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Created September 4, 2015 14:54
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import Graphics.Element exposing (Element)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (collage, toForm, text)
import Signal exposing ((<~))
import Time exposing (Time, every)
import Date exposing (fromTime, hour, minute, second)
import String exposing (padLeft)
import Text exposing (Text, fromString, monospace, height)
import List exposing (map)
main = showTime <~ every Time.second
dateToString : Time -> String
dateToString t =
String.join ":" <| map (\f -> padLeft 2 '0' << toString << f <| fromTime t) [hour, minute, second]
styleDate : String -> Text
styleDate = fromString >> monospace >> height 100
showTime : Time -> Element
showTime t = collage 700 700 [t |> dateToString >> styleDate >> text]
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