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Created October 30, 2018 13:37
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Allows to hide and show keyboard with notification after successful hiding or showing
class RxKeyboardManager(private val activity: Activity, private val mainThread: Scheduler, private val imm: InputMethodManager) {
val keyboardStates = Observable.create<Boolean>({
val globalLayoutListener = ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener { it.onNext(isKeyboardShown()) }
it.setCancellation { activity.window.decorView.viewTreeObserver.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(globalLayoutListener) }
}, Emitter.BackpressureMode.LATEST)
fun isKeyboardShown(): Boolean {
val rootView = activity.window.decorView
/* 128dp = 32dp * 4, minimum button height 32dp and generic 4 rows soft keyboard */
val r = Rect()
val dm = rootView.resources.displayMetrics
/* heightDiff = rootView height - status bar height ( - visible frame height (r.bottom - */
val heightDiff = rootView.bottom - r.bottom
/* Threshold size: dp to pixels, multiply with display density */
return heightDiff > SOFT_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_DP_THRESHOLD * dm.density
fun showKeyboard(viewForInput: View): Completable = if (isKeyboardShown()) {
} else {
Completable.fromAction { imm.showSoftInput(viewForInput, 0) }
.concatWith(keyboardReacted(visibility = true))
fun hideKeyboard(view: View = activity.window.decorView): Completable = if (isKeyboardShown()) {
Completable.fromAction { imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.windowToken, 0) }
.concatWith(keyboardReacted(visibility = false))
} else {
private fun keyboardReacted(visibility: Boolean): Completable = keyboardStates
.first { it == visibility }
.observeOn(mainThread)// Wait when UI reflected (a small delay because of post())
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