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Last active December 15, 2015 23:59
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ATM program
class Account
def initialize(first_name, last_name, acc_num, pin, check_bal, sav_bal)
@first_name = first_name
@last_name = last_name
@acc_num = acc_num
@pin = pin
@check_bal = check_bal
@sav_bal = sav_bal
@balance = []
#log in with their pin to verify account
def log_in
prompt = "> "
puts "Please enter enter your pin."
pinput = STDIN.gets.chomp()
if pinput.to_i == @pin.to_i
puts "Correct!"
"Pin not recognized. Please try again."
#this loops the method if they enter the wrong pin. Need to limit.
#Choosing which account to use
def choose_acc
prompt = "> "
puts "Which account would you like to use?\n" + "...Checking\n" + "...Savings\n"
print prompt
open_acc = STDIN.gets.chomp()
if open_acc == "Checking"
@balance = @check_bal
elsif open_acc == "Savings"
@balance = @sav_bal
else open_acc != "Checking" and open_acc != "Savings"
puts "Error. Please Try Again"
return self.choose_acc
def atm_action #need to get it to print out only 2 decimal places.
prompt = "> "
# provide action options
puts "What would you like to do?"
options = ["...Check Balance", "...Deposit", "...Withdrawal"]
puts options
print prompt
decision = STDIN.gets.chomp()
#...Check Balance
if decision == "Check Balance"
print "Your balance is currently #{@balance}"
elsif decision == "Deposit"
puts "How much are you depositing?"
print prompt
deposit = STDIN.gets.chomp()
puts "Confirm you would like to deposit $#{deposit}"
print prompt
choice = STDIN.gets.chomp()
if choice == "yes"
new_balance = deposit.to_f + @balance.to_f
puts "You new balance is $#{new_balance}."
elsif choice == "no"
puts "How much would you like to deposit?"
print prompt
deposit = STDIN.gets.chomp()
new_balance = deposit.to_f + @balance.to_f
puts "Your new balance is #{new_balance}"
elsif decision == "Withdrawal"
puts "How much would you like to withdraw?"
print prompt
withdrawal = STDIN.gets.chomp()
if withdrawal.to_f > @balance.to_f
puts "Your withdrawal request is greater than your balance. Please withdraw a maximum of $#{@balance}"
return self.atm_action
puts "Confirm you would like to withdraw $#{withdrawal}"
puts "yes or no"
print prompt
choice = STDIN.gets.chomp()
if choice == "yes"
new_balance = @balance.to_f - withdrawal.to_f
puts "You new balance is $#{new_balance}. Please retrieve your money below."
elsif choice == "no"
puts "How much would you like to withdraw?"
print prompt
deposit = STDIN.gets.chomp()
new_balance = @balance.to_f - withdrawal.to_f
puts "Your new balance is $#{new_balance}. Please retrieve your money below."
def atm_interaction
puts self.log_in
puts self.choose_acc
puts self.atm_action
first_name, last_name, acc_num, pin, check_bal, sav_bal = ARGV
atm_user =, last_name, acc_num, pin, check_bal, sav_bal)
puts atm_user.atm_interaction
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