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Created June 30, 2018 16:44
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def set_node_color(G,color_by,colormap=None):
Returns a list of colors for each node based on the provided colormap.
G : graph.
A networkx graph.
color_by : Graph node attribute with finite discrete categorical values.
See : for learning about node attributes
colormap : Dict mapping values of color_by attribute to different colors. colors can be color string or named colors
like 'r','b' etc or hex values.
>>> colormap = {'male':'b','female':'r'}
>>> node_colors = set_node_color(G,"gender",colormap)
Output : List of colors in the form ['b','b','r','b'] depending on the attribute value for the particular node.
node_colors = [colormap[n[1][color_by]] for n in G.nodes(data=True)]
return node_colors
def set_node_size(G,size_field,min_size,max_size):
""" Returns a list containing values of the size_field attribute from Graph range normalized between [min_size,max_size] interval.
Parameters :
G : graph.
A networkx graph.
size_field : graph node attribute containing numbers(integers or floats).
See : for learning about graph attributes
min_size = minimum value for the new range
max_size = maximum value for the new range.
Equation :
Mapping/scaling a number to a certain range like [0,1] or [-1,1]
y = (x - min(d))*(max(n)-min(n))
---------------------------- + min(n)
min(d) = minimum value in the data
max(d) = maximum value in the data
min(n) = minimum value in the new range
max(n) = maximum value in the new range
input number : x , output : y
Example :
>>>size_field = 'inlink_count'
>>>node_sizes = set_node_size(top_k_subgraph,size_field= "inlink_count",min_size = 0.1, max_size=800)
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Numpy required for calculation")
vals = np.array([n[1][size_field] for n in G.nodes(data=True)])
min_val = vals.min()
max_val = vals.max()
return (((vals - min_val)*(max_size-min_size))/(max_val-min_val)) + min_size
def filter_graph(G,filter_by=None,top=None):
Filters the graph by returning the subgraph for the top x nodes for the given filter_by field.
To learn about subgraphs see :
Parameters :
G : graph.
A networkx graph.
filter_by : Numerical node attribute to filter the graph. Use list comprehension for filtering by catagorical attributes.
top : Number of top nodes to return. E.g if the node attribute is size then the function returns
top = 100 largest node subgraph.
Example :
>>> filter_field = "inlink_count"
>>> filter_graph(G,filter_by=filter_field,top=k)
filter = {n[0]:n[1][filter_by] for n in G.nodes(data=True)}
filter_nodes = sorted(filter.items(), key=lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)[0:top]
return G.subgraph([n[0] for n in filter_nodes])
def set_node_label(G,label_field):
""" Returns a dict mapping nodes to the labels. Used in visualization functions like nx.draw_networkx_labels.
Parameters :
G : graph.
A networkx graph.
label_field : Node attribute to be set as a the label for the node.
Example :
>>> label_field = "label"
>>> labels = set_node_label(G,label_field)
node_labels = dict((n[0], n[1][label_field]) for n in G.nodes(data=True))
return node_labels
def edgecolor_by_source(G,node_colors):
""" Returns a list of colors to set as edge colors based on the source node for each edge.
Parameters :
G : graph.
A networkx graph.
node_colors : list of node colors.
Example :
>>> colormap = {'male':'b','female':'r'}
>>> node_colors = set_node_color(G,"gender",colormap)
>>> edge_colors = edgecolor_by_source(G,node_colors)
edge_colormap = []
node_colormap = dict(zip(G.nodes(),node_colors))
for edge in G.edges():
return edge_colormap
def get_subgraph_pos(G,pos):
Returns the filtered positions for subgraph G. If subgraph = original graph then pos will be returned.
Parameters :
G : A graph object.
Pos : A dictionary with nodes as keys and positions as values.
Example :
>>>pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
>>>subgraph_nodes = ['1','2','3']
>>>subgraph = G.subgraph(subgraph_nodes)
>>>subgraph_positions = get_subgraph_pos(subgraph,pos)
return {k:v for k,v in pos.items() if k in G.nodes()}
def rotate(point, angle, origin = (0,0)):
Rotate a point counterclockwise by a given angle around a given origin.
The angle should be given in radians. Helper function for rotating a layout.
Parameters :
point : tuple in (x,y) form
angle : angle in radians
origin : point will rotate with respect to the origin.
ox, oy = origin
px, py = point
angle = math.radians(angle)
qx = ox + math.cos(angle) * (px - ox) - math.sin(angle) * (py - oy)
qy = oy + math.sin(angle) * (px - ox) + math.cos(angle) * (py - oy)
return qx, qy
# rotation example : pos2 = {k:rotate(v,45,(0.5,0.5)) for k,v in pos2.items()}
def rotation_layout(pos,angle,origin=(0,0)):
""" Rotates the pos to the given angle with respect to origin.
Parameters :
pos : A dictionary with nodes as keys and positions as values.
angle : angle in radians
origin : point will rotate with respect to the origin.
return { k:rotate(v,angle,origin) for k,v in pos.items()}
def draw_networkx_nodes_custom(G,pos,node_size,node_color='r',alpha = 1, ax=None, **kwds):
""" Draws networkx graph nodes with circles instead of using scatter function like draw_networkx_nodes
G: A networkx graph object.
pos : A dictionary with nodes as keys and positions as values
node_size : A list containing node sizes for each node
node_color : A single color or list containing color values. Behavior same as draw_networkx_nodes
alpha : opacity (between 0-1) for setting transparency of the nodes
ax : axis
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Matplotlib required for draw()")
except RuntimeError:
print("Matplotlib unable to open display")
x =[v[0] for v in pos.values()]
y =[v[1] for v in pos.values()]
patches = [plt.Circle((x,y),radius=s) for x,y,s in zip(x,y,node_size)]
coll = matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(patches,color=node_color,alpha=alpha,**kwds)
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