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Created August 6, 2014 00:13
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Creates a tomcat run user.
# Create a tomcat run user and apply ownership.
# Example used for DotCMS.
echo "This is a guide. Do not execute this as a script."
exit -1
# Create a group with no permissions
sudo groupadd dotcmsusers
# Create a dotcms user, with no home directory and ssh no login
sudo useradd -M -g dotcmsusers -s /sbin/nologin dotcmsuser
# Lock the account, it is still possible to 'su' into a locked account
sudo usermod -L dotcmsuser
# Give ownership of the dotcms directory to the dotcmsuser
sudo chown -R dotcmsuser:dotcmsusers /opt/dotcms/dotserver
# Update the service script to use the new user
# /bin/su - dotcmsuser -c ${START_DOTCMS}
# /bin/su - dotcmsuser -c ${STOP_CMS}
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