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Created December 16, 2019 03:25
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Detect Data in Excel Cells per Row using ComObjectConnect
wbk := ComExcelConnect( "ahk_class XLMAIN" ).Application ; ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
; a::
; Loop % UsedRows
While ( A_Index <= wbk.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count )
CurRow := A_Index, Cols := wbk.Cells( CurRow, 256 ).End( -4159 ).Column
Loop % Cols
if ( wbk.Cells( CurRow, A_Index ).Value != "" )
CellObj := wbk.Cells( CurRow, A_Index )
; place action here!
; remove below msgbox for display purposes only!
msgbox % "Cell: " CellObj.Address( 0, 0 ) "`nValue: " CellObj.Value
ComExcelConnect( WinTitle )
DetectHiddenWindows, On
objID := "-16", objID &= 0xFFFFFFFF
refID := -VarSetCapacity( iid, 16 )
iid_type := NumPut( 0x46000000000000C0
, NumPut( 0x20400, iid, "Int64" )
, "Int64")
ControlGet, hwnd, hwnd, , EXCEL71, % WinTitle
DllCall( "oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", ptr, hwnd, uInt, objID, ptr, refID+iid_type, "ptr*", pObj )
return ComObjEnwrap( 9, pObj )
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