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Last active February 28, 2021 02:39
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from machine import UART
import micropyGPS
import utime, gc, _thread
from m5stack import lcd
from math import radians, sin, cos
gps_s = UART(2, tx=17, rx=16, baudrate=9600, timeout=200, buffer_size=256, lineend='\r\n')
micropyGPS.MicropyGPS.supported_sentences.update({'GNGSA': micropyGPS.MicropyGPS.gpgsa})
gps = micropyGPS.MicropyGPS(9, 'dd')
def GPSwatch():
n = 0
tm_last = 0
satellites = dict()
satellites_used = dict()
while True:
len = gps_s.any()
if len>0:
b =
for x in b:
if 10 <= x <= 126:
stat = gps.update(chr(x))
if stat:
tm = gps.timestamp
tm_now = (tm[0] * 3600) + (tm[1] * 60) + int(tm[2])
if (tm_now - tm_last) >= 10:
n += 1
tm_last = tm_now
print("{} {}:{}:{}".format(gps.date_string(), tm[0], tm[1], int(tm[2])))
str = '%.10f %c, %.10f %c' % (gps.latitude[0], gps.latitude[1], gps.longitude[0], gps.longitude[1])
lcd.print(str, 10, 0)
if gps.satellite_data_updated():
putSatellites(satellites, gps.satellite_data, tm_now)
putSatellitesUsed(satellites_used, gps.satellites_used, tm_now)
drawSatellites(satellites, satellites_used)
if (n % 10) == 0:
print("Mem free:", gc.mem_free())
def putSatellites(sats, new_sats, tm):
for k, v in new_sats.items(): # 衛星の辞書に新しい衛星データーと現在時刻を追加する
sats.update({k: (v, tm)})
for k, v in sats.items(): # 衛星の辞書中で300秒以上古いものを削除する
if tm - v[1] > 300:
print('pop(%s)' % str(k))
def putSatellitesUsed(sats_used, sats, tm):
for x in sats:
sats_used.update({x: tm})
for k, v in sats_used.items():
if tm - v > 300:
print('pop_used(%s)' % str(k))
def drawGrid():
for x in range(40, 121, 40):, 120, x, lcd.DARKGREY)
for x in range(0, 360, 45):
lcd.lineByAngle(160, 120, 0, 120, x, lcd.DARKGREY)
for x in (('N', 165, 10), ('E', 295, 115), ('S', 165, 220), ('W', 15, 115)):
lcd.print(x[0], x[1], x[2])
for x in (('90', 155, 108), ('60', 195, 108), ('30', 235, 108), ('0', 275, 108)):
lcd.print(x[0], x[1], x[2])
def drawSatellites(sats, sats_used):
for k, v in sats.items():
print(k, v[0])
if v[0][0] != None and v[0][1] != None:
l = int((90 - v[0][0]) / 90.0 * 120.0)
lcd.lineByAngle(160, 120, 0, l, v[0][1])
x = 160 + sin(radians(v[0][1])) * l
y = 120 - cos(radians(v[0][1])) * l
color = lcd.GREEN if k in sats_used else lcd.RED, int(y), 4, color, color)
lcd.print(str(k), int(x) + 9, int(y) - 7)
testth=_thread.start_new_thread("GPS", GPSwatch, ())
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key commented Mar 8, 2019


len はpythonの標準関数のため上書きしないほうが良いです。
lenlength など明示的な名前に変更することが望ましいです。

        len = gps_s.any()
        if len>0:
            b =

同様に、 str も標準オブジェクトなので上書きしないほうが良いです。
str_ (標準オブジェクト、関数と同名の変数を定義する場合は最後に _ をつける風習があります)などにするのが良いでしょう。

                            str = '%.10f %c, %.10f %c' % (gps.latitude[0], gps.latitude[1], gps.longitude[0], gps.longitude[1])

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