buffer all opens a window for all buffers | |
Windows: | |
Windows are not Buffers but views onto buffers | |
:help ctrl-w = to see all useful commands | |
ctrl-w s = Split window horisontally | |
ctrl-w v = Split window vertically | |
:sp file = splits widow horisontally and opens the file in the current window | |
:vsp file = does the same but vertically | |
:ba = buffer all opens a window for all buffers | |
[ctrl-w =] = (without brackets) equalizes all windows to same size | |
ctrl-w w = cycles through windows | |
ctrl-w h = Move focus right | |
ctrl-w j = Move focus down | |
ctrl-w k = Move focus up | |
ctrl-w l = Move focus left | |
ctrl-w r = shifts the windows to the right (all windows must be vertically split) | |
ctrl-w R = shifts the windows to the left | |
ctrl-w x = shift the two closest windows | |
:q = close current window | |
:only = close all windows but current | |
Tabs: | |
:mvim -p first.txt second.txt = open first.txt and second.txt in different tabs | |
:mvim -p *.txt = same as above but for all .txt files | |
:tabedit {file} = edit specified file in a new tab | |
:tabfind {file} = open a new tab with filename given, searching the 'path' to find it | |
:tabclose = close current tab | |
:tabclose {i} = close i-th tab | |
:tabonly = close all other tabs (show only the current tab) | |
:tab split = copy the current window to a new tab of its own | |
:tabm 0 = move current tab to first | |
:tabm = move current tab to last | |
:tabm {i} = move current tab to position i+1 | |
:tabn = go to next tab | |
:tabp = go to previous tab | |
:tabfirst = go to first tab | |
:tablast = go to last tab | |
gt = go to next tab | |
gT = go to previous tab | |
{i}gt = go to tab in position i | |
Edit text: | |
I = insert text at beginning of line | |
i = insert text at cursor position | |
a = append after cursor position | |
A = append after the end of the line | |
o = open new line in insert mode under cursor | |
O = open new line in insert mode above cursor | |
x = deletes character after cursor | |
X = deletes character before cursor | |
d2w = delete 2 words | |
d2e = delete 2 words and put cursor before next word | |
:-2,+2d = deletes from 2 lines above to 2 lines under cursor position | |
c2w = change 2 words (same as above but goes into insert mode after) | |
C = change entire line from the cursor position to end | |
r9 = replace characters under cursor position with 9 | |
R = start replacing all characters under cursor | |
:set tw=80 = textwidth of the number of columns of text you want to wrap your text around | |
(visually mark text) + gq = to make the marked text all wrapped around 80 now. | |
Recording | |
qa = to start the recording and save it in register [a]. | |
(...) = do some stuff from command mode (if you want to use tab type it with <ctrl>) | |
q = to quit the recording | |
@a = play up the recording | |
23@a = play up the recording 23 times | |
Argslist | |
(from terminal) g $(command): g $(grep *.c | sort) = take all .c files sort them and put in args list in vim | |
(g is an alisas for vim --remote-silent) | |
ga = record and make some changes to a file | |
:n = open up next file in argslist | |
q = stop recording | |
25@a = make the same change to all files | |
:rewind = goes back to the beginning of the argslist | |
:n = opens next file in the argslist to control that all changes have been made | |
:p = opens previous file in the argslist | |
:wall to save the changes in all the files in the argslist | |
Yanking | |
v = go into visual mode to select text to yank or delete (cut) | |
y = yank selected lines from visual mode | |
y2 = yank two lines | |
yyp = yank current line and paste it below | |
:%y+ = yank whole file | |
P = paste above | |
:5,7m 21 = move lines 5, 6 and 7 to after line 21 | |
:m+3 = move current line 3 lines down | |
ctrl + n = autocomplete word if written before, may require you to write it many times. | |
u = undo | |
ctrl + r = redo | |
c = fold codeblock | |
di" = delete inside quotes | |
:305,309 s/^/# / = comment out the rows between 305 and 309 with '#' sign | |
To format text of file to only 32 columns: | |
:set tw=32 | |
gggqG | |
Indentation | |
>> = indent line in normal mode | |
5>> = indent 5 lines in normal mode | |
If you for example want to move just the comments of a couple of lines but not the whole line | |
you could use visual blockselection and move only that (like Sublimes multiple cursors): | |
<ctrl-V> = mark the block | |
>> = indent | |
[==] = (without brackets) autoindents current line in normal mode | |
[6==] = autoindents 6 lines from current in normal mode | |
When using autoindentation Vim looks for indentation rules in $VIMRUNTIME/indent directory | |
for the current filetype (.rb, .py or .php). If it does not find one it will use c-style | |
indentation rules. | |
1. Flattening a whole file | |
ggVG = to highlight all text in visual mode | |
<... = to move all the selected far left | |
2. Autoindent a whole file | |
gg = to move to the top of the file | |
=G = to autoindent with a motion | |
> = indent highlighted text in visual mode | |
Because the vim editor exits visual mode after it has indented you will need enter visual | |
mode to mark the text again and then redo the same command, therefore when indenting use: | |
. = repeat previous command | |
to repeat the same command and indent another step and: | |
u = to undo the indentation back a step. | |
You could also mark the same text all over again by | |
gv = reselects the last highlighted selection in visual mode | |
and so lets you manage the block in any given way you want. | |
vi} = to visually select all text with {} as delimiter (selecting text inside the {} ) | |
Information about tabstops | |
set tabstop=8: defines the width of a tab to 8 columns | |
expandtab: enables use of spaces instead of tabcharacter when the tabkey is used | |
noexpandtab: disables it | |
softtabstop: [insert mode] finetunes of the amount of whitespace used in insert mode | |
shiftwidth: [normal mode] determines the amount of whitespace inserted or removed in | |
indentation (shifting a block of code in normal mode with < or >) | |
If you have expandtab enabled softtabstop and shiftwidth dictates the amount of whitespace | |
used, but if it is disabled, you´ll notice that the softtabstop and shiftwidth still | |
dictates the space but only to the point that the inserted space is under the limit of the | |
tabstop, if you add more than that Vim replaces the spaces with a tab. For not letting the | |
indentation of normal mode conflict with the tabs of insert mode when using spaces | |
let shiftwidth == softtabstop. | |
If you prefer using tabs instead of spaces and dont want to convolute the file | |
let tabstop == softtabstop | |
Help: | |
:h <search term> = search term (opens new buffer for search results) | |
Installing plugins | |
To install a Vimball plugin (with .vba extension) all you need to do is open the file in | |
Vim, and then type: | |
:source % = installs the current file in the proper directories | |
:q = quit | |
This is in the case of the .vba files. The % refers to the current file, so having a file | |
open in vim is telling it to run the file in the context of vim, therefore it knows where. | |
That being said, I would recommend instead of doing it this way to use: | |
Pathogen | |
Is a plugin manager which is highly recommended. This way you have a structure of where all | |
plugins reside. All plugins will be located in the subfolder "bundle" in your .vim folder. | |
Pathogen looks for a bundle folder in .vim and adds the subdirectories of it to the runtime | |
path. This essentially means each subdirectory of bundle looks like a .vim/ folder to vim. | |
All you have to do to install a plugin is to get the plugin from wherever, and put it in its | |
own folder in ..vim/bundle To remove the plugin, just delete the folder from .vim/bundle. | |
Special: | |
:options = gives all set options for configurations | |
:set autochdir = uses files current directory as working directory | |
:source = reads the contents of a file as a series of commands (:so) | |
gf = edit filename under cursor | |
:w !sudo tee % = | |
1. :w = for writing | |
2. ! = for executing a bash command | |
3. sudo tee = for superuser piping the output of command into another filesave | |
4. % = this current file | |
vi = in irb (ruby shell) opens vim and lets you write longer programs to test instead of | |
line-by-line editing (requires you have "gem installed interactive_editor" and created | |
a ~/.irbrc file with the two lines | |
"require 'rubygems'" and | |
"require 'interactive_editor'". | |
Create a command on the fly | |
1. Start by in insert mode writing a command on one line. | |
2. 0i:r = (to turn the current line into a valid :r command), | |
3. "cdd = (to delete the line into the "c" register) and | |
4. @c = execute that command. | |
Mappings (Basics): | |
To map keys to commands you can put commands in your .vimrc that you wish to map to a certain | |
keysequence. The general format for mapping is: | |
{cmd} {attr} {lhs} {rhs} where | |
{cmd} is one of ':map', ':map!', ':nmap', ':vmap', ':noremap', etc. | |
{attr} is optional and one or more of the following: <buffer>, <silent>, <expr> <script>, | |
<unique> and <special>. | |
{lhs} left hand side, is a sequence of one or more keys that are being mapped. | |
{rhs} right hand side, is the sequence of keys that the {lhs} keys are mapped to. | |
Example: | |
map j gg " Will map the key j to gg, i.e go to the top of the file | |
map Q j " Will map the key Q to j, i.e also to gg since maps without [nore] are recursive | |
noremap W j " Will map W to j, but not to anything else | |
For each of these sets of mappings, there is a mapping that works in all modes (:map and | |
:noremap), one that works in normal mode (:nmap and :nnoremap), one in visual mode (:vmap | |
and :vnoremap) and so on. | |
Plugins: | |
Surround: | |
VS<strong> = surround V(isual) selected content with S(urrounded) and indented <strong> tags | |
viwS<em> = surround v(isual) i(nner) w(ord) with <em> tags | |
viwS<a href="http://url.com"> = guess what that does? | |
ciwS<strong> = change surrounding with <strong> tags | |
dst = delete surrounding tags | |
vim-trailing-whitespace | |
:FixWhitespace = Duuh, fixes all whitespace | |
EasyMotion | |
<Leader><Leader>w = mark all words in document (below cursor) with triggerletters (goto) | |
<Leader><Leader>ge = mark all words in document (above cursor) with triggerletters | |
<Leader><Leader>k = mark beggining of all lines (above cursor) with triggerletters | |
<Leader><Leader>fo = mark all occurances of char 'o' (below cursor) with triggerletters | |
CtrlP (Command-T for Vim) | |
ctrl-p = start fuzzy search for files, buffers and tags. | |
NERDTree commands | |
<Leader>n = to open NERDTree (with "cmap nt NERDTree" use :nt instead!) | |
? = to see all commands, use as well for toggling inside of the NERDTree | |
<Leader>c<space> = comments out marked textblock (NerdCommenter ?) | |
vim-multiple-cursors | |
ctrl-n = marks word under cursor for editing, press ctrl-n again and next occurance of the word | |
gets highlighted for editing, and now you edit all the words at the same time. | |
snipMate | |
In insert mode, for example, you can type | |
div<tab> = if you are in a html file (.html extension) then this expands to: | |
<div id="name"> | |
</div> | |
fn<tab> = if you are in a haskell file (.hs extension) the this expands to: | |
fn :: a -> a | |
fn = undefined | |
You can add snippets to your favorite language yourself by adding them to the snippet file that | |
exist in your .vim directory in ~/. | |
Align | |
In command mode type | |
:Align -- = and all comments in you haskell file will be aligned. | |
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